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  • Koehler – Tribology – ATF Lubricity Test Rig (BOCLE)

    Covers the Assessment of the wear aspects of the boundary lubrication properties of aviation turbine fuels on rubbing steel surfaces. The test ball is pressed with a force of 10 N against the test ring. The test ring is made to rotate at 240 RPM f…

    Covers the Assessment of the wear aspects of the boundary lubrication properties of aviation turbine fuels on rubbing steel surfaces. The test ball is pressed with a force of 10 N against the test ring. The test ring is made to rotate at 240 RPM for a period of 30 minutes after which the test stops. 

  • Koehler – Tribology – Emcor Grease Testing Machine

    Measures the ability of a grease to protect a bearing against corrosion in the presence of water. Two sets of grease-coated bearings per station are partially immersed in water and rotated at a speed of 80 rpm in a sequence of running and resting …

    Measures the ability of a grease to protect a bearing against corrosion in the presence of water. Two sets of grease-coated bearings per station are partially immersed in water and rotated at a speed of 80 rpm in a sequence of running and resting periods. At the end of the test, the raceways of the bearing outer rings are inspected for rust.

  • Koehler – Tribology – Four Ball Tester

    Koehler’s Four Ball Tester determines the Wear Preventative (WP) and Extreme Pressure (EP) characteristics of lubricating oils and greases in sliding steel-on-steel applications. The test consists of rotating a steel ball under load against thre…

    Koehler’s Four Ball Tester determines the Wear Preventative (WP) and Extreme Pressure (EP) characteristics of lubricating oils and greases in sliding steel-on-steel applications. The test consists of rotating a steel ball under load against three stationary steel balls coated with lubricant.

  • Koehler – Tribology – Grease Noise Tester

    The Grease Noise Tester evaluates the lubrication integrity of greases, providing a quantitative assessment of the noise characteristics of the grease. The use of clean lubricants is essential for obtaining long bearing life. A …

    The Grease Noise Tester evaluates the lubrication integrity of greases, providing a quantitative assessment of the noise characteristics of the grease. The use of clean lubricants is essential for obtaining long bearing life. A clean grease for initial lubrication as well as re-lubrication are essential to ensure machine longevity. In applications where bearing fatigue life is not critical such as low operating loads, a clean grease is essential to ensure low bearing noise required for many electric motor applications.

  • Koehler – Tribology – High Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR)

    For evaluation of the lubricity of diesel fuels using a high-frequency reciprocating rig (HFRR). A 2-mL test specimen of fuel is placed in the test reservoir and maintained at 25 or 60°C. When the temperature has stabilized, a vibrator arm holdin…

    For evaluation of the lubricity of diesel fuels using a high-frequency reciprocating rig (HFRR). A 2-mL test specimen of fuel is placed in the test reservoir and maintained at 25 or 60°C. When the temperature has stabilized, a vibrator arm holding a non-rotating steel ball and loaded with a 200-g mass is lowered until it contacts a test disk completely submerged in the fuel.

  • Koehler – Tribology – Pin on Disc Tester

    Data Acquisition System incorporates sensor and signals with a combination of data acquisition hardware and software to create a complete measurement system. They measure Real Time Data of physical properties of test materials. 

    Data Acquisition System incorporates sensor and signals with a combination of data acquisition hardware and software to create a complete measurement system. They measure Real Time Data of physical properties of test materials. 

  • Koehler – Tribology – Shear Stability Tester

    Evaluates the shear stability of polymer-containing fluids. The test method measures the percent viscosity loss (and mm2/s for test method D7109) at 100°C of polymer-containing fluids when evaluated by a diesel injector apparatus procedure that u…

    Evaluates the shear stability of polymer-containing fluids. The test method measures the percent viscosity loss (and mm2/s for test method D7109) at 100°C of polymer-containing fluids when evaluated by a diesel injector apparatus procedure that uses European diesel injector test equipment.

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