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Showing 313–336 of 373 results

  • Postnova Analytics – Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry – TF2000 Thermal FFF Polymer Separator

    The new award winning Postnova TF2000 Thermal FFF Series was invented to become the first professional modular Thermal FFF system available. It is completely integrated by the NovaFFF single software platform which runs the entire system from auto…

    The new award winning Postnova TF2000 Thermal FFF Series was invented to become the first professional modular Thermal FFF system available. It is completely integrated by the NovaFFF single software platform which runs the entire system from autosampler to detectors.

  • Postnova Analytics – FFF Modules – PN1000 Eluent Pumps

    The PN1000 Eluent Pump from Postnova Analytics is a key component of Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) technology. 

    The PN1000 Eluent Pump from Postnova Analytics is a key component of Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) technology. 

  • Postnova Analytics – FFF Modules – PN3000 Detectors

    The PN3000 Detectors from Postnova Analytics are designed to deliver unparalleled performance in Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) technology.

    The PN3000 Detectors from Postnova Analytics are designed to deliver unparalleled performance in Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) technology.

  • Postnova Analytics – FFF Modules – PN4000 Thermostat

    AF2000 MF High Temperature Flow FFF Thermostat Module with integrated autosampler, channel and detector oven compartment and electronics unit, for advanced separation and characterization of polyolefin polymers, such as Polyethylene and Polypropyl…

    AF2000 MF High Temperature Flow FFF Thermostat Module with integrated autosampler, channel and detector oven compartment and electronics unit, for advanced separation and characterization of polyolefin polymers, such as Polyethylene and Polypropylene. Temperature Range: Ambient to 220°C; Molar Mass Range: 10e3 to 10e12 Da; Particle Size Range 1 nm to 1000 nm. System comprising of one single integrated chassis inclunding moveable high temperature autosampler rack (25 sample vials, 5 mL volume) in lower system section, high temperature oven compartment for Flow FFF channels and detectors in the upper section, large top door for easy opening and access to channel and detectors as well as control electronics in the back part of the instrument and special Thermostat Control software connected to and running automated with NovaFFF. System can be equipped with various online high temperature detectors, which have to selected optional, such as High Temperature Infrared (HT-IR), Refractive Index (HT-RI), Multi-Angle Static Light Scattering (HT-MALS) and Viscometry (HT-VISCO). Additional Required Components: 1) High Temperature Flow FFF channel cartridge; 2) High Temp IR and/or additional detectors; 3) Control PC for NovaFFF and Thermostat Control software.

  • Postnova Analytics – FFF Modules – PN5000 Sample Injector

    The PN5300 automatic sample injector includes the latest state-of-the-art auto injector technology, such as a double needle with positive headspace pressure, extensive wash routines for minimal carry over and three injection modes including micro …

    The PN5300 automatic sample injector includes the latest state-of-the-art auto injector technology, such as a double needle with positive headspace pressure, extensive wash routines for minimal carry over and three injection modes including micro liter pick-up mode for zero sample loss, huge injection range and full biocompatibility.

  • Postnova Analytics – Particle Fractionator – SF2000 Splitt FFF

    With the introduction of the SF2000 G Postnova has launched a new type of Gravitational Splitt FFF. The SF2000 G is a the first true completely integrated and modular commercial G-Splitt including online optical particle detection. The machine can…

    With the introduction of the SF2000 G Postnova has launched a new type of Gravitational Splitt FFF. The SF2000 G is a the first true completely integrated and modular commercial G-Splitt including online optical particle detection. The machine can be used to separate, fractionate, purify and to characterize microparticles in one step. The attached PN3000 XPT detector allows determination of size and shape of the particle fractions eluting from the channel.

  • Questron Technologies – Automated Digestion System – Nitron

    The Nitron High-Temperature Automated Digestion and Dispensing system is designed for routine and customizable methods that require heating up to 400°C.

    The Nitron High-Temperature Automated Digestion and Dispensing system is designed for routine and customizable methods that require heating up to 400°C.

  • Questron Technologies – Automated Digestion System – QPrep Liquid Transfer

    The QPrep Automated Workstation provides an integrated solution for precise sample Laboratory dilutions, Liquid Transfers, dispensing and other Automated Liquid Handling Systems functions for the laboratory.

    The QPrep Automated Workstation provides an integrated solution for precise sample Laboratory dilutions, Liquid Transfers, dispensing and other Automated Liquid Handling Systems functions for the laboratory.

  • Questron Technologies – Automated Digestion System – Vulcan

    Vulcan comes with an option of Syringe or Laboratory Peristaltic pump based reagent delivery system which are made of super engineering plastics, having excellent corrosion resistance, enabling the pumps to be used with strong acids, strong alkali…

    Vulcan comes with an option of Syringe or Laboratory Peristaltic pump based reagent delivery system which are made of super engineering plastics, having excellent corrosion resistance, enabling the pumps to be used with strong acids, strong alkalis, and chemical solutions that erode general-purpose plastics. They are highly resistant to heat.

  • Questron Technologies – QPlate – Wireless Block Digestion System

    QPlate Wireless is our latest Lab Digestion System in Wireless Computing Connectivity to offer enhanced productivity, reliability and control for critical chemistry solutions – with precision.

    QPlate Wireless is our latest Lab Digestion System in Wireless Computing Connectivity to offer enhanced productivity, reliability and control for critical chemistry solutions – with precision.

  • SARTORIUS – Biosealer® TC Aseptic Tube Sealing Device

    Progressive biomanufacturing processes require advanced tools to reliably disconnect components. The Biosealer® Total Containment (TC) is an automated heat sealer for disconnecting thermoplastic tubing in an aseptic operation maintaining sterile …

    Progressive biomanufacturing processes require advanced tools to reliably disconnect components. The Biosealer® Total Containment (TC) is an automated heat sealer for disconnecting thermoplastic tubing in an aseptic operation maintaining sterile fluid paths.

  • SARTORIUS – Clipster® Aseptic Point-of-Use Disconnection

    Clipster® Aseptic Point-of-Use Disconnectors Clipster® is a single-use solution for disconnecting tubing at any stage in the process while maintaining sterility. Its unique design allows installation on…

    Clipster® Aseptic Point-of-Use Disconnectors Clipster® is a single-use solution for disconnecting tubing at any stage in the process while maintaining sterility. Its unique design allows installation on assembled products. The Clipster® is robust, quick and easy to use. Operators perform the disconnection with a handheld tool, ensuring quick and easy execution even in limited space. As Clipster® is not in contact with any fluids, it can be easily validated.

  • SARTORIUS – Flexsafe® Pro Mixer

    The Fast, Flexible and Intelligent Single-Use Mixer for All Mixing Steps in cGMP Bioprocessing.

    Quality and efficiency are critical when it comes to mixing operations in a bioprocessing environment, and…

    The Fast, Flexible and Intelligent Single-Use Mixer for All Mixing Steps in cGMP Bioprocessing.

    Quality and efficiency are critical when it comes to mixing operations in a bioprocessing environment, and the choice of mixing equipment can dramatically affect both. In fact, a fast and flexible single-use mixer can be a competitive advantage, helping manufacturers maximize throughput and increase production.

    This is what 20 years in single-use fluid management has taught us — and what we heard from customers. The Flexsafe® Pro Mixer was designed with those principles in mind.

    With the flexibility to accommodate both low-shear and rapid-mixing applications, the Flexsafe® Pro Mixer brings unique single-use technology to a wide range of mixing steps in upstream and downstream processes.

  • SCION – GC

    The perfect GC for many applications that saves space without compromise on functionality and performance. Capacity for 2 injectors , 1 GC detector plus a mass spectrometer makes the SCION 436 a perfect match for your analyses.

    The perfect GC for many applications that saves space without compromise on functionality and performance. Capacity for 2 injectors , 1 GC detector plus a mass spectrometer makes the SCION 436 a perfect match for your analyses.

  • SCION SQ GC- Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

    SCION SQ series GC-MS systems combine innovative engineering with detailed cutomer requirements to produce the truly advanced SCION SQ series. By designing these GC-MS systems to exceed the most critical performance and reliability requirements, S…

    SCION SQ series GC-MS systems combine innovative engineering with detailed cutomer requirements to produce the truly advanced SCION SQ series. By designing these GC-MS systems to exceed the most critical performance and reliability requirements, Scion Instruments delivers systems that are especially for, and all about, the ultimate success of users.

  • SI Analytics – pH Meter Lab 855

    The Lab 855 for pH measurements is a perfectly suited benchtop meter for measurements in laboratories in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as in medical labs.

    The Lab 855 for pH measurements is a perfectly suited benchtop meter for measurements in laboratories in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as in medical labs.

  • SI Analytics – Titrator TitroLine® 7000 With pH-Electrode

    With its performance spectrum, the TitroLine® 7000 is the ideal starting device for potentiometric titration with potential for expansion and automation. Thanks to the high-resolution and precise pH/ mV and “dead-stop” measuring interface, it…

    With its performance spectrum, the TitroLine® 7000 is the ideal starting device for potentiometric titration with potential for expansion and automation. Thanks to the high-resolution and precise pH/ mV and “dead-stop” measuring interface, it is possible to determine a wide range of parameters quickly, reliable and accurate.

  • SI Analytics – Viscometry Autosampling System – AVS® Pro III

    The AVS® Pro III automatic sampler is a PC-controlled, fully automated instrument for the determination of the viscosity, viscosity number, intrinsic viscosity etc.

    In spite of the high samp…

    The AVS® Pro III automatic sampler is a PC-controlled, fully automated instrument for the determination of the viscosity, viscosity number, intrinsic viscosity etc.

    In spite of the high sample throughput, AVS® Pro III provides maximum accuracy and reproducibility. Furthermore, working with the automatic sampler is easy and allows unattended 24 hour operation.

  • SI Analytics – Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF Module With 20 ml Exchangeable Head

    The TitroLine® 7500 KF is the universalist for the volumetric Karl Fischer titration with a wide operating range of a few ppm – 100% water content. The addition of the solvent and the extraction of the titrated sample are carrie…

    The TitroLine® 7500 KF is the universalist for the volumetric Karl Fischer titration with a wide operating range of a few ppm – 100% water content. The addition of the solvent and the extraction of the titrated sample are carried out by the titration stand TM 235 KF at the push of a button.

  • Sigma – Centrifuge – 3-18KHS

    The Sigma 3‑18KHS makes work processes in laboratory operation more efficient, safer and more convenient. The benchtop centrifuge has an extraordinary capacity with a maximum of 4 x 400 ml. The Sigma 3‑18KHS is nicely complemented by a large s…

    The Sigma 3‑18KHS makes work processes in laboratory operation more efficient, safer and more convenient. The benchtop centrifuge has an extraordinary capacity with a maximum of 4 x 400 ml. The Sigma 3‑18KHS is nicely complemented by a large selection of fixed-angle and swing-out rotors, buckets and adapters, including many biosafe configurations. Particularly thanks to the ability to use fixed-angle rotors with high RCF, the centrifuge covers a distinctly broader spectrum of applications compared to competitive units.

  • Thermo Fisher – Barnstead™ Lab Water Purification Systems – Type 1 Ultrapure Water Systems

    Flexible Lab Systems Designed for Your Applications

    For more than 130 years, Thermo Scientific™ lab water systems have been a trusted resource for science and industry. Our complete line of water purification technologies…

    Flexible Lab Systems Designed for Your Applications

    For more than 130 years, Thermo Scientific™ lab water systems have been a trusted resource for science and industry. Our complete line of water purification technologies includes solutions for your most critical and everyday application needs, from electrodeionization to reverse osmosis and distillation.

  • Thermo Fisher – Barnstead™ Lab Water Purification Systems – Type 2 Pure Water Systems

    Convert tap water into high-purity water with the Thermo Scientific™ Water Purification System, a complete solution integrating purification and tank. It removes approximately 98% of inorganic ions and 99% of all dissolved organic substances, as…

    Convert tap water into high-purity water with the Thermo Scientific™ Water Purification System, a complete solution integrating purification and tank. It removes approximately 98% of inorganic ions and 99% of all dissolved organic substances, as well as microorganisms and particles, with its high performance, reverse osmosis membrane.

  • Thermo Fisher – Cimarec+™ Hotplate Series

    Get exceptional safety and temperature performance for your routine protocols with the Thermo Scientific™ Cimarec+™ Hotplate series. You’ll find exceptional safety and temperature performance for your routine protocols. Th…

    Get exceptional safety and temperature performance for your routine protocols with the Thermo Scientific™ Cimarec+™ Hotplate series. You’ll find exceptional safety and temperature performance for your routine protocols. The Cimarec+ Series are available in three sizes, providing flexibility from microscale chemistries to production operations.

  • Placeholder

    Thermo Fisher – Environmental Chambers

    Protect Your Delicate Samples

    Your samples are delicate, often irreplaceable. You depend on consistent performance from your equipment throughout your work, from sample preparation to storage.

    Thermo Scientific Forma…

    Protect Your Delicate Samples

    Your samples are delicate, often irreplaceable. You depend on consistent performance from your equipment throughout your work, from sample preparation to storage.

    Thermo Scientific Forma Environmental Chambers feature proven technology for outstanding temperature uniformity and stability.

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