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  • Eltra – Carbon/Hydrogen/Sulfur Analyzer – CHS-580

    An automatic sample loader allows for analysis of large numbers of samples without operator intervention. The sample loader is available in two versions to accommodate 36 or 130 crucibles. For reliable analysis of acidified samples (TOC analysis),…

    An automatic sample loader allows for analysis of large numbers of samples without operator intervention. The sample loader is available in two versions to accommodate 36 or 130 crucibles. For reliable analysis of acidified samples (TOC analysis), both versions are available in an acid-resistance configuration.

    The temperature can be set in steps of 1 °C to a maximum of 1,550 °C. Thanks to sample weights of up to 500 mg and more even inhomogeneous materials can be reliably analyzed. The analyzer can be equipped with up to four independent infrared cells for measuring carbon and sulfur concentrations, allowing for a great variety of applications.

  • Eltra – Carbon/Sulfur Analyzer – CS-580

    Thanks to sample weights of 500 mg and more, even inhomogeneous materials can be reliably analyzed. The temperature of the powerful horizontal resistance furnace with ceramic tube can be set in steps from 1 °C to a maximum of 1,550 °C. The analy…

    Thanks to sample weights of 500 mg and more, even inhomogeneous materials can be reliably analyzed. The temperature of the powerful horizontal resistance furnace with ceramic tube can be set in steps from 1 °C to a maximum of 1,550 °C. The analyzer can be equipped with up to four independent infrared cells according to the user‘s requirements, allowing for a great variety of applications.

  • Eltra – Carbon/Sulfur Analyzer – ELEMENTRAC CS-i

    The elemental analyzer ELEMENTRAC CS-i measures the carbon and sulfur concentration in predominantly inorganic samples through combustion in an induction furnace and the subsequent analysis of the gaseous combustion products carbon dioxide and su…

    The elemental analyzer ELEMENTRAC CS-i measures the carbon and sulfur concentration in predominantly inorganic samples through combustion in an induction furnace and the subsequent analysis of the gaseous combustion products carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

    The high temperature of more than 2000 °C ensures complete decomposition of the sample and thus reliable and accurate elemental analysis over a wide concentration range.

    The ELEMENTRAC CS-i meets and exceeds the requirements of all common standards for carbon and sulfur measurement, such as ASTM E1019, DIN EN ISO 15350.

  • Eltra – Hydrogen Analyzer – H-500

    Determination of hydrogen using the heat extraction method is a special requirement for the characterization of steel, steel alloys, copper and other metals. ELTRA’s H-500 is designed for the rapid and accurate determination of hydrogen in t…

    Determination of hydrogen using the heat extraction method is a special requirement for the characterization of steel, steel alloys, copper and other metals. ELTRA’s H-500 is designed for the rapid and accurate determination of hydrogen in these materials.

    The H-500 analyzer uses the heat extraction technique and is equipped with a resistance furnace with quartz tube. The temperature can be set up to 1000 °C in steps of 1 °C. The usual working range of the H-500 is about 900° to 1000° C. ELTRA’s H-500 can be customized to the requirements of the user. The analyzer carries up to two different sensitivities of the detectors to allow highest precision for a variety of applications.

  • Eltra – Thermogravimetric Analyzer – TGA Thermostep

    ELTRA’s TGA Thermostep is a thermogravimetric analyzer which determines various parameters such as moisture, volatiles and ash at user-defined temperatures and atmospheres in a single analysis. The thermogravimetrics analyzer TGA Thermostep simu…

    ELTRA’s TGA Thermostep is a thermogravimetric analyzer which determines various parameters such as moisture, volatiles and ash at user-defined temperatures and atmospheres in a single analysis. The thermogravimetrics analyzer TGA Thermostep simultaneously analyzes up to 19 samples with sample weights up to 5 g and can be operated at temperatures up to 1000 °C.

    A special feature of the TGA Thermostep is the management of crucible covers. The thermogravimetric analyzer can place and remove the covers of the crucibles during analysis. This feature allows for example the precise determination of volatile content in coal and coke.

  • NEW! Eltra – Oxygen/Hydrogen Analyzer – Elementrac OH-p 2

    The new ELEMENTRAC OH-p 2 is a powerful and robust elemental analyzer for measurement of oxygen and hydrogen concentrations in inorganic samples like steel, iron, copper or ceramics. The highly sensitive NDIR and thermal conductivity detectors rel…

    The new ELEMENTRAC OH-p 2 is a powerful and robust elemental analyzer for measurement of oxygen and hydrogen concentrations in inorganic samples like steel, iron, copper or ceramics. The highly sensitive NDIR and thermal conductivity detectors reliably detect element concentrations from low ppm content to high percentages.

  • NEW! Eltra – Oxygen/Nitrogen Analyzer – Elementrac ON‑P2

    The ELEMENTRAC ONH-p determines oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in inorganic samples by inert gas fusion in an impulse furnace with temperatures in excess of 3.000 °C.

    The ELEMENTRAC ONH-p determines oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in inorganic samples by inert gas fusion in an impulse furnace with temperatures in excess of 3.000 °C.

  • NEW! Eltra – Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen Analyzer – Elementrac ONH‑P2

    The new ELEMENTRAC ONH-p 2 is a powerful and robust elemental analyzer for measurement of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen concentrations in inorganic materials like steel, iron, copper or ceramics. The highly sensitive NDIR and th…

    The new ELEMENTRAC ONH-p 2 is a powerful and robust elemental analyzer for measurement of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen concentrations in inorganic materials like steel, iron, copper or ceramics. The highly sensitive NDIR and thermal conductivity detectors reliably detect element concentrations from low ppm content to high percentages.

  • Nittoseiko Analytech – Elementary Analyzer – Nitrogen, Sulfur and Halogen Detector

    Due to its unique simplicity and independence of fixed gas supply, the AOX-200 can be setup in every laboratory that needs to determine water quality parameters. Together with optional absorption units, this enables customers to implement new anal…

    Due to its unique simplicity and independence of fixed gas supply, the AOX-200 can be setup in every laboratory that needs to determine water quality parameters. Together with optional absorption units, this enables customers to implement new analytical methods with ease.

  • Nittoseiko Analytech – Nitrogen, Sulfur and Halogen Detector – NSX-2100H/V

    The Nittoseiko Analytech NSX-2100H/V offers advanced detection for nitrogen, sulfur, and halogens with high accuracy and flexibility, featuring multiple detectors and easy maintenance.

    The Nittoseiko Analytech NSX-2100H/V offers advanced detection for nitrogen, sulfur, and halogens with high accuracy and flexibility, featuring multiple detectors and easy maintenance.

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