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  • Lauda – Circulation Chillers

    LAUDA circulation chillers offer a comprehensive spectrum of devices for applications ranging from basic laboratory and research applications to demanding temperature control tasks in mini plants and production.

    LAUDA circulation chillers offer a comprehensive spectrum of devices for applications ranging from basic laboratory and research applications to demanding temperature control tasks in mini plants and production.

  • Lauda – Thermostat

    LAUDA thermostats are characterized by their excellent handling, highly ergonomic design, and intuitive operation. With various lines of devices including heating, cooling, circulation, process, and calibration thermostats, LAUDA thermostats offer…

    LAUDA thermostats are characterized by their excellent handling, highly ergonomic design, and intuitive operation. With various lines of devices including heating, cooling, circulation, process, and calibration thermostats, LAUDA thermostats offer a wide working temperature range from -100 to 320°C. 

  • Leica – Stellaris Confocal Microscopes Platforms

    Stellaris Confocal Microscopes can be combined with all Leica modalities, including FLIM, STED, DLS, and CRS. With the STELLARIS confocal platform, we have re-imagined confocal microscopy to get you closer to the truth.

    Stellaris Confocal Microscopes can be combined with all Leica modalities, including FLIM, STED, DLS, and CRS. With the STELLARIS confocal platform, we have re-imagined confocal microscopy to get you closer to the truth.

  • Leica – Stereo Microscopes – Accessories

    Stereo microscopes from Leica Microsystems are customizable and modular to meet your specific applications and tasks. Below are just some of the many stages, stands, and light bases available to enhance your imaging workflow.

    Stereo microscopes from Leica Microsystems are customizable and modular to meet your specific applications and tasks. Below are just some of the many stages, stands, and light bases available to enhance your imaging workflow.

  • Leica – Stereo Microscopes – LED Illumination

    LED illumination from Leica Microsystems provides cool, natural color light for a various incident light applications.

    LED illumination from Leica Microsystems provides cool, natural color light for a various incident light applications.

  • Leica – Stereo Microscopes – Research

    Manual Research Stereo Microscopes from Leica Micro systems provide high-contrast, modular solutions for industrial, materials or life science applications. These ergonomic and customizable solutions combine high resolution with…

    Manual Research Stereo Microscopes from Leica Micro systems provide high-contrast, modular solutions for industrial, materials or life science applications. These ergonomic and customizable solutions combine high resolution with wide sample overview for convenient inspection and analysis.

    Automated research stereo microscopes and macro scopes are flexible, motorized solutions for life science, industrial and materials science applications. When combined with Leica digital microscope cameras and easy-to-use Leica Application Suite software, these systems provide the detailed documentation, measurement and evaluation you need.

  • Leica – Stereo Microscopes – Routine Manual

    Whether you need an entry-level solution or an advanced analysis and documentation package, Leica Microsystems provides ergonomically-designed manual stereo microscopes for routine tasks. This modulare product range can be customized to your needs…

    Whether you need an entry-level solution or an advanced analysis and documentation package, Leica Microsystems provides ergonomically-designed manual stereo microscopes for routine tasks. This modulare product range can be customized to your needs with ergonomic accessories, special bases and extensive illumination options.

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