Rudolph – Density Meters
Density Meters for Chemical, Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Petro-Chemical, and Beverage Labs.
The Rudolph Density Meter product lines are ideal for both research and production work across many industries including Chemical, Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Petro-Chemical, and Beverage. Having great experience serving these markets for decades Rudolph has incorporated the features you need for both production and research applications.
Available Models
Key Features
On-board Flexible Method Management
Factory installed density meter measurement methods allow for immediate selection of the correct method to match the most common applications. For unique density measurement applications, create a sample method using an unlimited number of Concentration Tables, Formulas, and Polynomials to match the density measurement methods used in your laboratory.
Wider Measurement Range
The Rudolph DDM2910 and DDM2911 Density Meters can measure samples from 0 degree C to 90 degree C offer temperature control to one of the widest in the industry giving you the correct temperature for your measurement application.
Full View Of the U-Tube For Effective Bubble Detection
No more straining to see small difficult-to-detect air bubbles in your sample with live on-screen viewing of the entire U-Tube. On-screen bubble detection is made possible utilizing Rudolph’s exclusive camera that allows a 2X, 6X and 10X magnified view of the entire U-Tube.
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