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  • Armfield – Miniature-Scale Research & Development Technology – FT20/FT20A Cheese Vat & Cheese Making Accessories

    The Armfield Cheese Vat is designed to provide practical training in the production of cheese by the traditional method. The Armfield Cheese Vat makes an ideal research facility. When making Cheddar type cheese, approximately 1kg of cheese is prod…

    The Armfield Cheese Vat is designed to provide practical training in the production of cheese by the traditional method. The Armfield Cheese Vat makes an ideal research facility. When making Cheddar type cheese, approximately 1kg of cheese is produced from a ten-litre batch of milk.

  • Armfield – Miniature-Scale Research & Development Technology – FT27 CentriPeel Centrifudge

    The CentriPeel centrifuge is a basket type separator, designed to save time in R&D operations. The FT27 can be operated at up to 400g, reducing the hours typically required for gravity setting a liquid to just a few minutes. The all stainless …

    The CentriPeel centrifuge is a basket type separator, designed to save time in R&D operations. The FT27 can be operated at up to 400g, reducing the hours typically required for gravity setting a liquid to just a few minutes. The all stainless CentriPeel centrifuge is a solid bowl type separator designed to save time in R&D operations. It has a capacity of nine litres per batch and can be operated at up to 400g. It thereby reduces the several hours typically required for gravity setting a liquid to just a few minutes and also gives much improved separation.

  • Berghof – Microwave Digester – Speedwave 4

    The Microwave Digestion System with unique, optical temperature and pressure monitoring of each individual sample during Acid Digestion.

    Patented optical procedure to measure the temperature and pressure of each individual sample guarantees…

    The Microwave Digestion System with unique, optical temperature and pressure monitoring of each individual sample during Acid Digestion.

    Patented optical procedure to measure the temperature and pressure of each individual sample guarantees active and dependable reaction monitoring. The sample material never comes into contact with sensors or probes. Complicated connection of sensors to sample vessels is totally eliminated.

  • Berghof – Microwave Digester – Speedwave Entry

    • Avoid sample contamination through corrosion-resistant oven coating and gas collection system
    • High digestion quality and extremely low blank values …

    • Avoid sample contamination through corrosion-resistant oven coating and gas collection system
    • High digestion quality and extremely low blank values thanks to vessels made of isostatically molded TFMTM-PTFE
    • Easy handling thanks to innovative vessel design and and QuickStart control
    • Constant sample temperature and digestion process results through the power control system in dependence on sample temperature
    • 20% faster cooling and therefore higher sample throughput through additional exhaust unit
    • Complete reaction control due to optical temperature measurement
    • In modern analytics, tasks must be carried out quickly, easily and flawlessly, especially in trace analysis, systematic errors can be reduced to a minimum with the help of modern microwave digestion devices
  • Berghof – Microwave Digester – Speedwave Xpert

    The all-rounder for demanding digestions at elevated temperatures and pressures.

    In addition to the “simple routine samples”, many users also need to process the most challenging sample materials. For this target group, devices …

    The all-rounder for demanding digestions at elevated temperatures and pressures.

    In addition to the “simple routine samples”, many users also need to process the most challenging sample materials. For this target group, devices are required that are both powerful and meet the highest safety requirements. In this context, the all-rounder Speedwave Xpert shines thanks to its new SafePrep concept. The use of 2 magnetrons with a total of 2000 W power significantly increases performance, enabling digestion of the most difficult sample materials. At the same time, the microwave is equipped with dynamically regulated fans which provide a marked noise reduction during digestion in comparison with similar models.

  • Berghof – Pressure Digester-DAB series

    Pressure digestion vessels from Berghof are the systems of choice when it comes to difficult samples, large sample masses, or in labs that value high levels of flexibility. Typical digestion times lie in the range of 2-4 hours. For difficult to di…

    Pressure digestion vessels from Berghof are the systems of choice when it comes to difficult samples, large sample masses, or in labs that value high levels of flexibility. Typical digestion times lie in the range of 2-4 hours. For difficult to digest samples (e.g., SiC), the ability to extend digestion time for practically any desired period represents a decisive advantage. Microwave units cannot be employed for such applications. An additional advantage over microwave systems lies in the fact that larger sample quantities (e.g., 2 g organic samples) can be digested because of the larger available pressure range up to 200 bar / 2900 psi.

  • Bruker – S2 PUMA Series 2 – High-End, Versatile Benchtop EDXRF

    Fast – Next generation SDD and 50 Watt Power

    A high-power (50 W), long-life-time X-ray tube combined with closely coupled optics and the new HighSense™ detectors is the basis for unrivalled EDXRF performance.

    Fast – Next generation SDD and 50 Watt Power

    A high-power (50 W), long-life-time X-ray tube combined with closely coupled optics and the new HighSense™ detectors is the basis for unrivalled EDXRF performance.

  • Claisse – Sample Preparation – LeNeo

    LeNeo fusion instrument is automatic and it has one fusion position. It is ready to use right out of the box since it is small, compact and easy to install. Its safety door is locked during the entire fusion process. It protects against heat and t…

    LeNeo fusion instrument is automatic and it has one fusion position. It is ready to use right out of the box since it is small, compact and easy to install. Its safety door is locked during the entire fusion process. It protects against heat and the automated pouring avoids the manipulation of hot vessels, thus enhancing the operator’s safety. With LeNeo instrument, optimum uptime and quick return on investment (ROI) is guaranteed.

    The fact that this fusion instrument allows the easy loading of crucibles, molds and beakers, that it has over ten preset fusion programs and that is ready to use right of the box without any training makes it really easy to use. LeNeo fusion instrument is also known to enhance security for the operator since its safety door automatically locks to protect him against heat. The fully automated pouring avoids the manipulation of hot vessels.

    LeNeo fusion instrument helps obtaining superior analytical performances as well as accurate and precise results. Its programmable fusion parameters ensure high fusion success rate.

    DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Claisse – Sample Preparation – M4™ Fusion Instrument

    The M4 fusion instrument is fully automatic and it can process three samples at a time. This instrument prepares up to 12 glass disks or 24 borate solutions per hour. It leads to superior analytical results since all of its fusion parameters can b…

    The M4 fusion instrument is fully automatic and it can process three samples at a time. This instrument prepares up to 12 glass disks or 24 borate solutions per hour. It leads to superior analytical results since all of its fusion parameters can be modified and because it guarantees high reproducibility. Other benefits of using the M4 instrument include its low maintenance cost, its automatic spark ignition and the fact that it requires no calibration, compressed air or oxygen to operate.  

    DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Claisse – Sample Preparation – TheOx Advanced Fusion Instrument

    TheOx Advanced fusion instrument is highly productive. It has six fusion positions and it can prepare from 24 to 30 fusions per hour. It delivers fast fusion temperature ramp ups for shorter fusion cycles and an increased sample throughput. This a…

    TheOx Advanced fusion instrument is highly productive. It has six fusion positions and it can prepare from 24 to 30 fusions per hour. It delivers fast fusion temperature ramp ups for shorter fusion cycles and an increased sample throughput. This automatic instrument is equipped with long-lasting components that allow it to withstand heavy workloads and harsh work environments.

    DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Claisse – XRF – Eagon 2

    The Eagon 2 instrument is completely automatic. It has two independent fusion positions that can work synchronously or asynchronously to increase productivity. This fusion instrument guarantees the operator’s safety and cold-to-cold operation. T…

    The Eagon 2 instrument is completely automatic. It has two independent fusion positions that can work synchronously or asynchronously to increase productivity. This fusion instrument guarantees the operator’s safety and cold-to-cold operation. The interlocked doors protect the operator against hot materials and surfaces during the entire fusion process. With its wide choice of predefined fusion methods and its one-touch operation feature, the Eagon 2 instrument is easy to use.

    DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Claisse – Sample Preparation – rFusion® Modular System

    The rFusion station is an automated modular system that doses, mixes and fuses samples to prepare them for XRF analysis. It is divided into two parts: a weighing station including TheAnt™ automatic doser and a fusion station equipped with two M4…

    The rFusion station is an automated modular system that doses, mixes and fuses samples to prepare them for XRF analysis. It is divided into two parts: a weighing station including TheAnt™ automatic doser and a fusion station equipped with two M4™ fusion instruments. This automated station provides our customers with a great ROI by maximizing productivity, by improving analytical results and by having a fast commissioning time.


    DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • ColdBlock™ – Sample Digestion System – CB6L, CB12L, CB30S

    ColdBlock™ Sample Digestion System is the first sample digestion technology using focused short-wave infrared (IR) radiation and a ColdBlock, which delivers exceptional performance even in difficult matrices. 

    ColdBlock™ Sample Digestion System is the first sample digestion technology using focused short-wave infrared (IR) radiation and a ColdBlock, which delivers exceptional performance even in difficult matrices. 

  • CTC PAL – Robotic Autosampler Systems

    The PAL System is one of the most widely used and successful sample preparation and handling platforms. PAL System is your tool box for sample preparation, from a simple liquid injection to complete workflows. A PAL System can b…

    The PAL System is one of the most widely used and successful sample preparation and handling platforms. PAL System is your tool box for sample preparation, from a simple liquid injection to complete workflows. A PAL System can be adapted or extended to meet almost any requirements.

    More than 50’000 users in gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy can’t be wrong.

  • Hielscher Ultrasonics – Laboratory Ultrasonic Devices

    Hielscher ultrasonic laboratory devices are compact, easy-to-use and extremely versatile. They can be used for the processing of a variety of organic and inorganic materials in a wide range of volumes. Typical applications of ultrasonic homogenize…

    Hielscher ultrasonic laboratory devices are compact, easy-to-use and extremely versatile. They can be used for the processing of a variety of organic and inorganic materials in a wide range of volumes. Typical applications of ultrasonic homogenizers include sample preparation, disintegrating and cell lysis, homogenizing, dispersing and disaggregation, particle size reduction and the acceleration of chemical reactions (sonochemistry). Hielscher offers a wide range of ultrasonic homogenizers to be used for these applications in a wide range of volumes from approx. 50µL to 2000mL. The selection of the ultrasonic processor depends on the sample volume to be sonicated. The table below, lists all laboratory devices and the recommended volume respectively.

  • Kjeldahl Digester – Buchi

    The Kjeldahl method KjelDigester reduces the block digestion process by up to two hours and meets the highest safety requirements. The high degree of automation is the perfect match to the KjelMaster System allowing for unprecedented sample throug…

    The Kjeldahl method KjelDigester reduces the block digestion process by up to two hours and meets the highest safety requirements. The high degree of automation is the perfect match to the KjelMaster System allowing for unprecedented sample throughput. Applications includes classical Kjeldahl tasks such as TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen) or Devarda as well as the direct distillation of other volatile components such as alcohol, sulfur dioxide …

  • LabTech – DigiBlocks

    LabTech offers a complete range of DigiBlock digestion systems to fit any customer need. The DigiBlock heating surface is made of graphite or aluminum alloy protected by PTFE coating and can accommodate as many as 54 graduated tubes and operates f…

    LabTech offers a complete range of DigiBlock digestion systems to fit any customer need. The DigiBlock heating surface is made of graphite or aluminum alloy protected by PTFE coating and can accommodate as many as 54 graduated tubes and operates from room temperature up to 450°C.

  • LabTech – Organic Sample Preparation

    Solid-phase extraction, commonly referred to the acronym SPE, is an extraction technique that uses the affinity of a solid substance (solid phase), generally packed in columns or disks, with one or more substances present in a m…

    Solid-phase extraction, commonly referred to the acronym SPE, is an extraction technique that uses the affinity of a solid substance (solid phase), generally packed in columns or disks, with one or more substances present in a more or less complex matrix.

    Differently than any other systems, the LabTech WSPE vacuum manifold features a patented valve system able to grant precise fl ow control through each cartridge. The WSPE vacuum manifolds allow to process up to 12 (WSPE12) or 24 (WSPE24) samples simultaneously.

    The Extrapid manual SPE system is the ideal partner when treatment of large volume samples is required. A unique and fl exible extraction solution for standard and routine SPE needs in environmental analysis.

  • LabTech – XELSIUS

    A compact and fast reactor with 10 completely individually tempered and stirred reactor cells in the temperature range from -20°C to +150°C.

    A compact and fast reactor with 10 completely individually tempered and stirred reactor cells in the temperature range from -20°C to +150°C.

  • PreeKem – Microwave Digestion System

    PreeKem, a leading sample preparation equipment manufacturer in China, is primarily known for its world class microwave-based products that focus on sample preparation, serving analytical community with both organic and inorgani…

    PreeKem, a leading sample preparation equipment manufacturer in China, is primarily known for its world class microwave-based products that focus on sample preparation, serving analytical community with both organic and inorganic analytical needs.

  • Questron Technologies Corp.-Close Vessel Microwave Digestion-QLABPro

    Provides Versatility, Safety, Productivity in Closed Vessel Digestions. Digest samples with precise dual temperature controls. Ideal for developing digestion methods for sensitive environmental and high organic content samples. Multi-layered safet…

    Provides Versatility, Safety, Productivity in Closed Vessel Digestions. Digest samples with precise dual temperature controls. Ideal for developing digestion methods for sensitive environmental and high organic content samples. Multi-layered safety features, including Q-Sens™ temperature and pressure sensor module and OPGuard™ pressure protection mechanism.

  • Questron Technologies Corp.-Express Microwave Ashing System-QAsh 1800

    Our custom designed QAsh software allows the user to make batch fi les that control all aspects of an ashing process. The samples are ramped or held steady at specifi c temperatures in multiple steps as a function of time according to easy-tomake …

    Our custom designed QAsh software allows the user to make batch fi les that control all aspects of an ashing process. The samples are ramped or held steady at specifi c temperatures in multiple steps as a function of time according to easy-tomake batch fi le program. Further, the blower motor and fl ow of air to the sample are both under the control of software. This way, precise, reproducible ashing of samples is possible from day to day. All sample ashing data is collected and stored in hard disk for archiving or future viewing in graphical or tabular formats. Several different batch fi les may be made in order to accommodate the varying types of user sample types. If desired, the sample program can be modifi ed at any time, even during running.

  • Retsch – Jaw Crushers

    Retsch Jaw Crushers are used for the rapid, powerful crushing and pre-crushing of medium-hard, hard, brittle and tough materials. The variety of materials offered, their efficiency and safety make them ideal for sample preparati…

    Retsch Jaw Crushers are used for the rapid, powerful crushing and pre-crushing of medium-hard, hard, brittle and tough materials. The variety of materials offered, their efficiency and safety make them ideal for sample preparation in laboratories and industrial plants.


    Alloys, basalt, cement clinker, ceramics, chamotte, coal, coke, construction materials, feldspar, glass, granite, minerals, ores, oxide ceramics, quartz, rocks, silicon, slag…

  • Thermo Scientific™ – F1-ClipTip™ Fixed Volume Single Channel Pipettes

    Gain confidence with ClipTip technology and pipettes that are ideal for use in set protocols requiring a specific volume while providing low attachment and ejection forces.

    Gain confidence with ClipTip technology and pipettes that are ideal for use in set protocols requiring a specific volume while providing low attachment and ejection forces.

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