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Showing 25–48 of 1213 results

  • Agilent – HPLC Columns – Zorbax

    The Agilent ZORBAX column family is one of the most popular HPLC column families for reversed-phase HPLC. ZORBAX columns are based on traditional fully porous particles and offer the highest loading capacity and resolution. From ZORBAX Eclipse Plu…

    The Agilent ZORBAX column family is one of the most popular HPLC column families for reversed-phase HPLC. ZORBAX columns are based on traditional fully porous particles and offer the highest loading capacity and resolution. From ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 to sub-2 micron UHPLC columms, a wide selection of stationary phases and particle sizes allows you to fine-tune your selectivity to match your application.

  • Agilent – ICP-MS Systems – 7850 / 7900 / 8800 ICP Triple Quad (ICP-QQQ)

    Agilent ICP-MS systems utilize innovative technology to deliver excellent sensitivity, accuracy, ease of use and productivity. Our 7800 and 7900 quadrupole ICP-MS systems offer the highest matrix tolerance, widest dynamic range and most effective …

    Agilent ICP-MS systems utilize innovative technology to deliver excellent sensitivity, accuracy, ease of use and productivity. Our 7800 and 7900 quadrupole ICP-MS systems offer the highest matrix tolerance, widest dynamic range and most effective interference removal for trace elements across most typical applications. The 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QQQ) adds MS/MS operation, providing precise control of reaction cell processes to ensure the most consistent and accurate results, resolving interferences that are beyond the capability of quadrupole and sector-field high resolution ICP-MS.

  • Agilent – ICP-OES 5800/5900

    Agilent ICP-OES Instruments for atomic spectroscopy deliver uncompromised performance, speed and ease of use in ICP-OES and ICP-AES applications.

    The new Agilent 5800/5900 ICP-OES Spectrometer is availa…

    Agilent ICP-OES Instruments for atomic spectroscopy deliver uncompromised performance, speed and ease of use in ICP-OES and ICP-AES applications.

    The new Agilent 5800/5900 ICP-OES Spectrometer is available in two configurations, Vertical Dual View (VDV) and Radial View (RV). Both configurations feature the unique detection system, that delivers fast simultaneous measurement over the full 167 to 785 nm wavelength range, the vertical torch and new optical design with Freeform optical technology that enhances sensitivity and resolution.

  • Agilent – Infinity Lab Poroshell Column – InfinityLab Poroshell 120

    Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 superficially porous columns for reversed-phase LC separations offer exceptional efficiency and reliability. Eleven chemistries – from a C18 column to unique chemistries – are available in up to three …

    Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 superficially porous columns for reversed-phase LC separations offer exceptional efficiency and reliability. Eleven chemistries – from a C18 column to unique chemistries – are available in up to three particle diameters: 1.9 µm, 2.7 µm, and 4 µm. This range of chemistries provides a broad choice of selectivity for scalable LC method development, from traditional HPLC to UHPLC and to ultralow dispersion UHPLC.

    InfinityLab Poroshell 120 columns are based on superficially porous particle technology, which features a solid silica core and a porous outer layer. Compared to traditional totally porous particles of the same (or similar) size, Poroshell particles deliver higher chromatographic efficiencies and enable fast, highresolution separations. Poroshell superficially porous particles offer several advantages over totally porous particles: – Uniform particles with smooth surfaces, ensuring smaller particle size distributions – Short analyte diffusion path in/out of the porous layer – Narrow particle size distributions, allowing more uniform packing of column particles.

  • Agilent – InfinityLab Analytical LC Solutions – 1220, 1260, 1290

    Agilent InfinityLab solutions for analytical LC include highly efficient HPLC and UHPLC systems that feature latest technology while maintaining full compatibility with legacy LC instrumentation. The 1220 Infinity II LC delivers…

    Agilent InfinityLab solutions for analytical LC include highly efficient HPLC and UHPLC systems that feature latest technology while maintaining full compatibility with legacy LC instrumentation. The 1220 Infinity II LC delivers high-quality results for an affordable price. The 1260 Infinity II LC is the flexible instrument choice for operational efficiency with the 1260 Infinity II Prime LC bringing more operational convenience. The 1290 Infinity II LC embodies the next generation of liquid chromatography with ultrahigh performance for superior outcomes.

  • Agilent – LC/MS Instruments

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Agilent – MP-AES Systems – 4210 MP-AES

    The Agilent 4210 MP-AES has high sensitivity, detection limits down to ppb levels and is faster than conventional flame Atomic Absorption (AA) for a typical multi-element analysis. Best of all, the Agilent 4210 MP-AES runs on air instead of combus…

    The Agilent 4210 MP-AES has high sensitivity, detection limits down to ppb levels and is faster than conventional flame Atomic Absorption (AA) for a typical multi-element analysis. Best of all, the Agilent 4210 MP-AES runs on air instead of combustible gases.

    The safest, most cost-effective, flexible analysis with Agilent MP-AES systems

    Agilent’s industry-leading microwave plasma-atomic emission spectrometer (MP-AES) systems are powerful, cost-efficient and easy-to-use for a wide range of applications from routine analysis to complex precious metals analysis. By running on air, Agilent MP-AES systems both cost less and are safer than alternative methods that rely on flammable gases. The innovative Agilent 4210 MP-AES system offers higher sensitivity and faster throughput capabilities than flame atomic absorption.

  • Agilent – Portable FTIR – 4500 series

    The Agilent 4500 Series Portable FTIR Spectrometers are portable analyzers that support efforts associated with at site analysis of incoming materials and outgoing finished products in the chemical, food and polymer industries. They are also ideal…

    The Agilent 4500 Series Portable FTIR Spectrometers are portable analyzers that support efforts associated with at site analysis of incoming materials and outgoing finished products in the chemical, food and polymer industries. They are also ideal for proactive maintenance programs of high value equipment and machinery in construction and power production industries. Exceedingly compact, easy to use and rugged, it is a perfect match for applications that require high quality answers quickly. The combination of optics designed for reliability in non-lab environments, innovative sampling interfaces and fit-for-purpose software provides answers for liquid and solid samples at the sample site.

  • Agilent – Portable Raw Material ID Verification – Agilent RapID

    The RapID system is the next generation in portable Raman raw materials ID verification, extending high-throughput spectroscopic analysis through clear packaging to nontransparent and colored containers.

    ID testing of materials in opaque co…

    The RapID system is the next generation in portable Raman raw materials ID verification, extending high-throughput spectroscopic analysis through clear packaging to nontransparent and colored containers.

    ID testing of materials in opaque containers can create a bottleneck in pharmaceutical manufacturing. A dedicated sampling area is needed to open, sample, test and re-seal each container to verify the content’s identity.

  • Agilent – Quadrupole Time of Flight (Q-TOF) LC/MS – 6545, 6545XT, 6560, 6500 Series, 6530, 6550

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Agilent – Raman Quantitative Pharmaceutical Analysis – TRS100

    The TRS100 enables fast, easy to use whole tablet or capsule assay & polymorph analysis for pharmaceutical QC testing. Easier to implement than other spectroscopic methods, Agilent’s transmission Raman spectroscopy (TR…

    The TRS100 enables fast, easy to use whole tablet or capsule assay & polymorph analysis for pharmaceutical QC testing. Easier to implement than other spectroscopic methods, Agilent’s transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS) technology allows simple method-development and deployment in QC applications.

    A TRS100 system can reduce content uniformity (CU), assay, and ID tests to minutes per batch, saving significant cost and speeding up your QC workflow.

    TRS100 system trays can hold up to 300 coated tablets or intact capsules, or tens of glass vials or powder samples. Sample preparation and consumables are not needed, meaning skilled analytical resource is not required. CU testing methods using transmission Raman have been approved by regulators using ICH and regulatory-authority acceptable protocols.

    Solid state Analysis: The TRS100 can be used for quantitative measurement of polymorph content in intact tablets, with LOQ of 0.1-1% w/w – significantly better than XRPD. TRS can be used for residual crystallinity in amorphous API/tablet analysis.

  • Agilent – Raman Spectroscopy – Vaya Raman

    Vaya improves current testing protocols—from low volume sampling to 100% ID testing— and if regulators require more testing in future, you can move to a higher-throughput process without any additional equipment. The system …

    Vaya improves current testing protocols—from low volume sampling to 100% ID testing— and if regulators require more testing in future, you can move to a higher-throughput process without any additional equipment. The system combines conventional Raman with unique spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) for maximum sample/container compatibility. With a dedicated raw material identity testing workflow, Vaya is fast, fully compliant, easy to deploy and simple to use, requiring minimal training or operator skill.

  • Agilent – Sample Preparation Products

    Our suite of sample preparation products can help you to achieve better results from your analyses, while also extending the lifetime of your column and instrument components. Our purification and filtration products provide reliable results for r…

    Our suite of sample preparation products can help you to achieve better results from your analyses, while also extending the lifetime of your column and instrument components. Our purification and filtration products provide reliable results for repeated analyses. Our QuEChERS, solid phase extraction (SPE), solid phase microextraction (SPME), and supported liquid extraction (SLE) products ensure your samples are free of interferences, even with complex matrices.

  • Agilent – Single Quadrupole LC/MS – LC/MSD, LC/MSD XT

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Agilent – Time of Flight (TOF) LC/MS – 6200 Series, 6230B

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Agilent – UV-Vis & UV-Vis-NIR Systems – Cary Series

    Cary UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometers continue to build upon the optical design principles proposed by Howard Cary and embodied in the world’s first commercial recording UV-Vis spectrophotometer, the Cary 11, in 1947. For more than 75 years the Car…

    Cary UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometers continue to build upon the optical design principles proposed by Howard Cary and embodied in the world’s first commercial recording UV-Vis spectrophotometer, the Cary 11, in 1947. For more than 75 years the Cary design philosophy has remained the same—a spectrophotometer for those who must push the limits of performance and yet have an instrument that is adaptable to many different applications.

  • Anvajo – Acella Sample Carrier

    The first proprietary sample carrier specificial designed for the fluidlab R-300.

    Acella is a proprietary sample carrier format that uses a glass substrate. Its low sample chamber heights make the acella a perfect fit for microscopic appli…

    The first proprietary sample carrier specificial designed for the fluidlab R-300.

    Acella is a proprietary sample carrier format that uses a glass substrate. Its low sample chamber heights make the acella a perfect fit for microscopic applications such as particle counting or cell classification. The acella can also be used under a fluorescence microscope or for control purposes under a normal microscope.

  • Anvajo – Fluidlab R-300

    The first device that combines Cell Counting and Spectrometry

    Combining a full-fledged spectrometer with an automated cell counter, a variety of analyses such as absorbance, scatterlight and time-series m…

    The first device that combines Cell Counting and Spectrometry

    Combining a full-fledged spectrometer with an automated cell counter, a variety of analyses such as absorbance, scatterlight and time-series measurements, automated cell counting and staining-free viability measurements can be performed. The intuitive handling and precise measurements make the fluidlab R-300 the laboratory instrument of the future.

  • AQUALYTIC-BOD Measurement System-BD 600

    The BD 600 is a respirometric system for the determination of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). Save time, reduce the potential for errors and easily interpret data to help make process control decisions for your plant.

    The BD 600 is a respirometric system for the determination of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). Save time, reduce the potential for errors and easily interpret data to help make process control decisions for your plant.


    The AQUALYTIC® COD VARIO set-up allows highly sensitive and precise water testing with minimum effort. It measures the ST-COD concentration by photometric detection employing a linear relationship between absorbance and concentration.

    The AQUALYTIC® COD VARIO set-up allows highly sensitive and precise water testing with minimum effort. It measures the ST-COD concentration by photometric detection employing a linear relationship between absorbance and concentration.

  • AQUALYTIC-Electrochemistry Meter-AL15

    The AL15 combines the features of several electrochemistry meters. It is designed for multi purpose operation and measures pH/Redox, dissolved oxygen and conductivity/TDS. The AL15 incorporates an intuitive user interface, large, easy to read disp…

    The AL15 combines the features of several electrochemistry meters. It is designed for multi purpose operation and measures pH/Redox, dissolved oxygen and conductivity/TDS. The AL15 incorporates an intuitive user interface, large, easy to read display and is supplied with a sturdy handy case with electrodes, buffer solution and accessories.

  • AQUALYTIC-Thermostatically Controlled Incubators-TC-Series

    The TC series of thermostatically controlled cabinets is used for continuous temperature control over a range of 2 °C to 40 °C. This makes them ideal for a wide range of different applications in industrial and research laboratories. In particul…

    The TC series of thermostatically controlled cabinets is used for continuous temperature control over a range of 2 °C to 40 °C. This makes them ideal for a wide range of different applications in industrial and research laboratories. In particular they are ideal for the temperature-controlled
    storage of samples or BOD determination in effluent analysis work.

  • AQUALYTIC-Turbidity Meter-AL250T-IR

    The compact AQUALYTIC® infrared turbidity meter AL250T-IR is designed to allow fast, precise on-site testing. The unit measures the scattered light at an angle of 90°, as stipulated in EN ISO 27 027. The wide measuring range from 0.01-1100 TE/F …

    The compact AQUALYTIC® infrared turbidity meter AL250T-IR is designed to allow fast, precise on-site testing. The unit measures the scattered light at an angle of 90°, as stipulated in EN ISO 27 027. The wide measuring range from 0.01-1100 TE/F = NTU = FNU makes the instrument suitable for various applications, ranging from drinking water to waste water.

    As infrared light is used for measurement, the instrument can be used to test both coloured and colourless liquids. Calibration standards are also supplied. An alternative adjustment mode allows entry of user-defined turbidity standards.

  • Armfield – Advanced Fluid Mechanics – C15 Computer Controlled Subsonic Wind Tunnel

    The Armfield C15 is a new computer-controlled subsonic benchtop wind tunnel designed for undergraduate teaching. A small, benchtop wind tunnel, with visible working section. A wide range of accessories and instrumentation options are available, al…

    The Armfield C15 is a new computer-controlled subsonic benchtop wind tunnel designed for undergraduate teaching. A small, benchtop wind tunnel, with visible working section. A wide range of accessories and instrumentation options are available, allowing a comprehensive study of subsonic aerodynamics. The facility is suitable for undergraduate training and project work.

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