Axion – Live-Cell Imaging Microscopes – Omni

Being able to monitor cell cultures over time provides a great insight into their physiology and function. Live-cell imaging microscopes open up novel and exciting avenues to study cellular health, viability, colony formation, migration, and cellular responses to external stimuli.

To help life science researchers improve their understanding of cellular processes, AXION BioSystems has developed an automated brightfield microscope that can visualize an entire surface of a cell culture vessel and operate from inside a standard CO2-incubator, biological safety cabinet, or on a benchtop. Not limited to a specific type or quantity of culture vessels, the AXION Omni captures cellular behavior by creating high-quality time-lapse videos for days or even weeks at a time.

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Technical Specifications

Dimensions (L × W × H)396 mm × 345 mm × 171 mm
Weight9 kg
OpticsBrightfield with digital phase contrast
Magnification10× fixed objective
Light sourceLED
Camera6.4 MP CMOS
Scan area99 mm × 131 mm
Exported formatsJPG, XLSX & MP4
Well plate types6 – 384 well plates
Culture flask typesPetri dishes, T25 – T225, triple flasks, and HYPERFlasks
Other labwareAnything transparent and lower than 55 mm
Operating environment5 – 40 °C, 20 – 95% humidity
SupportVia email and live chat

Key Features

NEW – Automated Whole-Well Imaging With Higher Spatial Resolution

The Axion Omni, fitted with the new digital 6.4 MP CMOS camera, can monitor cell cultures and study biological processes with enhanced spatial resolution, while also allowing cells to be kept in their desired culture environment. There is no need to move a culture vessel on the sample stage, since the camera moves along the platform to capture the entire area of the vessel. Higher quality images coupled with robust AI-based image analysis ensure that you will generate reliable and reproducible experimental data with minimal artifacts.

Complete Overview of Sample Confluency

Manual handling and cell seeding can cause a variable density distribution within culture vessels. Randomly selecting several areas of interest or tile scanning is a common practice to overcome that issue, however, this is either time-consuming to set up or to post-process. The Axion Omni automatically scans complete well surface areas and instantly stitches these images to give users a complete overview of cell coverage.

Efficient Screening of Culture Multiwell Plates

The Axion Omni can scan up to 6 vessels per hour. High-throughput experiments are not limited to a single culture vessel. The Axion Omni can process multiple plates in quick succession, automatically stitching acquired images and safely storing data for each individual plate.

Compatibility With Any Transparent Culture Vessel

Cell-based assays and subculturing all benefit from standardization. Choosing the right vessel and going through the process of understanding how cells behave in the said vessel is vital for reproducibility. The Axion Omni is highly flexible and compatible with any transparent vessel that is lower than 55 mm. All vessels with a surface area smaller than 99*131 mm can be imaged in full (6 – 384-well plates, T-25 – T225, Petri dishes, triple flasks, and HYPERFlasks).

Perform Analysis at Desired Culturing Environment

The Axion Omni is designed for your incubator. Live-cell imaging requires environmental control throughout the experiment. To maintain favorable cellular environment and minimize disturbance of the samples, users can place the compact Axion Omni inside any standard cell culture incubator, where the imaging of cells is performed automatically via a moving camera that captures the entire area of a culture vessel.

Continuous Imaging Provides Real-Time Insight into Cellular Processes

Perform kinetic assays over the course of days or even weeks. Time-lapse imaging allows you to pinpoint important events in the progression of the cell culture from experiment to experiment. Uncover attachment and detachment rates, evaluate events like cell death, and compare growth rates. Data collection using video monitoring allows users to capture changes within samples and compare the rate of change between samples.

Track biology in real-time with Axion BioSystems’ Omni Live-Cell Imaging and Analysis

Organoid Analysis Module for Omni Live-Cell Imaging Systems

Time-lapse Organoid Formation using Axion BioSystems’ Omni Live-Cell Imaging and Analysis Platform


  • Clonogenic assay
  • Wound healing assay
  • Cell confluence assessment

Key Industries

  • Biopharmaceutical and Biotechnology

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