CTC PAL – Robotic Autosampler Systems

The PAL System is one of the most widely used and successful sample preparation and handling platforms. PAL System is your tool box for sample preparation, from a simple liquid injection to complete workflows. A PAL System can be adapted or extended to meet almost any requirements.

More than 50’000 users in gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy can’t be wrong.

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Available Models

Laboratories work under time pressure and often with a tremendous workload. The reliability of hardware and software should not be something the user has to worry about. Reliability is just expected from every tool. That is exactly what the PAL RSI was designed for. It is a tool that you can rely on. More than 50.000 PAL systems worldwide are proof of this. It is robust workhorse for analytical labs. RSI is a flexible tool. Its open and modular architecture makes it the most versatile system on the market. Tools can be exchanged readily within minutes.

PAL customers working with GC love the possibility to use liquid, headspace or SPME sampling on the same system. LC customers appreciate the PAL because of its huge sample capacity, the range of syringes and valves available. The PAL RSI is a safe Investment: if your requirements grow an upgrade to the full RTC functionality is possible and gives Access to complete workflow automation.

Automation is the way to increase productivity and (process) safety in the laboratory. Transferring repetitive or dangerous manual tasks to a robot improves safety. The possibility to run the PAL RTC with Robotic Tool Change unattended 24h/day increases throughput, especially for long sample preparations.

The PAL RTC was developed to maximize productivity in analytical and clinical labs. Robotic Tool Change (RTC) brings sample preparation to a higher level. Every process requires a number of different tools for best performance, e.g. a 10µL syringe for the accurate addition of small volumes followed by the dilution with a 1mL syringe. Robotic Tool Change allows to switch between different tools automatically. This additional versatility in combination with the large number of available tools enable the design of tailored automation processes.

Only perfect injection handling gives reproducible results. The PAL LSI is designed for the precise and accurate handling of liquid samples of up to 100 μL in volume. In combination with the PAL Sample Control software all parameters of aspirating and dispensing of liquid samples can be fully controlled. This is crucial for perfect injections. A range of syringes from 1.2 μL to 100 μL is available. In the example highlighted above an aliquot of an internal standard is sandwiched between transport solvent and the sample. Air gaps in between the liquids preclude mixing of the different liquids. The accurate control of these steps is the basis of reproducible methods.

The PAL LSI is a robot that can reach any three dimensional position within its working space and is ideally suited to pick and place objects like vials. It can inject from several sample containers into different detectors or transport vials from a tray to a temperature controlled stack.

Time is money. To maximize productivity the PAL DHR performs tasks with two heads in parallel:

  • Two heads can move independently
  • The heads can execute two independent workflows:
    – Headspace with sample preparation, e.g. standard addition or derivatization
    – High throughput parallel injections into two GC- or LC-systems
  • The software optimizes the timetable to maximize productivity
  • Automatic collision control ensures process safety and easy programming
  • 120 or 160 cm wide working area
  • Combinations of RTC/RSI heads
  • With an RTC head toolchange expands the options further

PAL Consumables

All Smart Syringes features electronic data storage for highest precision and process safety. Each Smart Syringe is equipped with its own read/write chip with preset parameters, ranges and usage tracking. The PAL Smart Syringe is an integral part of the superior quality of every PAL System.

  • Guaranteed Quality: The consistent Quality of each syringe is guaranteed by CTC Analytics.
  • Increased Process Safety: The syringe design is tailor-made for use with the PAL System – approved and validated by CTC Analytics.
  • Ease of Use: The syringe is automatically recognized by the PAL System and all important parameters are automatically loaded – for a simple, fast, and errorfree setup.
  • Identification/Recognition: Every syringe can be traced over its complete lifetime by means of its  own specific ID.
  • Traceable Syringe History: The total number of strokes, temperatures, date of first use and other information can be stored on the chip of every PAL Smart Syringe. Warnings for preventive maintenance can be configured.
  • Color Code for Easy Identification of the Syringe Type: Each syringe head is colored according to the color code printed on every CTC syringe package.

A fast, safe and reliable sample preparation is the key factor for high producitvity and reduced costs per sample. PAL3 Series II with Smart Technology in combination with Smart consumables provides the required process safety and effectivity.

  • Each SPME Arrow is equipped with its unique Smart chip containing parameters,
    ranges and usage history.
  • Automatic application of the correct parameters for the individual Smart Arrow.
  • Color Code for easy optical identification of coating type and thickness.

What Better SPME means

  • Bigger surface, faster extraction: 2x higher sample throughput
  • More sorption phase, superior sensitivity: Up to 10x more sensitivity – wider linear range
  • Optimized geometry, greater robustness: PAL SPME Arrows last at least 2x longer
  • Full traceability: Automatic application of the correct Parameters for the indvidual Smart SPME Arrows

A fast, safe and reliable sample preparation is the key factor for high producitvity and reduced costs per sample. PAL3 Series II with Smart Technology in combination with Smart consumables provides the required process safety and effectivity.

  • Excellent extraction properties combined with Smart handling and operational safety
  • Each SPME Fiber is equipped with its unique Smart chip containing parameters, ranges and usage history
  • Automatic application of the correct parameters for the individual Smart SPME Fibers
  • Color Code for easy identification of coating type and thickness
  • Borosilicate hydrolytic glass vials and polypropylene vials available
  • Better sealing due to flat finish of contact surface to septum
  • Improved bottom shape and thicker glass walls for fast and reliable transportation
  • Reduced glass breakage through refined high quality glass
  • Large labelling area for chemical resistant pencil inscriptions
  • PAL System tested and approved

More Products

CTC Analytics

CTC Analytics, a privately owned Swiss company, is leading in front-end automation for gas and liquid chromatography. Over the last…

  • PAL RSI and RTC Brochure

  • PAL LSI Brochure

  • PAL3 Autosampler Accessories & Smart Consumables

  • PAL Method Composer


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