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Showing 1–24 of 40 results

  • Armfield – Advanced Fluid Mechanics – C15 Computer Controlled Subsonic Wind Tunnel

    The Armfield C15 is a new computer-controlled subsonic benchtop wind tunnel designed for undergraduate teaching. A small, benchtop wind tunnel, with visible working section. A wide range of accessories and instrumentation options are available, al…

    The Armfield C15 is a new computer-controlled subsonic benchtop wind tunnel designed for undergraduate teaching. A small, benchtop wind tunnel, with visible working section. A wide range of accessories and instrumentation options are available, allowing a comprehensive study of subsonic aerodynamics. The facility is suitable for undergraduate training and project work.

  • Armfield – Advanced Fluid Mechanics – C6MKII Fluid Friction Measurements

    The Armfield Fluid Friction Measurements unit provides facilities for the detailed study of fluid friction head losses which occur when an incompressible fluid flows through pipes, fittings and flow metering devices. The unit is designed for use w…

    The Armfield Fluid Friction Measurements unit provides facilities for the detailed study of fluid friction head losses which occur when an incompressible fluid flows through pipes, fittings and flow metering devices. The unit is designed for use with the Armfield F1-10 Hydraulics bench.

  • Armfield – Chemical Engineering – CE Series

    Armfield through their CE range of products offer the most compreshensive, diverse and technically current group of products of any manufacturer, bringing both basic principles and complete unit operations to the modern educational laboratory.

    Armfield through their CE range of products offer the most compreshensive, diverse and technically current group of products of any manufacturer, bringing both basic principles and complete unit operations to the modern educational laboratory.

  • Armfield – Complete Fluid Mechanics Laboratory – Fluid Dynamics

    The Armfield Hydraulics Bench (F1-10) and accessories have long been the benchmark used in fluid mechanics teaching laboratories. The comprehensive range of equipment can covers all aspects of the teaching of hydraulics in a safe, visual and easy-…

    The Armfield Hydraulics Bench (F1-10) and accessories have long been the benchmark used in fluid mechanics teaching laboratories. The comprehensive range of equipment can covers all aspects of the teaching of hydraulics in a safe, visual and easy-to-understand way, backed up by first-class teaching materials.

  • Armfield – Complete Fluid Mechanics Laboratory – S16 Hydraulic Flow Demonstrator

    S16 configured as an open channel showing flow over an elevated section of the bed with a hydraulic jump forming on the downstream slope. It demonstrates flow through both open channels and closed conduits when coupling this highly visual accessor…

    S16 configured as an open channel showing flow over an elevated section of the bed with a hydraulic jump forming on the downstream slope. It demonstrates flow through both open channels and closed conduits when coupling this highly visual accessory with the F1-10 Hydraulics Bench. It has a unique elevating bed section and models of various hydraulic structures enable the difficult concepts of critical flow and energy changes to be clearly demonstrated and analysed. It also has a working section large enough for the various flow phenomena to be seen clearly by a group of students – enables a teacher to provide practical demonstrations at the same time as explaining the theory. The demonstrations can be set up quickly and easily, including varying the upstream and downstream flow conditions. It is ideal for student project work – user constructed models of different hydraulic structures can be evaluated.

  • Armfield – Desktop Learning Modules – DLMX Series

    The Armfield DLMX system is a practical education system aimed at teaching students the basics of fluid mechanics, heat exchange and other fundamental engineering principles. It is a unique combination of coursework and practical demonstration equ…

    The Armfield DLMX system is a practical education system aimed at teaching students the basics of fluid mechanics, heat exchange and other fundamental engineering principles. It is a unique combination of coursework and practical demonstration equipment and can be used to teach students of all ages. The equipment comprises a small battery operated base unit, into which one of seven different cartridges is plugged.


  • Armfield – Fluid Machines – FM Series CAPTURE

    With the introduction of CAPTURE, machines that were once costly, cumbersome and difficult to use became affordable, space-saving and easy to use. Now CAPTURE MKII takes the concept forward into new realms of student understanding, adding superb v…

    With the introduction of CAPTURE, machines that were once costly, cumbersome and difficult to use became affordable, space-saving and easy to use. Now CAPTURE MKII takes the concept forward into new realms of student understanding, adding superb visibility of the working of the bmachines and taking full advantage of the latest software and instrumentation techniques. All the CAPTURE units use standard PCs to display, record and manipulate the data. All Armfield CAPTURE units are now supplied with Armfield Armsoft LabVIEW™ based software to present and record the data in a way that is straightforward to use and understand for the student, yet offers a wide range of advanced features and capabilities. A common software format is used accross all machines. Similarly the machines all use a common interface unit, thus providing a cost-effective solution for laboratories requiring several machines.

  • Armfield – Internal Combustion Engines – CM Series

    Armfield’s range of internal combustion engines encompasses automotive and aviation power units, each one mounted on a small test bed and providing a complete engine learning system.

    Armfield’s range of internal combustion engines encompasses automotive and aviation power units, each one mounted on a small test bed and providing a complete engine learning system.

  • Armfield – Naval Architecture – NA4 Ships Vibrations Apparatus

    The NA4 Ships Vibrations Test Model is designed to enable students to investigate a simple model hull form for resonance phenomena. It may be used in conjunction with the optional Armfield Flotation Tank or any suitable customer supplied tank. Man…

    The NA4 Ships Vibrations Test Model is designed to enable students to investigate a simple model hull form for resonance phenomena. It may be used in conjunction with the optional Armfield Flotation Tank or any suitable customer supplied tank. Many of the principal phenomena associated with ship resonant vibration are clearly demonstrated. At a more advanced level the distribution of mass and second moment of area may be calculated and using a Young’s Modulus value for the material of the ship shaped beam, the natural frequencies may be estimated by a simple tabular method or other means and compared with the measured value.

  • Armfield – Naval Architecture – NA8 Ships Stability Apparatus

    The NA8 Ships Stability System is designed for the study of ship hydrostatics and stability. A comprehensive manual provides hydrostatic stability and other data for ship models and includes a number of experiments which are useful to students. Ex…

    The NA8 Ships Stability System is designed for the study of ship hydrostatics and stability. A comprehensive manual provides hydrostatic stability and other data for ship models and includes a number of experiments which are useful to students. Exercises are conducted on a 1/70 scale model of a general cargo vessel of 28,000-tonne ship mass. Rolling, righting and the effects of flooding various compartments may be studied. Optional alternative ships models are also available for study.

  • Biolin – Attension Theta Optical Tensiometers

    Attension® offers leading contact angle and surface tension solutions for industrial quality control and R&D as well as for academic research. The core of Attension solutions is a combination of easy-to-use, smart instrume…

    Attension® offers leading contact angle and surface tension solutions for industrial quality control and R&D as well as for academic research. The core of Attension solutions is a combination of easy-to-use, smart instrumentation with broad surface science capabilities.

  • Biolin – Deposition & Characterization of Thin Films

    KSV NIMA provides instruments and measurement solutions for the fabrication and characterization of advanced organized thin films with controlled packing density.

    KSV NIMA provides instruments and measurement solutions for the fabrication and characterization of advanced organized thin films with controlled packing density.

  • Biolin – Force Tensiometers

    State of the art force tensiometers with outstanding versatility and high level of automation. Fully automated critical micelle concentration (CMC) determination with high accuracy. A standalone force tensiometer with automated sample stage for pr…

    State of the art force tensiometers with outstanding versatility and high level of automation. Fully automated critical micelle concentration (CMC) determination with high accuracy. A standalone force tensiometer with automated sample stage for precise measurements. Easy to operate.

  • Biolin – Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs (L&LB)

    Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs Premium systems to create thin film coatings with controlled packing density.

    Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs Premium systems to create thin film coatings with controlled packing density.

  • Biolin – Optical Tensiometers – New Attension Theta Premium Range

    Attension® tensiometers inspire new discoveries and more confident decisions towards seamless production and higher quality products. With its intuitive user interface, slick design and all-inclusive software, it is easy to operate wit…

    Attension® tensiometers inspire new discoveries and more confident decisions towards seamless production and higher quality products. With its intuitive user interface, slick design and all-inclusive software, it is easy to operate with high flexibility and unrivaled automation options. 

  • Biolin – QCM-D Instruments

    QSense® is the world-leading, premium QCM-D solution for nanoscale tracking of interactions at surfaces and interfaces. It can provide you with unique, reproducible, in-depth data with high productivity and ease of use along the way.


    QSense® is the world-leading, premium QCM-D solution for nanoscale tracking of interactions at surfaces and interfaces. It can provide you with unique, reproducible, in-depth data with high productivity and ease of use along the way.

    This enables a fundamental understanding of processes, an early indication of real-life outcome and the ability to optimize products and processes for authentic conditions. By investing in a QSense instrument you put yourself and your team at the forefront of scientific progress and technological innovation.

  • Biolin – QSense Omni

    QSense Omni is the new, cutting-edge instrument from the pioneers of QCM-D. Based on established technology, which has supported a deeper understanding of surface and interface interactions for decades, QSense Omni gives you sharper QCM-D data and…

    QSense Omni is the new, cutting-edge instrument from the pioneers of QCM-D. Based on established technology, which has supported a deeper understanding of surface and interface interactions for decades, QSense Omni gives you sharper QCM-D data and a smooth journey in the lab. Unfold unique insights quicker and base your decisions on reliable results from highly controlled measurements.  

  • Biolin – QSense Superior Accuracy in Surface Interaction Analysis

    QSense is a line of instrumentation for real-time analysis of surface-molecule interactions.

    QSense is a line of instrumentation for real-time analysis of surface-molecule interactions.

  • Bruker – Confocal Raman Microscope – SENTERRA II

    Raman imaging is an incredibly effective tool to create detailed chemical images based on a sample’s Raman spectra. In these images, every pixel is composed of a complete Raman spectrum. By interpretation of this spectral data, a false color ima…

    Raman imaging is an incredibly effective tool to create detailed chemical images based on a sample’s Raman spectra. In these images, every pixel is composed of a complete Raman spectrum. By interpretation of this spectral data, a false color image can be rendered to emphasize and characterize the sample’s properties like chemical structure or composition.

  • Bruker – FT-IR Spectrometer – LUMOS II

    The LUMOS II takes FTIR microscopy to the next level by making it faster, easier, more accurate and reliable. We accomplished this by tailoring its software and user interface specifically to the user. Beginners get perfect results in no time, whi…

    The LUMOS II takes FTIR microscopy to the next level by making it faster, easier, more accurate and reliable. We accomplished this by tailoring its software and user interface specifically to the user. Beginners get perfect results in no time, while experts are given almost unlimited possibilities. The LUMOS II offers exclusive FPA imaging technology, that naturally exceeds the speed and spatial resolution of line array and single-point measurements. Its applicability is enormous, the spectral data obtained always of the highest quality and the measurement times are very short.

  • LUM GmbH – LUMiFlector

    The LUMiFlector® is a powerful measuring instrument for product parameter determination & monitoring. The innovative patented MRS-Technology® is the core of the instrument. It quantifies parameters of manifold products…

    The LUMiFlector® is a powerful measuring instrument for product parameter determination & monitoring. The innovative patented MRS-Technology® is the core of the instrument. It quantifies parameters of manifold products – no sample preparation, no chemicals.

  • LUM GmbH – LUMiFrac

    The LUMiFrac is an innovative adhesion analyser, which employs centrifugal forces to determine temperature-controlled tensile as well as shear strength.

    It employs centrifugal forces to stress multiple …

    The LUMiFrac is an innovative adhesion analyser, which employs centrifugal forces to determine temperature-controlled tensile as well as shear strength.

    It employs centrifugal forces to stress multiple samples at once. It provides adhesive and tensile strength as well as shear strength as an absolute physical quantity in N/mm² (MPa).

  • LUM GmbH – LUMiFuge

    The LUMiFuge is an analytical centrifuge that measures instantaneously the extinction of transmitted light across the full length of your sample using the STEP-Technology. It is the only instrument in the world that enables you to perform physical…

    The LUMiFuge is an analytical centrifuge that measures instantaneously the extinction of transmitted light across the full length of your sample using the STEP-Technology. It is the only instrument in the world that enables you to perform physically accelerated, direct and efficient stability testing and ranking of your formulations.

  • LUM GmbH – LUMiSizer

    The LUMiSizer is an evolutionary development based on the LUMiFuge platform with some significant additional capabilities that instantaneously measures the extinction (space- and time-resolved) of the transmitted light across the entire length of …

    The LUMiSizer is an evolutionary development based on the LUMiFuge platform with some significant additional capabilities that instantaneously measures the extinction (space- and time-resolved) of the transmitted light across the entire length of your sample using the STEP-Technology.

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