Waters – LC/MS Instruments

Waters mass spectrometers provide you with the tools to confidently identify and quantify unknown compounds in complex samples, and confirm trace components at the lowest possible levels. Instrumentation that allows you to comprehensively catalog complex samples in a single analysis is now available. With technologies like QuanTof (for a new dimension in high-resolution exact mass MS), StepWave (for confirmation of trace components), Triwave (for characterization of complex mixtures), and MSE (for exact-mass ion spectra from your samples), your possibilities are endless.

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Single Quadrupole Mass Detection

Single quad technology is a well respected, robust and reliable mass detection technique for many different functional areas of LC-MS across many different industries. Designed for compatibility with UPLC, UPSFC, HPLC, and AutoPurification, and with a wide range of ionization options, single quadrupole mass detection is an easy way to generate an extra dimension of information from your separation.

RADIAN ASAP Direct Mass Detector

The Power of Knowing Now

Whether you are looking to improve your drug discovery cycle, expand your client services, or simply become more competitive in your turnaround times; integrating direct MS analysis can drive multiple system-wide efficiencies helping to achieve your operational goals. Combining flexibility, ease of operation and speed without the need for complex sample preparation, separation or extensive MS experience, the RADIAN ASAP helps you and your laboratory achieve more.

  • Simple operation and data interpretation
  • Minimal sample preparation
  • No separation required
  • Real-time results and classification

ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector

Press On to Bring the Power of Mass Detection to Your Lab

With great detection power comes great possibility – Minimize the risk of unexpected coelutions or components and confirm trace components with the analytical confidence of mass detection. Enhance the analytical value and productivity of each analysis.

  • Intuitive operation
  • More information from every sample
  • Effortless integration
  • Increased efficiency
  • Resolving complexity

SQ Detector 2

Designed for the routine, prepared for the unexpected

Compatible with the broadest range of chromatography platforms and ionization sources, the SQ Detector 2 is the ultimate single quadrupole mass detector for chromatography.

  • IntelliStart™ guarantees maximum system performance and usability for reproducible results
  • A wide mass range enables uncompromised analysis of both low and high molecular weight species
  • Versatile chromatographic options ensure compatibility with the broadest range of applications
  • Universal Ion Source Architecture offers easy compatibility with the widest range of analytes

Tandem Quadrupole (Triple Quadrupole) Mass Spectrometry

Waters innovative tandem quadrupole MS technology is designed for quantitative UPLC®-MS/MS. Our philosophy centers on making high performance accessible, robust, reliable.

Xevo TQ-XS Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry

One system. Every analyte. All the time.

Demands on analytical laboratories are changing and every laboratory needs to ensure it can keep pace with these changes. The Xevo® TQ-XS offers:

  • StepWave XS™ ion guide that provides increased sensitivity for challenging compounds.
  • Enhanced detection system with six orders of linear dynamic range to ensure sensitivity is accessible.
  • Tool-free probe design reduces the time taken for any routine maintenance and provides improved reproducibility between users.

Xevo TQ-S

A step change in sensitivity with the Xevo TQ-S

Designed for the most demanding quantitative UPLC-MS/MS applications. The ultimate in tandem quadrupole performance allows you to achieve unrivalled sensitivity and robustness, available to everyone due to the accessibility of the Xevo platform.

  • Class leading sensitivity and robustness
  • Qualitative information when you need it most
  • Accelerated method development for sensitive and robust methods
  • Reduces complexity, increases ease of use, and ensures the correct result every time
  • The widest range of ionization capabilities today, future-proofing for the innovations of tomorrow

Xevo TQ-S micro Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry

High Performance from a Compact Design with Rapid, Reliable and Reproducible Quantitative Data

Revolutionary design has produced a tandem quadrupole instrument with a small footprint that delivers consistent low levels of quantitation with a wide dynamic range.

  • Class-leading performance that can fit into any lab
  • Quantify highly polar, ionic compounds in food
  • Benefit from flexibility and compatibility across the board
  • Robust performance, even with the most complex sample matrices

Xevo TQ-S cronos Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry

Transform your quantitative capabilities. Accessible reliable performance.

High performance quantitation, accessible to all. Routine testing doesn’t have to be limited – maximize your performance by expanding your analytes per injection and extending your validated concentration range, without increasing your lab footprint. Delivering purpose driven performance, so you can:

  • easily acquire and review your quantitative data to meet your analytical and regulatory needs
  • target more analytes per injection and cover a wider concentration range
  • develop robust methods and easily set up your system for analysis

Xevo TQD Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry

The rugged, robust and reliable Xevo TQD

The single vendor solution for routine quantitative UPLC-MS/MS applications, providing maximum accessibility to the sensitivity, selectivity and robustness needed to ensure maximum productivity with minimum effort.

  • Maximum uptime through unparalleled robustness
  • Accelerated method development for sensitive and robust methods
  • Reduces complexity, increases ease of use, and ensures the correct result every time
  • Maximize throughput with no compromise on quality
  • The widest range of ionization capabilities today, future-proofing for the innovations of tomorrow

Xevo TQ-GC Mass Spectrometry System

The perfect addition to your laboratory

A robust EI and CI GC-MS/MS platform engineered to maximize uptime with:

  • Minimal method development enabled by Quanpedia™ method database driven workflows
  • High performance and reliable so you can easily surpass regulatory limits
  • Rapid and mistake-proof source design to simplify maintenance tasks
  • Maintain regulatory compliance with MassLynx security
  • Reduce training time and costs with a single software workflow for LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS analysis
  • Wide range of injection modes, including liquid, headspace and SPME analysis

Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry

Waters Time-of-flight MS systems, featuring QuanTof and MSE technologies, provide the highest UPLC-MS performance to meet the needs of challenging qualitative and quantitative applications.

BioAccord LC-MS System with ACQUITY Premier for Routine Biotherapeutic Analysis​

BioAccord LC-MS System with ACQUITY Premier

The BioAccord LC-MS System with ACQUITY Premier is designed specifically for routine monitoring in biopharmaceutical process and product development.

  • Rapid and confident decisions driven by accessible, high quality data​
  • Simplicity, consistency and productivity ensured by automation​
  • Relevant information provided by biotherapeutic analysis workflows and methods​
  • Compliant-ready platform that can be deployed from discovery to GxP labs​
  • Rapid deployment and return on investment​
  • Small system footprint

ACQUITY RDa Detector

Delivering SmartMS to the Masses

Increase productivity, improve data confidence and simplify routine accurate mass workflows with the new ACQUITY RDa Detector.

Compact, compliance-ready and easy-to-use, this LC-MS system ensures your entire laboratory can easily access high resolution mass measurements to instantly start working smarter, not harder.

Xevo G2-XS Tof Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Performance, robustness, and flexibility made accessible to everyone

For the scientist who needs to identify, quantify and confirm the broadest range of compounds in the most complex and challenging samples.

  • Maximum robustness with no compromise in performance
  • Highest quality, most comprehensive qualitative and quantitative information
  • Flexibility to adapt to changing needs
  • Accessible to experts and non-experts alike
  • Upgrade path to full QTof functionality

BioAccord LC-MS System for Biopharmaceuticals

The First Smart MS-Enabled Biopharma Solution

Engineered Simplicity

The BioAccord LC-MS System is the first SmartMS-enabled biopharmaceutical solution. This compact, self-optimizing system has a built-in health check that ensures the system is always generating data of the required quality.

The simplicity provided by SmartMS means that the BioAccord generates the same high-quality results whether you are an LC-MS expert or a new user.

Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry

Waters Quadrupole Time-of-flight MS systems, featuring ion mobility, QuanTof, Fast DDA and MSE technologies, provide the highest UPLC-MS/MS performance to meet the needs of challenging qualitative and quantitative applications.

SYNAPT XS High Resolution Mass Spectrometer

Without discovery, decisions are made in the dark

In the arena of scientific discovery, the slow pace of advancement and escalating costs of research can prove to be a challenge. The SYNAPT XS mass spectrometer shatters these barriers by providing ultimate flexibility and greater freedom of analytical choice to support scientific creativity and technical success for any application.

  • Novel technology building blocks deliver cutting-edge analytical performance
  • SONAR and HDMSE provide a unique toolkit for interrogating complex mixtures
  • Ion mobility multiplies peak capacity and selectivity of analysis
  • CCS measurements increase security of compound identification


Ultimate power, ultimate performance. Redefine the boundaries of science.

Developed through focused collaboration, the SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS combines novel cyclic ion mobility separation with state-of-the-art high performance, time-of-flight mass spectrometry, enabling leading researchers to unlock the potential in scientific discovery.

  • Extends the benefits of routine ion mobility
  • Provides variable, high-resolution ion mobility separations
  • Introduces the unique ability to perform ion mobility/ion mobility and IMSn experiments

Xevo G2-XS QTof Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

eXtreme Sensitivity, eXtraordinary Selectivity, eXceptional Solutions

For the scientist who needs to identify, quantify and confirm the broadest range of compounds in the most complex and challenging samples.

  • Maximum robustness with no compromise in performance
  • Class-leading real-world quantitative sensitivity
  • Highest quality, most comprehensive qualitative information
  • Flexibility to adapt to changing needs
  • Accessible to experts and non-experts alike

Vion IMS QTof Ion Mobility Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry

Beyond Resolution

Do you have the vision to see what others don’t see? The risk of not seeing everything in your sample – or not seeing everything clearly – can be high, especially if this results in incorrect identifications or time-consuming additional confirmatory experiments. Vion IMS QTof dramatically reduces this risk as it has the sensitivity and dynamic range to make ion mobility quantitative and routinely usable, enabling you to:

  • Reduce the risk of missed metabolites in DMPK analyses
  • Overcome complex and complicated matrices in food analysis
  • Generate high-quality peptide mapping data for Biopharma

Full Spectrum Molecular Imaging

Yield comprehensive results with combined imaging techniques

Unique to the SYNAPT XS and SELECT SERIES MRT, Full Spectrum Molecular Imaging (FSMI) represents a combination of advanced Mass Spectrometry (MS) imaging technologies, integrating DESI, MALDI, and ion mobility mass spectrometry through a dedicated imaging informatics solution. Waters’ FSMI system provides detailed molecular information that exceeds any single MS imaging technique currently available, delivering high quality, comprehensive, spatially resolved molecular information across a variety of application areas, and with the minimum of time and effort.

  • Discover, identify, and measure the spatial distribution of target or endogenous molecules
  • Perform imaging studies without the need for labelled probes
  • Effectively study a wide range of large and small molecules
  • Extract the maximum level of information from a single sample
  • Obtain definitive molecular distribution of key compounds

Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry

From research to routine – use ion mobility to enhance your analyses

Our range of IMS instruments will instill greater confidence in all your findings and with three to choose from, we have an instrument that will be just right for you. The SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS, Waters SYNAPT XS and Vion IMS systems all combine ion mobility separations with high resolution MS, significantly enhancing the information available to you compared to MS alone, and enabling you to access information that would otherwise not be possible.


Ultimate power, ultimate performance. Redefine the boundaries of science.

Developed through focused collaboration, the SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS combines novel cyclic ion mobility separation with state-of-the-art high performance, time-of-flight mass spectrometry, enabling leading researchers to unlock the potential in scientific discovery.

  • Extends the benefits of routine ion mobility
  • Provides variable, high-resolution ion mobility separations
  • Introduces the unique ability to perform ion mobility/ion mobility and IMSn experiments

SYNAPT XS High Resolution Mass Spectrometer

Without discovery, decisions are made in the dark

In the arena of scientific discovery, the slow pace of advancement and escalating costs of research can prove to be a challenge. The SYNAPT XS mass spectrometer shatters these barriers by providing ultimate flexibility and greater freedom of analytical choice to support scientific creativity and technical success for any application.

  • Novel technology building blocks deliver cutting-edge analytical performance
  • SONAR and HDMSE provide a unique toolkit for interrogating complex mixtures
  • Ion mobility multiplies peak capacity and selectivity of analysis
  • CCS measurements increase security of compound identification

SYNAPT G2-Si High Definition Mass Spectrometry

Redefining Resolution – Resolution in 3 Dimensions

Information. Informatics. Impact. SYNAPT provides the most complete characterization of complex mixtures and molecules with unique levels of MS performance, industry leading informatics and unparalleled platform versatility.

  • Superior separation with high-efficiency T-Wave IMS
  • Ultimate UPLC-MS/MS performance
  • Data independent & data dependent T-Wave IMS solutions
  • CID and ETD fragmentation capabilities
  • Wide range of experimental options

MALDI SYNAPT G2-Si High Definition Mass Spectrometry

Redefining Resolution – Resolution in 3 Dimensions

MALDI SYNAPT G2-Si is a uniquely powerful and versatile MS platform. It’s the only way to combine multiple dimensions of separation for analysis of complex samples, from imaging to biological research to chemical materials characterization.

  • High Performance, Accurate Mass MALDI MS/MS
  • Superior post-ionization separation with T-Wave IMS
  • High Definition Imaging (HDI) MALDI workflows
  • Versatile Experimental Options
  • Ultimate UPLC-MS/MS Performance

Vion IMS QTof Ion Mobility Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry

Beyond Resolution

Do you have the vision to see what others don’t see? The risk of not seeing everything in your sample – or not seeing everything clearly – can be high, especially if this results in incorrect identifications or time-consuming additional confirmatory experiments. Vion IMS QTof dramatically reduces this risk as it has the sensitivity and dynamic range to make ion mobility quantitative and routinely usable, enabling you to:

  • Reduce the risk of missed metabolites in DMPK analyses
  • Overcome complex and complicated matrices in food analysis
  • Generate high-quality peptide mapping data for Biopharma

Ion Sources

When you need to extract the maximum amount of information from a diverse range of compounds, you require the ultimate in ionization flexibility and performance. Providing the highest performance, without compromise, the ionization source options are quick and easy to interchange enabling the widest range of ionization techniques to be utilized universally across a single analytical platform.

UniSpray Ion Source

A novel ion source for ionization of a broader range of compounds

The UniSpray™ ion source allows you to see more of your sample within a single analysis when compared to ESI, APCI or APPI. This enables UniSpray to offer:

  • Greater ionization efficiency – A broader range of compounds ionized in a single run and potential for increased sensitivity
  • Reduce the need to change ionization source between different analyses
  • Tool free routine maintenance – capillary and target pin replacement


Enhanced MS with the Turn of a Key

The ionKey/MS System redefines ultimate performance by integrating microflow UPLC directly into the source of the mass spectrometer.  This provides an increased level of sensitivity, chromatographic performance, and ease-of-use that cannot be achieved any other way.

  • The 150 µm I.D. iKey Separation Device achieves up to 40X increase in sensitivity compared to 2.1 mm UPLC columns
  • The 300 µm I.D. iKey HT Separation Device allows higher sample throughput with short cycle times
  • Simplified microflow LC-MS user experience
  • UPLC separations with sub-2-µm particle technology
  • Robust, reproducible, and reliable microflow LC-MS analyses

Waters Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography (APGC)

APGC – No Compromise GC-MS

Waters Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography (APGC) adds GC capability to today’s advanced MS technologies. This provides GC users with:

  • High performance, ease of use allowing quick reaction to meet demands and increase throughput
  • Access to ultra-trace quantification
  • Comprehensive qualitative MS & MS/MS
  • High-resolution ion-mobility separations

LockSpray Exact Mass Ionization Source

Make Exact Mass Measurements Easy

The LockSpray dual electrospray ion source optimizes the co-introduction of analyte and lock mass compound directly into the ion source, providing authenticated exact mass measurement in MS and MS/MS modes to within 5 ppm RMS mass accuracy (3 ppm for Xevo QTof MS and 1 ppm for Xevo G2 Tof series, Xevo G2 QTof series and SYNAPT G2 series).

The increased specificity associated with exact mass measurement provides you with improved efficacy in compound or fragment identification in metabolite profiling and proteomics applications.

Traditionally, to obtain valid exact mass measurement, an internal reference or “lock mass” was used to correct for changes in environment or experimental conditions over the course of the analysis. This was achieved by “teeing in” a suitable reference compound to the main analyte flow. However, this approach often suffered from ionization suppression, potential mass interferences and solvent gradient effects.

NanoLockSpray Exact Mass Ionization Source

Exact Mass Measurement in Both NanoFlow LC-MS and LC-MS/MS Modes

The NanoLockSpray dual electrospray ion source provides authenticated exact mass measurement in both NanoFlow LC-MS and LC-MS/MS modes of operation. It features the optimized co-introduction of analyte and lock mass compounds directly into the ion source offering a superior alternative for the acquisition of exact mass data.

The increased specificity associated with exact mass measurement improves efficacy in compound or fragment identification with metabolite profiling and proteomics applications.

IonSABRE APCI Probe Accessory

Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI) is an effective method for analyzing lower-polarity compounds. The high-efficiency IonSABRE™APCI probe offers significant improvements in sensitivity compared with earlier versions of probe, particularly at higher liquid flow rates.

Ionization Process

With APCI, the sample stream is nebulised and analytes are desolvated using a combination of gas flow and high temperatures. The desolvated compounds are ionized by charge transfer as they pass through a plasma created by a corona discharge. Flow rates up to 2 ml/min are acceptable.

The IonSABRE APCI probe with thermally enhanced heater design provides improved heat distribution and sample vaporization. The support gas flow also maximizes transmission of sample droplets into the ion source. Together, these features provide optimum APCI performance leading to superior limits of quantitation in compound quantification and identification studies.

Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe

Rapid Direct Analysis of Volatile and Semi-Volatile, Solid and Liquid Samples

The Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe* (ASAP) (introduced by McEwan et al) is a useful tool for the rapid direct analysis of volatile and semi-volatile, solid and liquid samples using atmospheric pressure ionization.

The ASAP technique utilizes the heated nitrogen desolvation gas to vaporize the sample and a corona discharge for sample ionization. This allows low polarity compounds not amenable to ESI, APcI and APPI to be ionized with a high degree of sensitivity. Furthermore complex mixtures can be analyzed without the need for any sample preparation.

Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Imaging mass spectrometry is a technique that allows chemical information to be obtained directly or via the use of matrices from a wide range of surfaces. MS Imaging provides information on the spatial distribution of molecules at or near the surface. Imaging provides beautiful and information-rich images that allow scientists to answer the fundamental question: “Where is this component in my sample?”


All the benefits of time-of-flight technology. Redefined performance.

Accelerate your research and comprehensively identify analytes in your complex samples with the SELECT SERIES MRT, built with state-of-the-art Multi Reflecting Time-of-Flight (MRT) technology.

  • Identify sample components confidently with routine ppb mass accuracy 
  • Resolve nominally isobaric interferences with high mass resolution, at all scan speeds
  • Reveal isotopic fine structure for unambiguous elemental compositions
  • Achieve high data quality in both MS and MS/MS
  • Simplify data archiving and rapidly process data with reduced data files sizes

Key Industries

  • Aerospace
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  • Biopharmaceutical and Biotechnology
  • Chemical
  • Construction
  • Cosmetics & Personal Care
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  • Die & Mould
  • Education & Academics
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  • Polymers, Plastics and Rubbers
  • Powders & Pigments / Coating
  • Printing & Packaging
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  • Semiconductor, Solar & Electronics
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  • Shipbuilding
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  • Wholesale & Retail

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Waters Corporation, the world’s leading specialty measurement company, has pioneered chromatography, mass spectrometry and thermal analysis innovations serving the life,…

  • Waters – RADIAN ASAP Brochure

  • Waters – ACQUITY QDa Detector Brochure

  • Waters Xevo TQD Triple – Brochure

  • Waters Xevo TQ-S – Brochure

  • Waters – Xevo TQ-S micro Triple Brochure

  • Waters – Xevo TQ-S cronos Triple Brochure

  • Waters – Xevo TQ-GC Brochure

  • Waters – Xevo G2-XS Tof Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Brochure

  • Waters – Xevo G2-XS QTof Brochure

  • Waters – XEVO G 2-XS TOF Brochure

  • Waters – Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography (APGC) Brochure

  • Waters – Vion IMS QTof Ion Mobility Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry Brochure

  • Waters – SYNAPT XS Brochure

  • Waters – SYNAPT G2-Si High Definition Mass Spectrometry Brochure

  • Waters – SELECT SERIES MRT Brochure

  • Waters – SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS Brochure

  • Waters – LockSpray Exact Mass Ionization Source Brochure

  • Waters – IonSABRE APCI Probe Accessory Brochure

  • Waters – Full Spectrum Molecular Imaging Brochure

  • Waters – BioAccord LC-MS System with ACQUITY Premier for Routine Biotherapeutic Analysis Brochure

  • Waters – UniSpray Ion Source Brochure

  • Waters – ionKey/MS Brochure

  • Waters – Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe Brochure


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