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Showing all 2 results

  • Proveris Scientific – Accessories

    With the industry’s most complete selection of standard accessories, chances are we already have a holder that will fit your product. If not, we can build one for you, exactly tailored to your requirements.

    With the industry’s most complete selection of standard accessories, chances are we already have a holder that will fit your product. If not, we can build one for you, exactly tailored to your requirements.

  • SARTORIUS – Quickseal® Aseptic Disconnections

    Quickseal® — Reliable Aseptic Disconnection

    Quickseal® aseptic disconnectors simplify critical fluid management by making aseptic disconnection fast and secure. Quickseal

    Quickseal® — Reliable Aseptic Disconnection

    Quickseal® aseptic disconnectors simplify critical fluid management by making aseptic disconnection fast and secure. Quickseal® collars are available for an array of tubing materials covering the range of tube internal diameters from 1/8″ (3.2 mm) to 3/4″ (19.0 mm). Extensively tested, Quickseal® is ideally suited for most applications in biopharmaceutical, vaccine and cell and gene therapy production.

    Key Features

    1. Fast Disconnection Time Seal and disconnect in less than 5 seconds on a wide range of tube sizes and materials

    2. Intuitive Operation Disconnect in one step — just cut the collar. Simple operation reduces risk of error.

    3. Secure and Trusted Seal Testing validates that the aseptic seal is stronger than the tube, ensuring reliability.

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