Specialized Industrial Applications


Showing all 2 results

  • EVALED® evaporators

    EVALED® evaporators are industrial systems accelerating the natural evaporation process.

    EVALED® evaporators are industrial systems accelerating the natural evaporation process.

  • FlowGen – Wind Turbine Systems

    Access to energy, particularly cleaner energy, is fundamental to human progress. The majority of the world’s energy poor lives in Asia, Pacific and Africa. Many with access to power use diesel generators!

    Access to energy, particularly cleaner energy, is fundamental to human progress. The majority of the world’s energy poor lives in Asia, Pacific and Africa. Many with access to power use diesel generators!

    What is the solution? – cost-effective smart microgrid embracing wind, solar and battery.

    The sets can be moved in standard containers to any location on the globe and set up for operation within short time to provide environmentally friendly produced energy at no grid cost wherever it is needed.

test block for Laos

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