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Showing 1–24 of 25 results

  • Biolin – Attension Theta Optical Tensiometers

    Attension® offers leading contact angle and surface tension solutions for industrial quality control and R&D as well as for academic research. The core of Attension solutions is a combination of easy-to-use, smart instrume…

    Attension® offers leading contact angle and surface tension solutions for industrial quality control and R&D as well as for academic research. The core of Attension solutions is a combination of easy-to-use, smart instrumentation with broad surface science capabilities.

  • Biolin – Deposition & Characterization of Thin Films

    KSV NIMA provides instruments and measurement solutions for the fabrication and characterization of advanced organized thin films with controlled packing density.

    KSV NIMA provides instruments and measurement solutions for the fabrication and characterization of advanced organized thin films with controlled packing density.

  • Biolin – Force Tensiometers

    State of the art force tensiometers with outstanding versatility and high level of automation. Fully automated critical micelle concentration (CMC) determination with high accuracy. A standalone force tensiometer with automated sample stage for pr…

    State of the art force tensiometers with outstanding versatility and high level of automation. Fully automated critical micelle concentration (CMC) determination with high accuracy. A standalone force tensiometer with automated sample stage for precise measurements. Easy to operate.

  • Biolin – Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs (L&LB)

    Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs Premium systems to create thin film coatings with controlled packing density.

    Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs Premium systems to create thin film coatings with controlled packing density.

  • Biolin – Optical Tensiometers – New Attension Theta Premium Range

    Attension® tensiometers inspire new discoveries and more confident decisions towards seamless production and higher quality products. With its intuitive user interface, slick design and all-inclusive software, it is easy to operate wit…

    Attension® tensiometers inspire new discoveries and more confident decisions towards seamless production and higher quality products. With its intuitive user interface, slick design and all-inclusive software, it is easy to operate with high flexibility and unrivaled automation options. 

  • Biolin – QCM-D Instruments

    QSense® is the world-leading, premium QCM-D solution for nanoscale tracking of interactions at surfaces and interfaces. It can provide you with unique, reproducible, in-depth data with high productivity and ease of use along the way.


    QSense® is the world-leading, premium QCM-D solution for nanoscale tracking of interactions at surfaces and interfaces. It can provide you with unique, reproducible, in-depth data with high productivity and ease of use along the way.

    This enables a fundamental understanding of processes, an early indication of real-life outcome and the ability to optimize products and processes for authentic conditions. By investing in a QSense instrument you put yourself and your team at the forefront of scientific progress and technological innovation.

  • Biolin – QSense Omni

    QSense Omni is the new, cutting-edge instrument from the pioneers of QCM-D. Based on established technology, which has supported a deeper understanding of surface and interface interactions for decades, QSense Omni gives you sharper QCM-D data and…

    QSense Omni is the new, cutting-edge instrument from the pioneers of QCM-D. Based on established technology, which has supported a deeper understanding of surface and interface interactions for decades, QSense Omni gives you sharper QCM-D data and a smooth journey in the lab. Unfold unique insights quicker and base your decisions on reliable results from highly controlled measurements.  

  • Biolin – QSense Superior Accuracy in Surface Interaction Analysis

    QSense is a line of instrumentation for real-time analysis of surface-molecule interactions.

    QSense is a line of instrumentation for real-time analysis of surface-molecule interactions.

  • Bruker – S2 POLAR – The EDXRF for the Petrochemical Industry

    The S2 POLAR masters all requirements for S analysis from diesel to crude oils. This also includes continuous process control of higher sulfur levels in refineries as well as norm-compliant Ultra-Low Sulfur (ULS) analysis of fin…

    The S2 POLAR masters all requirements for S analysis from diesel to crude oils. This also includes continuous process control of higher sulfur levels in refineries as well as norm-compliant Ultra-Low Sulfur (ULS) analysis of final products.

    The S2 POLAR complies with the international S norms such as ASTM D7220, D4294, and ISO 13032.

    With its capability to measure multiple elements simultaneously, including important elements in process control such as Ni, V, Fe and CI, the S2 POLAR is well suited for the analytical demands of refineries in one single instrument.

    The S2 POLAR is also well suited for the norm-compliant analysis of additives in lubricating oils according to ASTM D6481 and ASTM D7751 that includes the elements Mg, P, S, Cl, Ca, Zn, and Mo. Furthermore this also includes the analysis of elements in edible oils or palm oils.

  • Bruker – S2 PUMA Series 2 – High-End, Versatile Benchtop EDXRF

    Fast – Next generation SDD and 50 Watt Power

    A high-power (50 W), long-life-time X-ray tube combined with closely coupled optics and the new HighSense™ detectors is the basis for unrivalled EDXRF performance.

    Fast – Next generation SDD and 50 Watt Power

    A high-power (50 W), long-life-time X-ray tube combined with closely coupled optics and the new HighSense™ detectors is the basis for unrivalled EDXRF performance.

  • Bruker – X-ray Micro-CT – SKYSCAN 1272

    Exceptional Performance Beyond Researcher’s Imaginations
    The system can nondestructively visualize up to 209 Megapixel (14450×14450 pixels) virtual slices through objects, more than 2600 such slices after a single scan using newly developed 16Mp and 11Mp X-ray detectors in up to three offset positions. Due to phase-contrast enhancement, object details as small as 0.35um can be detected.

    The innovative flexible acquisition geometry of the SKYSCAN 1272 scanner is particularly advantageous over intermediate resolution levels, where scans are several times faster (to obtain the same or better image quality) compared to micro-CT systems with a fixed source-detector design.

  • Bruker – X-ray Micro-CT – SKYSCAN 1273

    High-Capacity 3D X-ray Microscopy

    The SKYSCAN 1273 is Bruker’s latest benchtop 3D X-ray microscope based on micro computed tomography (Micro-CT) technology. Samples with up to 500 mm length, 300 mm diameter, and a maximum…

    High-Capacity 3D X-ray Microscopy

    The SKYSCAN 1273 is Bruker’s latest benchtop 3D X-ray microscope based on micro computed tomography (Micro-CT) technology. Samples with up to 500 mm length, 300 mm diameter, and a maximum weight of 20 kg can be accommodated, a new standard for non-destructive testing (NDT) with benchtop instruments. Best-in-class components turn the SKYSCAN 1273 into a real power pack. The combination of a high-energy X-ray source running at high power and a large format flat-panel detector with ultimate sensitivity and speed provides excellent image quality in just a few seconds.

    The comprehensive software for straightforward data collection, advanced image analysis, and powerful visualization makes the SKYSCAN 1273 an easy to use 3D X-ray microscope.

    The SKYSCAN 1273 benchtop 3D X-ray microscope requires minimum lab space, is easy to start running, and virtually maintenance-free. Consequently, the SKYSCAN 1273 offers high system uptime with low cost of ownership.

  • Bruker – X-ray Micro-CT – SKYSCAN 1275

    Fast, Automated, Desk-top X-Ray Micro tomograph

    Fast, Easy to Use and with no Compromise on Image Quality – the New Bruker SkyScan 1275 delivers a Winning Combination for Research and Industrial Markets

    The SkyScan1275 is specially designed for fast scanning using new advances in the technology of X-ray sources and efficient flat-panel detectors. Shortening the distance between source and detector and very fast camera readout opens the possibility for reducing scan time down to a few minutes without compromising image quality. Current developments in fast reconstruction accelerated by graphics cards give an additional gain in performance and speed.

    Fast realistic visualization of results by volume rendering enables fabulous imaging of internal object’s microstructure with power to reveal all internal details by virtual cut or virtual flight around and inside the objects. Fast scanning with high quality results is crucial for scientific research and industrial applications such as quality control or production process monitoring. The SkyScan1275 provides a high level of automation. Simple push of a button on the front of the system starts an auto-sequence of a fast scan followed by reconstruction and volume rendering executed during scanning of the next sample.

  • Bruker – X-ray Micro-CT – SKYSCAN 2214

    The SKYSCAN 2214 is the latest nanotomograph by Bruker, the pioneer of microCT technology. The SKYSCAN 2214 offers X-ray microscopy at extreme resolutions with an unparalleled user experience. The latest technologies in each of the components make…

    The SKYSCAN 2214 is the latest nanotomograph by Bruker, the pioneer of microCT technology. The SKYSCAN 2214 offers X-ray microscopy at extreme resolutions with an unparalleled user experience. The latest technologies in each of the components make this the most complete and versatile system on the market today.

    The new Multiscale X-ray nanotomograph SKYSCAN 2214 covers the widest range of object sizes and spatial resolutions in one single instrument. It opens unique possibilities for 3D imaging and exact modeling of geological materials in oil and gas exploration, composite materials, Li batteries, fuel cells, electronic assemblies, as well as ex-vivo preclinical applications like in lung imaging or tumour vascularization.

    The instrument allows scanning and 3D non-destructive reconstruction of internal microstructure of objects as large as >300mm in diameter as well submicron resolution for small samples. The world’s fastest hierarchical 3D reconstruction software speeds-up imaging object’s internal microstructure 10-100 times compare to traditionally used algorithms or GPU-accelerated reconstruction.

    The system contains “open type” [pumped] X-Ray source with <0.5 microns spot size and diamond window. It can be equipped with one to four X-Ray detectors: flat-panel for large objects, 11Mp cooled CCD with wide field of view, 11Mp cooled CCD with medium field of view, 8Mp cooled CCD for highest spatial resolution. Automatically variable acquisition geometry and phase-contrast enhancement allow obtaining best possible quality in relatively short scanning time. The full range of Bruker-microCT software is supplied, including fast volumetric reconstruction, software for 2D/3D quantitative analysis and for realistic 3D visualization. Supplied software also includes volume rendering and easy creation of realistic movies with possibility for virtual flight around and inside the reconstructed object's microstructure. Reconstruction results can be sent to iPad, iPhone or Android devices. Special software for mobile platforms performs volume rendering and virtual cut of objects with touch screen gesture controls.

  • ColdBlock™ – Sample Digestion System – CB6L, CB12L, CB30S

    ColdBlock™ Sample Digestion System is the first sample digestion technology using focused short-wave infrared (IR) radiation and a ColdBlock, which delivers exceptional performance even in difficult matrices. 

    ColdBlock™ Sample Digestion System is the first sample digestion technology using focused short-wave infrared (IR) radiation and a ColdBlock, which delivers exceptional performance even in difficult matrices. 

  • Colloid Metrix – Particle Size – NANO-flex® II

    The NANO-flex® II 180° DLS system measures particle size distributions of suspensions and emulsions in the range of 0.3 nm to 10 μm and concentrations up to 40 % by volume. The principle of heterodyne 180° backscattering applied here is charac…

    The NANO-flex® II 180° DLS system measures particle size distributions of suspensions and emulsions in the range of 0.3 nm to 10 μm and concentrations up to 40 % by volume. The principle of heterodyne 180° backscattering applied here is characterized by its high selectivity in the nm range and a very high resolution; it is also suitable for samples with a wide or multi-modal size distribution. Due to the low penetration depth of the laser light, samples of high concentration are measured without disturbing multiple scattering. 

  • Microtrac – Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) – Nanotrac Flex

    Microtrac MRB’s NANOTRAC Flex is a highly flexible nanoparticle size analyzer based on Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) which provides information on particle size, concentration, and molecular weight. It allows faster measureme…

    Microtrac MRB’s NANOTRAC Flex is a highly flexible nanoparticle size analyzer based on Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) which provides information on particle size, concentration, and molecular weight. It allows faster measurements with reliable technology, higher precision, and better accuracy. All of this combined into compact a DLS analyzer with a revolutionary fixed optical probe.

  • Microtrac – Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) – Nanotrac Wave Series

    Microtrac MRB’s NANOTRAC Wave II / Q / Zeta is a highly flexible Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) analyzer which provides information on particle size, zeta potential, concentration, and molecular weight. It allows faster measur…

    Microtrac MRB’s NANOTRAC Wave II / Q / Zeta is a highly flexible Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) analyzer which provides information on particle size, zeta potential, concentration, and molecular weight. It allows faster measurements with reliable technology, higher precision, and better accuracy. All of this combined into a compact DLS analyzer with a revolutionary fixed optical probe.

  • Microtrac – Laser Diffraction – SYNC

    The SYNC laser diffraction particle size analyzer is ideally suited for routine QC applications. It also provides valuable information to researchers as they develop new materials and processes. The powerful analyzer software pr…

    The SYNC laser diffraction particle size analyzer is ideally suited for routine QC applications. It also provides valuable information to researchers as they develop new materials and processes. The powerful analyzer software provides both particle size distribution information as well as a multitude of morphological particle parameters. The patented BLEND routine allows users to examine materials over a wide range of sizes from 0.01 microns to 4000 microns.

  • Novasina – Differential Pressure

    The Novasina Differential Pressure products offer precise and reliable solutions for monitoring and calibrating low differential pressures in clean rooms, HVAC systems, and filter systems with high accuracy and long-term stability.

    The Novasina Differential Pressure products offer precise and reliable solutions for monitoring and calibrating low differential pressures in clean rooms, HVAC systems, and filter systems with high accuracy and long-term stability.

  • Novasina – Humidity & Temperature Measurement

    The Novasina humidity and temperature measurement systems offer precise, multi-sensor solutions for diverse applications. Models include industrial transmitters, handheld devices, and data loggers that ensure high accuracy, efficient data collecti…

    The Novasina humidity and temperature measurement systems offer precise, multi-sensor solutions for diverse applications. Models include industrial transmitters, handheld devices, and data loggers that ensure high accuracy, efficient data collection, and easy integration for various industries.

  • Novasina – Water Activity

    Novasina’s water activity meters provide precise measurements for diverse industries. These devices offer reliable, portable, and user-friendly options for various sample types, ensuring quality control and regulatory compliance.

    Novasina’s water activity meters provide precise measurements for diverse industries. These devices offer reliable, portable, and user-friendly options for various sample types, ensuring quality control and regulatory compliance.

  • Particle Metrix – ZetaView

    Biological nanoparticles such as extracellular vesicles (EVs), exosomes, viruses, or virus-like particles are a rapidly growing area of research in the life sciences and nanomedical field. The rapid in vitro measurement of multi…

    Biological nanoparticles such as extracellular vesicles (EVs), exosomes, viruses, or virus-like particles are a rapidly growing area of research in the life sciences and nanomedical field. The rapid in vitro measurement of multiple physical parameters such as size, concentration, surface charge, and phenotype characteristics is the special feature of the Particle Metrix ZetaView®.

    Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) captures the Brownian motion of each particle in the video. Based on the different diffusion movements of large and small particles in the surrounding liquid, the hydrodynamic diameter of the particles is determined. Furthermore, the charge state of the particle surface (zeta potential) can be measured via the movement of the particles in an applied electric field.

    Pattern parameters, such as intensity fluctuations, surface geometry and shape of the particles as well as particle concentration are documented at each recording and can be used to distinguish sub-populations.

    All these analyzes are carried out quickly and statistically reliably as required in the scattered light or fluorescence mode.

  • Serstech – Raman Spectrometer – Arx

    Serstech Arx is a revolutionizing instrument, introducing SharpEyeTM – a patented autofocus technology which improves the signal quality dramatically. Serstech Arx identifies unknown substances quickly and precisel…

    Serstech Arx is a revolutionizing instrument, introducing SharpEyeTM – a patented autofocus technology which improves the signal quality dramatically. Serstech Arx identifies unknown substances quickly and precisely.

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