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Showing 49–53 of 53 results

  • Seta – Herschel Emulsifier

    The Herschel Emulsifier is a compact and efficient benchtop instrument designed to measure the ability of petroleum oils and synthetic fluids to separate from water.

    The Herschel Emulsifier is a compact and efficient benchtop instrument designed to measure the ability of petroleum oils and synthetic fluids to separate from water.

  • Seta – Micro Carbon Residue Tester (MCRT)

    An automatic airtight furnace that is pre-programmed to run tests to determine Micro (Conradson) Carbon residue of petroleum products.

    An automatic airtight furnace that is pre-programmed to run tests to determine Micro (Conradson) Carbon residue of petroleum products.

  • Seta – Oil Test Centrifuge – 4 place Centrifuge

    This purpose-made Oil Test Centrifuge is fully programmable allowing automatic configuration to the specified oil test parameters. 

    This purpose-made Oil Test Centrifuge is fully programmable allowing automatic configuration to the specified oil test parameters. 

  • Seta – Particle Counter – AvCount Lube / AvCount Lite

    The portable particle counter features a simple test procedure and user friendly features, operator skill or expertise is kept to a minimum.

    AvCount Lite can hold up to 3 test methods with custom methods created on a PC before being uploade…

    The portable particle counter features a simple test procedure and user friendly features, operator skill or expertise is kept to a minimum.

    AvCount Lite can hold up to 3 test methods with custom methods created on a PC before being uploaded. Test progress and results for up to 6 size bands are displayed as cumulative particles/ml and ISO 4406 cleanliness codes.

  • Seta – Pensky-Martens Flash Point Tester – PM-93

    The Seta PM-93 is a fully automated Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester which combines strict method conformance with the latest control technology and safety systems to provide the next generation of flash point instruments.

    The Seta PM-93 is a fully automated Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester which combines strict method conformance with the latest control technology and safety systems to provide the next generation of flash point instruments.

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