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  • Postnova – FFF Modules – PN7000 Eluent Handling

    Available Models Key Industries

  • Postnova Analytics – Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry – AF2000 Multi Flow FFF Universal Separator

  • Postnova Analytics – Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry – CF2000 Centri FFF Particle Separator

    The new advanced Postnova CF2000 Series was developed to become the first professional modular Centrifugal FFF system available. It is completely controled by the NovaFFF single software platform which runs the entire system from autosampler to de…

    The new advanced Postnova CF2000 Series was developed to become the first professional modular Centrifugal FFF system available. It is completely controled by the NovaFFF single software platform which runs the entire system from autosampler to detectors.

  • Postnova Analytics – Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry – SC2000 Modular SEC Molecule Separator

    The new Postnova SC2000 Modular SEC system offers unrivalled flexibility in Advanced SEC/GPC analysis. It is the first truly modular multi-detector SEC system available allowing flexible access to a wide range of applications. 

    The new Postnova SC2000 Modular SEC system offers unrivalled flexibility in Advanced SEC/GPC analysis. It is the first truly modular multi-detector SEC system available allowing flexible access to a wide range of applications. 

  • Postnova Analytics – Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry – TF2000 Thermal FFF Polymer Separator

    The new award winning Postnova TF2000 Thermal FFF Series was invented to become the first professional modular Thermal FFF system available. It is completely integrated by the NovaFFF single software platform which runs the entire system from auto…

    The new award winning Postnova TF2000 Thermal FFF Series was invented to become the first professional modular Thermal FFF system available. It is completely integrated by the NovaFFF single software platform which runs the entire system from autosampler to detectors.

  • Postnova Analytics – FFF Modules – PN1000 Eluent Pumps

    The PN1000 Eluent Pump from Postnova Analytics is a key component of Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) technology. 

    The PN1000 Eluent Pump from Postnova Analytics is a key component of Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) technology. 

  • Postnova Analytics – FFF Modules – PN3000 Detectors

    The PN3000 Detectors from Postnova Analytics are designed to deliver unparalleled performance in Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) technology.

    The PN3000 Detectors from Postnova Analytics are designed to deliver unparalleled performance in Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) technology.

  • Postnova Analytics – FFF Modules – PN4000 Thermostat

    AF2000 MF High Temperature Flow FFF Thermostat Module with integrated autosampler, channel and detector oven compartment and electronics unit, for advanced separation and characterization of polyolefin polymers, such as Polyethylene and Polypropyl…

    AF2000 MF High Temperature Flow FFF Thermostat Module with integrated autosampler, channel and detector oven compartment and electronics unit, for advanced separation and characterization of polyolefin polymers, such as Polyethylene and Polypropylene. Temperature Range: Ambient to 220°C; Molar Mass Range: 10e3 to 10e12 Da; Particle Size Range 1 nm to 1000 nm. System comprising of one single integrated chassis inclunding moveable high temperature autosampler rack (25 sample vials, 5 mL volume) in lower system section, high temperature oven compartment for Flow FFF channels and detectors in the upper section, large top door for easy opening and access to channel and detectors as well as control electronics in the back part of the instrument and special Thermostat Control software connected to and running automated with NovaFFF. System can be equipped with various online high temperature detectors, which have to selected optional, such as High Temperature Infrared (HT-IR), Refractive Index (HT-RI), Multi-Angle Static Light Scattering (HT-MALS) and Viscometry (HT-VISCO). Additional Required Components: 1) High Temperature Flow FFF channel cartridge; 2) High Temp IR and/or additional detectors; 3) Control PC for NovaFFF and Thermostat Control software.

  • Postnova Analytics – FFF Modules – PN5000 Sample Injector

    The PN5300 automatic sample injector includes the latest state-of-the-art auto injector technology, such as a double needle with positive headspace pressure, extensive wash routines for minimal carry over and three injection modes including micro …

    The PN5300 automatic sample injector includes the latest state-of-the-art auto injector technology, such as a double needle with positive headspace pressure, extensive wash routines for minimal carry over and three injection modes including micro liter pick-up mode for zero sample loss, huge injection range and full biocompatibility.

  • Postnova Analytics – Particle Fractionator – SF2000 Splitt FFF

    With the introduction of the SF2000 G Postnova has launched a new type of Gravitational Splitt FFF. The SF2000 G is a the first true completely integrated and modular commercial G-Splitt including online optical particle detection. The machine can…

    With the introduction of the SF2000 G Postnova has launched a new type of Gravitational Splitt FFF. The SF2000 G is a the first true completely integrated and modular commercial G-Splitt including online optical particle detection. The machine can be used to separate, fractionate, purify and to characterize microparticles in one step. The attached PN3000 XPT detector allows determination of size and shape of the particle fractions eluting from the channel.

  • SCION – GC

    The perfect GC for many applications that saves space without compromise on functionality and performance. Capacity for 2 injectors , 1 GC detector plus a mass spectrometer makes the SCION 436 a perfect match for your analyses.

    The perfect GC for many applications that saves space without compromise on functionality and performance. Capacity for 2 injectors , 1 GC detector plus a mass spectrometer makes the SCION 436 a perfect match for your analyses.

  • SCION SQ GC- Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

    SCION SQ series GC-MS systems combine innovative engineering with detailed cutomer requirements to produce the truly advanced SCION SQ series. By designing these GC-MS systems to exceed the most critical performance and reliability requirements, S…

    SCION SQ series GC-MS systems combine innovative engineering with detailed cutomer requirements to produce the truly advanced SCION SQ series. By designing these GC-MS systems to exceed the most critical performance and reliability requirements, Scion Instruments delivers systems that are especially for, and all about, the ultimate success of users.

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