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  • Eagle Vision – In Line Seam Inspection

    The Seam Inspection module inspects the complete seam around the can. The module is positioned in-line to inspect 100% of the produced cans, non-destructively.

    The Seam Inspection module inspects the complete seam around the can. The module is positioned in-line to inspect 100% of the produced cans, non-destructively.

  • Kolb – Dough Divider

    Dough Divider is designed to press and divide the dough evenly into small pieces.

    Dough Divider is designed to press and divide the dough evenly into small pieces.

  • SAMMIC – Commercial Scales

    M-certified price-computing scales, suitable for customer service, and highly precise portion-control commercial scales, ideal for commercial kitchens.

    Commercial M-certified scales are suitable for cus…

    M-certified price-computing scales, suitable for customer service, and highly precise portion-control commercial scales, ideal for commercial kitchens.

    Commercial M-certified scales are suitable for customer service. 20 and 35 Kg. capacity models available.

    Precise portion-control scales. Ideal for commercial kitchens and any other activity that requires weighing small portion with precision. 4 and 8 Kg. capacity models available.

  • SAMMIC – Food Processor / Veg Prep Combi Machines

    It consists of a variable speed motor block with a regular or large capacity hopper and a cutter-mixer bowl complete with a hub with serrated blades.

    Sammic Food Processor / Veg Prep Combi machi…

    It consists of a variable speed motor block with a regular or large capacity hopper and a cutter-mixer bowl complete with a hub with serrated blades.

    Sammic Food Processor / Veg Prep Combi machines are strong, very easy to use and clean. Stainless steel construction and highest quality material, all suitable for contact with food. They offer high production due to their ventilated motors that allow continuous use.

  • Sammic – Microwave Ovens – HM Model

    Commercial Microwaves that fit the requirements of any user, from bars & cafes to restaurants, hotels, etc.

    Moreover, it fits to the the requirements of any user. For example, sta…

    Commercial Microwaves that fit the requirements of any user, from bars & cafes to restaurants, hotels, etc.

    Moreover, it fits to the the requirements of any user. For example, stainless steel cabinet and cavity in all models, easy to use–programmable models available in different versions and a uniform quality in the final product is guaranteed.

  • Sammic – Pancake Machines – Electric / Gas

    Sammic Single Pancake Machine CE-135 and CG-140 are part of the range of quality crepe makers from Sammic. The differences of these two models are type of machine that is electric and gas.

    Sammic Single Pancake Machine CE-135 and CG-140 are part of the range of quality crepe makers from Sammic. The differences of these two models are type of machine that is electric and gas.

    Sammic Double Electric Pancake Machine CE-235 is part of the range of quality crepe makers from Sammic including CG-240 that is Double Gas Pancake Machine.

  • Sammic – Salamander Grills – Fixed / Mobile

    Fixed and Mobile salamanders are ideal to roast directly or gratin all types of food before serving.

    Fixed and Mobile salamanders are ideal to roast directly or gratin all types of food before serving.

  • Sammic – Soup Kettles – OS-10 / OSI-10

    An attractive soup kettle from brand leaders, Sammic, an ideal and convenient way to keep the temperature of soups or liquids.

    A soup kettle is a great way to entice customers with…

    An attractive soup kettle from brand leaders, Sammic, an ideal and convenient way to keep the temperature of soups or liquids.

    A soup kettle is a great way to entice customers with lovely soup aromas whilst offering a healthy warm lunch for customers.  Moreover, it is also useful for gravies and sauces for large caterers.

  • Sammic – Toasters – TP / ST Range

    Sammic’s TP toaster range is ideal for breakfast use in busy hotels, canteens, offices and buffets. On the other hand, Sammic’s ST toaster range is ideal for obtaining large production outputs in small sp…

    Sammic’s TP toaster range is ideal for breakfast use in busy hotels, canteens, offices and buffets. On the other hand, Sammic’s ST toaster range is ideal for obtaining large production outputs in small spaces.

    Each model is easy to use with comfortable controls and attractive design. Constructed of stainless steel and built to ensure optimum effectiveness with rigorous use.

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