Foss – CombiFoss™ 7

CombiFoss™ 7 provides raw milk testing for 19 parameters in 6 seconds, including somatic cell count (SCC) and differential SCC. Seamless integration of MilkoScan™ 7 RM (FTIR) and Fossomatic™ 7 (flow cytometry) in one analysis unit.

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Testing an unparalleled 19 parameters in just six seconds, the CombiFoss™ 7 provides a unique platform on which to base your milk-testing business.

Sample type

Raw milk (cow, goat, sheep, buffalo).


Fat, protein (true and crude), casein, lactose, solids (SnF and TS), urea, citric acid, fatty acid profiling, Free Fatty Acids (FFA), freezing point depression, pH, ketosis screening (BHB and acetone), untargeted raw milk screening (adulteration), total somatic cell count (SCC) and differential somatic cell count (DSCC).

Technical Specifications

Measuring range0 – 10 mill cells/ml
Performance range0.1 – 1.5 mill
Repeatability*CV < 6% 100-299k SCC/ml
CV < 4% 300-499k SCC/ml
CV < 3% 500-1500k SCC/ml
Accuracy< 10% relative mean diff. from DMSCC (Direct Microscopic Somatic Cell Count)
Carry-over< 1% relative
Analysis capacity100, 200, 300, 400, 500 or 600 samples per hour
Sample intake2.5 ml (programmable 2.0 – 5.0 ml)
Required sample temperature37- 42 °C (86-107.6 F)
Working factor100
*CV = Coefficient of variation (STDev/AVG) x 100. (STDev = Standard deviation. AVG = Average)

ComponentMeasuring rangePerformance rangeRepeatabilityAccuracy BulkAccuracy Single cow
Fat0-15%2-15%CV < 0.5%CV < 1.0%CV < 1.5%
Protein0-10%2-10%CV < 0.5%CV < 0.9%CV < 1.5%
Lactose0-10%2-10%CV < 0.5%CV < 0.9%CV < 1.5%
Solids0-20%2-10%CV < 0.5%CV < 1.0%CV < 1.5%
Urea patented10-100 mg/dl10-100 mg/dlSd < 1.5 mg/dlSd < 3 mg/dlSd < 3.5 mg/dl
Citric acid0.1-0.5%0.1-0.5%Sd < 0.005%Sd < 0.01%Sd < 0.015%
FPD (screening)400-600 m°C450-550 m°CSd < 0.5 m°CSd < 4 m°CN/A
Carry-over for all components <1% relative

Key Features

  • 18 parameters from a single sample in six seconds: CombiFoss 7 has a wide range of parameters including advanced tests like ketosis screening and untargeted raw milk (adulteration) screening to help your customers meet modern challenges such as dairy herd productivity, feeding efficiency and protection of the milk supply.
  • More results at less cost with new technology: The latest in flow system technology including a diamond cuvette technology ensures maximum uptime. The cuvette element is backed by a 10 year guarantee and you can trust in the reliability of results, whether running at 100 or 600 samples per hour.
  • Optimise instrument management with FOSS digital services: Ensure consistent performance of all instruments in your network and avoid downtime by making upgrades and adjustments while instruments continue to run. Protect your database and calibration models with automatic back up of data.
  • Technology: FossomaticTM 7: Flow cytometry technology. MilkoScan™ 7 RM: Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) analysis
  • Approvals: SCC in compliance with ISO/IDF standards. FDA/NCIMS and MicroVal (EURL) approved

Standards and Approvals

Fossomatic™ 7 is CE-labelled and complies with the following directives and regulations:

  • EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility) Directive 2014/30/EU
  • LVD (Low Voltage) Directive 2014/35/EU
  • Machinery Safety Directive 2006/42/EC
  • Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixture, CLP (EC)
  • WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU
  • Packaging and packaging waste Directive 94/62/EC
  • REACH 1907/2006/EC

Fossomatic technology complies with:

  • AOAC
  • ISO 13366-2 / IDF 148-2:2006
  • Laser approval (FDA), IEC 60825-1
  • FDA/NCIMS and MicroVal (EURL) approved


Differential SCC for improved mastitis management

Differential somatic cell count (DSCC) is a new milk testing parameter introduced with the Fossomatic™ 7 DC analyser. It complements the established test for total number of somatic sells (SCC) pioneered by FOSS in the 1980’s. The Fossomatic™ 7 DC has several sensors detecting fluorescence signals from milk cells and a new chemistry and an incubation unit. Combined, they enable the instrument to measure DSCC and SCC simultaneously.

Diamond cuvette for improved robustness ensures maximum uptime

MilkoScan™ 7 RM has a diamond cuvette backed by 10 years guarantee. Optics are optimized on the interferometer module increasing the signal/noise ratio, ensuring the same high performance at all cadences and improving repeatability for minor constituents.

Adulteration – untargeted raw milk screening

Raw milk containing abnormalities is a growing problem. The abnormalities can be caused by deliberate adulteration, for example, with lard or melamine or by accidents if water or cleaning agents are mixed with the milk. With the MilkoScan™ you can screen incoming raw milk samples to identify a suspect raw milk sample quickly and as a normal part of everyday testing. The suspect sample can then be further analysed to determine the contaminant.


FossConnect™ is a centralised networking management solution CombiFoss™ and BactoScan™ that helps you to reduce operational costs and secure consistent high performance from your analytical instruments. With FossConnect™, you can manage, configure and monitor your instruments remotely from any internet-enabled computer and safeguard your data for whenever you need it.

CombiFoss™ 7 – Making A Difference in Milk Analysis

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