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Showing 25–27 of 27 results

  • Welbilt – Ice Cube Machines – U (NEO) series

    The Everywhere You Need Ice Machine

    Welbilt Manitowoc U series cube ice machines with new levels in performance, intelligence and convenience offer an all-in-one solution to your undercounter ice cube needs.

    The Everywhere You Need Ice Machine

    Welbilt Manitowoc U series cube ice machines with new levels in performance, intelligence and convenience offer an all-in-one solution to your undercounter ice cube needs.

  • Welbilt – Ice Cube Machines – UG (Sotto) Series

    The Clear and Simple Choice

    Welbilt Manitowoc UG octagon ice machine is the perfect solution for venues where just a few large cubes in the glass is preferred.  

    We called it Sotto because Sotto literally means “under” and Sotto is the all-new, redesigned undercounter ice machine from Manitowoc Ice. The Italian phrase Sotto Voce-quiet emphasis-perfectly describes Sotto’s unique undercounter plug-and-play design, and its industry-leading performance. Sotto will quietly do its job-reliably making quality, clean and clear ice-while allowing you to put greater emphasis on what’s most important-your customer.

  • Welbilt – Ice Cube Machines -M series

    Affordable Reliability

    Manitowoc M series cube ice machines are designed for a worry-free, simple – to – use and reliability with affordable price.

    M series ice machines are designed from the ground up to mee…

    Affordable Reliability

    Manitowoc M series cube ice machines are designed for a worry-free, simple – to – use and reliability with affordable price.

    M series ice machines are designed from the ground up to meet your operational demands for a worry-free, simple-to-use, basic ice machine; but that doesn’t mean we cut corners on quality. Instead, we used a combination of engineering experience and manufacturing expertise to create an affordable, reliable ice machine at a price that’s well within reach.

    We didn’t cut corners on ease-of-use, cleaning or maintenance either. There are only three controls you need: On, Off and Clean. And for cleaning, access to the evaporator and food zone is simple with the removal of just two screws and easy, lift-off door.

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