Von Ardenne – XEA l nova


    10F, No. 22, Lane 407, Ti-Ding Blvd., Section 2,
    NeiHu Technology Park
    114 Taipei

    +886 921 075 612



    PT. DKSH Indonesia
    AIA Central 39th floor. Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kavling 48A
    12930 Jakarta Selatan

    +62 81 7988 2288


  • High efficiency solar equipment – Brochure

VON ARDENNE is the partner of choice, if you are looking for coating solutions for all current and future technologies for high-efficiency solar cells such as the heterojunction cell technology (HJT). Considerably improved contact structures compared to today’s standards are an essential feature of these cells. Another crucial aspect is the right key technology for depositing these structures on silicon wafers: Physical vapor deposition (PVD), a technology VON ARDENNE has perfected for more than 60 years. However, the potential of PVD is far from exhausted.


  • Coating System for Silicon Crystalline Solar Cell (e.g., HJT, IBC, Passivated Contacts)

Key Industries

  • PV
  • Solar Cell
  • Photovoltaics

Technical Specifications

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Von Ardenne

VON AR­DENNE de­vel­ops and man­u­fac­tures in­dus­trial equip­ment for vac­uum coat­ings on ma­te­ri­als such as glass, wafers, metal strip and poly­mer films. These coat­ings give the sur­faces new func­tional prop­er­ties and can be be­tween one nanome­ter and a few mi­crom­e­ters thin, de­pend­ing on the ap­pli­ca­tion.
Our cus­tomers use these ma­te­ri­als to make high-qual­ity prod­ucts such as ar­chi­tec­tural glass, dis­plays for smart­phones and touch screens, so­lar mod­ules and heat pro­tec­tion foil for au­to­mo­tive glass.
We sup­ply our cus­tomers with tech­no­log­i­cally so­phis­ti­cated vac­uum coat­ing sys­tems, ex­ten­sive ex­per­tise and global ser­vice. The key com­po­nents are de­vel­oped and man­u­fac­tured by VON AR­DENNE it­self.

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