SI Analytics

About SI Analytics

Xylem Analytrics Germany manufactures under the label SI Analytics the well known TitroLine® titrators, AVS® viscosity measuring systems, an extensive line of glass capillary viscometers, high-performance laboratory and process electrodes as well as meters for the measurement of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and conductivity for food and beverage, pharmaceutical and other demanding markets. With decades of experience in glass technology and analyzer development SI Analytics is able to offer high quality products combined with expertise and know-how that you won’t find anywhere else. SI Analytics is a Xylem Brand and leader in electrochemical laboratory equipment. Xylem Analytics is a leading provider of premium field, portable, on-line and laboratory analytical instrumentation serving water & wastewater, ocean/coastal, food & beverage, environmental, chemical and pharmaceutical markets through brands including (but not limited to) SI Analytics, WTW, YSI, OI Analytical, and ebro.

Xylem – Analytics Measurement Capabilities


Showing all 4 results

  • SI Analytics – pH Meter Lab 855

    The Lab 855 for pH measurements is a perfectly suited benchtop meter for measurements in laboratories in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as in medical labs.

    The Lab 855 for pH measurements is a perfectly suited benchtop meter for measurements in laboratories in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as in medical labs.

  • SI Analytics – Titrator TitroLine® 7000 With pH-Electrode

    With its performance spectrum, the TitroLine® 7000 is the ideal starting device for potentiometric titration with potential for expansion and automation. Thanks to the high-resolution and precise pH/ mV and “dead-stop” measuring interface, it…

    With its performance spectrum, the TitroLine® 7000 is the ideal starting device for potentiometric titration with potential for expansion and automation. Thanks to the high-resolution and precise pH/ mV and “dead-stop” measuring interface, it is possible to determine a wide range of parameters quickly, reliable and accurate.

  • SI Analytics – Viscometry Autosampling System – AVS® Pro III

    The AVS® Pro III automatic sampler is a PC-controlled, fully automated instrument for the determination of the viscosity, viscosity number, intrinsic viscosity etc.

    In spite of the high samp…

    The AVS® Pro III automatic sampler is a PC-controlled, fully automated instrument for the determination of the viscosity, viscosity number, intrinsic viscosity etc.

    In spite of the high sample throughput, AVS® Pro III provides maximum accuracy and reproducibility. Furthermore, working with the automatic sampler is easy and allows unattended 24 hour operation.

  • SI Analytics – Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF Module With 20 ml Exchangeable Head

    The TitroLine® 7500 KF is the universalist for the volumetric Karl Fischer titration with a wide operating range of a few ppm – 100% water content. The addition of the solvent and the extraction of the titrated sample are carrie…

    The TitroLine® 7500 KF is the universalist for the volumetric Karl Fischer titration with a wide operating range of a few ppm – 100% water content. The addition of the solvent and the extraction of the titrated sample are carried out by the titration stand TM 235 KF at the push of a button.

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