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Showing 25–48 of 59 results

  • LabTech – Concentrators

    Concentrators (aka nitrogen evaporators or nitrogen blowdown concentrators) are a valid alternative to rotary evaporation mainly in case of small volumes (under 50 mL) and a large quantity of samples.

    Concentrators (aka nitrogen evaporators or nitrogen blowdown concentrators) are a valid alternative to rotary evaporation mainly in case of small volumes (under 50 mL) and a large quantity of samples.

  • LabTech – Liquid Nitrogen Generator

    Make your own high-quality liquid nitrogen, anywhere, anytime. On site liquid nitrogen generation is extremely easy. Experience first-hand the convenience of having the generator in your lab without delivery hassles. Never run o…

    Make your own high-quality liquid nitrogen, anywhere, anytime. On site liquid nitrogen generation is extremely easy. Experience first-hand the convenience of having the generator in your lab without delivery hassles. Never run out of liquid nitrogen.

  • LabTech – Vacuum Pumps

    The LabTech vacuum pumps are totally oil free, featuring an advanced design, low noise level, high efficiency and long lifespan. LabTech pumps are specially designed for laboratory operations to meet the highest expectations for precision, reliabi…

    The LabTech vacuum pumps are totally oil free, featuring an advanced design, low noise level, high efficiency and long lifespan. LabTech pumps are specially designed for laboratory operations to meet the highest expectations for precision, reliability and ease of use.

  • Neptec – Central System – RO Alpha

    Adapt the system exactly to your specific needs with almost unlimited options. Everything in one space-saving cabinet. Available up to 1200 l/h. Designed for a maximum service life and operational safety. RO alpha systems are built with highest qu…

    Adapt the system exactly to your specific needs with almost unlimited options. Everything in one space-saving cabinet. Available up to 1200 l/h. Designed for a maximum service life and operational safety. RO alpha systems are built with highest quality components to provide the maximum water quality while maintaining latest industrial standards.

  • Neptec – Central System – RO Alpha Plus

    Everything in one space-saving cabinet. Designed for a maximum lifetime. The most reliable way of producing pure water for entire floors with a huge pure water storage tank.

    Everything in one space-saving cabinet. Designed for a maximum lifetime. The most reliable way of producing pure water for entire floors with a huge pure water storage tank.

  • Neptec – Central System – RO Beta

    RO beta systems are built with highest quality components to provide the maximum water quality while maintaining latest industrial standards.

    RO beta systems are built with highest quality components to provide the maximum water quality while maintaining latest industrial standards.

  • Neptec – Lab Water System – Halios Type 1

    All Neptec’s units are available for validated and non-validated environments. The HALIOS series is modular-designed, providing high flexibility to adapt to your specific needs. Each system meets and exceeds the type 1 standard.


    All Neptec’s units are available for validated and non-validated environments. The HALIOS series is modular-designed, providing high flexibility to adapt to your specific needs. Each system meets and exceeds the type 1 standard.

    HALIOS systems make your work as pleasant and comfortable as possible and maximize your lab productivity.

  • Neptec – Lab Water System – Halios Type 1 + 2

    HALIOS 6 | 12 systems are optionally upgradable with an EDI module, UV lamp, ultrafilter, and etc. to adapt to your specific requirements and make your work as pleasant and comfortable as possible. HALIOS 40 systems are connected to an external 30…

    HALIOS 6 | 12 systems are optionally upgradable with an EDI module, UV lamp, ultrafilter, and etc. to adapt to your specific requirements and make your work as pleasant and comfortable as possible. HALIOS 40 systems are connected to an external 30l, 60l or 100l tank. Each system meets and exceeds type 1 and type 2 water directly from tap water. Maximise your laboratory productivity with an innovative HALIOS lab water system.

  • Neptec – Lab Water System – Proteus Type 2 or 3

    The Neptec PROTEUS 40 is an all-in-one, modular-designed pure water system with a production rate of 40L/h. Each system meets and exceeds type 2 or 3 water directly from tap water.

    The Neptec PROTEUS 40 is an all-in-one, modular-designed pure water system with a production rate of 40L/h. Each system meets and exceeds type 2 or 3 water directly from tap water.

  • Ohaus – AquaSearcher™ AB33 pH Bench Meter

    The next step in the evolution of OHAUS’ original Starter Series, the all-new AQUASEARCHER™ AB33PH bench meter is designed to be reliable, efficient, and user-friendly. The i-Steward ensures repeatable and consistent measurement accuracy for o…

    The next step in the evolution of OHAUS’ original Starter Series, the all-new AQUASEARCHER™ AB33PH bench meter is designed to be reliable, efficient, and user-friendly. The i-Steward ensures repeatable and consistent measurement accuracy for optimal peace of mind. 

  • Olive Oil Analyzer – CDR OxiTester

    Reduce waiting times to have a quality olive oil

    By choosing CDR OxiTester you can check the quality of your oil without the need for external laboratories and improve your production process.

    Reduce waiting times to have a quality olive oil

    By choosing CDR OxiTester you can check the quality of your oil without the need for external laboratories and improve your production process.

  • Palm Oil Analyzer – CDR PalmOilTester

    CDR PalmOilTester: The analysis system of raw and refined palm oil, easy to use and reliable in results

    CDR PalmOilTester is an analytical system used in analysis laboratories or directly on the production lines of many food industries u…

    CDR PalmOilTester: The analysis system of raw and refined palm oil, easy to use and reliable in results

    CDR PalmOilTester is an analytical system used in analysis laboratories or directly on the production lines of many food industries using palm oil as an ingredient and by palm oil producers in Asia, Africa and South America.

  • SCION – GC

    The perfect GC for many applications that saves space without compromise on functionality and performance. Capacity for 2 injectors , 1 GC detector plus a mass spectrometer makes the SCION 436 a perfect match for your analyses.

    The perfect GC for many applications that saves space without compromise on functionality and performance. Capacity for 2 injectors , 1 GC detector plus a mass spectrometer makes the SCION 436 a perfect match for your analyses.

  • SCION SQ GC- Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

    SCION SQ series GC-MS systems combine innovative engineering with detailed cutomer requirements to produce the truly advanced SCION SQ series. By designing these GC-MS systems to exceed the most critical performance and reliability requirements, S…

    SCION SQ series GC-MS systems combine innovative engineering with detailed cutomer requirements to produce the truly advanced SCION SQ series. By designing these GC-MS systems to exceed the most critical performance and reliability requirements, Scion Instruments delivers systems that are especially for, and all about, the ultimate success of users.

  • SI Analytics – pH Meter Lab 855

    The Lab 855 for pH measurements is a perfectly suited benchtop meter for measurements in laboratories in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as in medical labs.

    The Lab 855 for pH measurements is a perfectly suited benchtop meter for measurements in laboratories in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as in medical labs.

  • SI Analytics – Titrator TitroLine® 7000 With pH-Electrode

    With its performance spectrum, the TitroLine® 7000 is the ideal starting device for potentiometric titration with potential for expansion and automation. Thanks to the high-resolution and precise pH/ mV and “dead-stop” measuring interface, it…

    With its performance spectrum, the TitroLine® 7000 is the ideal starting device for potentiometric titration with potential for expansion and automation. Thanks to the high-resolution and precise pH/ mV and “dead-stop” measuring interface, it is possible to determine a wide range of parameters quickly, reliable and accurate.

  • SI Analytics – Viscometry Autosampling System – AVS® Pro III

    The AVS® Pro III automatic sampler is a PC-controlled, fully automated instrument for the determination of the viscosity, viscosity number, intrinsic viscosity etc.

    In spite of the high samp…

    The AVS® Pro III automatic sampler is a PC-controlled, fully automated instrument for the determination of the viscosity, viscosity number, intrinsic viscosity etc.

    In spite of the high sample throughput, AVS® Pro III provides maximum accuracy and reproducibility. Furthermore, working with the automatic sampler is easy and allows unattended 24 hour operation.

  • SI Analytics – Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF Module With 20 ml Exchangeable Head

    The TitroLine® 7500 KF is the universalist for the volumetric Karl Fischer titration with a wide operating range of a few ppm – 100% water content. The addition of the solvent and the extraction of the titrated sample are carrie…

    The TitroLine® 7500 KF is the universalist for the volumetric Karl Fischer titration with a wide operating range of a few ppm – 100% water content. The addition of the solvent and the extraction of the titrated sample are carried out by the titration stand TM 235 KF at the push of a button.

  • Thermo Fisher – Barnstead™ Lab Water Purification Systems – Type 1 Ultrapure Water Systems

    Flexible Lab Systems Designed for Your Applications

    For more than 130 years, Thermo Scientific™ lab water systems have been a trusted resource for science and industry. Our complete line of water purification technologies…

    Flexible Lab Systems Designed for Your Applications

    For more than 130 years, Thermo Scientific™ lab water systems have been a trusted resource for science and industry. Our complete line of water purification technologies includes solutions for your most critical and everyday application needs, from electrodeionization to reverse osmosis and distillation.

  • Thermo Fisher – Barnstead™ Lab Water Purification Systems – Type 2 Pure Water Systems

    Convert tap water into high-purity water with the Thermo Scientific™ Water Purification System, a complete solution integrating purification and tank. It removes approximately 98% of inorganic ions and 99% of all dissolved organic substances, as…

    Convert tap water into high-purity water with the Thermo Scientific™ Water Purification System, a complete solution integrating purification and tank. It removes approximately 98% of inorganic ions and 99% of all dissolved organic substances, as well as microorganisms and particles, with its high performance, reverse osmosis membrane.

  • Thermo Fisher – Cimarec+™ Hotplate Series

    Get exceptional safety and temperature performance for your routine protocols with the Thermo Scientific™ Cimarec+™ Hotplate series. You’ll find exceptional safety and temperature performance for your routine protocols. Th…

    Get exceptional safety and temperature performance for your routine protocols with the Thermo Scientific™ Cimarec+™ Hotplate series. You’ll find exceptional safety and temperature performance for your routine protocols. The Cimarec+ Series are available in three sizes, providing flexibility from microscale chemistries to production operations.

  • Thermo Fisher – Lab Water Purification Systems – Dionex™ IC Pure™

    The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IC Pure™ water purification system brings reagent-free ion chromatography to the next level by producing ultrapure water used in the analysis of anions, cations, organic acids, carbohydrates,…

    The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IC Pure™ water purification system brings reagent-free ion chromatography to the next level by producing ultrapure water used in the analysis of anions, cations, organic acids, carbohydrates, and amines in water samples. This system has been engineered to remove impurities that threaten your results so you can focus on what is important – the sensitivity and resolution of your ion chromatography analysis. Additionally, the Dionex IC Pure water purification system provides ultrapure water to the entire Dionex RFIC product line.

  • Thermo Fisher – MSC-Advantage™ Class II Biological Safety Cabinets

    Conserve energy with Thermo Scientific™ MSC- Advantage™ Class II Biological Safety Cabinets, which combine smart design and extraordinary value with best- in-class energy efficiency, reliability and usability resulting in an overall improvemen…

    Conserve energy with Thermo Scientific™ MSC- Advantage™ Class II Biological Safety Cabinets, which combine smart design and extraordinary value with best- in-class energy efficiency, reliability and usability resulting in an overall improvement to operation and maintenance. Units feature 60% less energy consumption and heat output. Cabinets are certified to EN 12469 safety standard.

  • Thermo Fisher – Thermolyne™ Industrial Benchtop Muffle Furnaces

    Perform ultra-high temperature applications with the Thermo Scientific™ Thermolyne™ Industrial Benchtop Muffle Furnace, which reaches a maximum temperature of 1200°C. Unit includes multiple safety features and choice of two temperature-contro…

    Perform ultra-high temperature applications with the Thermo Scientific™ Thermolyne™ Industrial Benchtop Muffle Furnace, which reaches a maximum temperature of 1200°C. Unit includes multiple safety features and choice of two temperature-control options. Heavy-duty firebrick insulation surrounds the opening for added durability.

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