Thermo Fisher – Environmental Chambers

Protect Your Delicate Samples

Your samples are delicate, often irreplaceable. You depend on consistent performance from your equipment throughout your work, from sample preparation to storage.

Thermo Scientific Forma Environmental Chambers feature proven technology for outstanding temperature uniformity and stability.

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Comparison of Environmental Chambers

Stability ChambersReach-in ChambersVertical Light Chambers
DescriptionMeets compliance standards for ICH, FDA, TAPPI, ASTM or national testing standardsFocused on elevated temperature-only segments of drug stability and incubationMeet ICH guidelines for photo stability testing Q1B
Simulate gradual transitions from day to night, suitable for plant and insect growth
Termperature Range0°C to 60°C5°C above
ambient to 60°C
10°C to 50°C
with light on
Relative HumidityAbove ambient
to 95% @ 37°C
NANA / Above ambient to 75% @ 30°C
Size (Cu.Ft/L)29 / 821 | 11 / 31129 / 82129 / 821. | 11 / 311

Available Models

Technical Specifications

Large Stability ChamberSmall Stability Chamber
Exterior (W x H x D)965 x 2248 x 813mm 38.00 x 88.50 x 32.00 in.965 x 1308 x 813mm 38.00 x 51.50 x 32.00 in.
Interior (W x H x D)787 x 1524 x 686mm 31.00 x 60.00 x 27.00 in.787 x 609 x 686mm 31.00 x 24.00 x 27.00 in.
Net weight347kg / 765 lbs261kg / 575 lbs
Shipping weight472kg / 1040 lbs325kg / 715 lbs
Temperature range0°C to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)0°C to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)
Controller, sensorWatlow Microprocessor – PID, with RTD sensorWatlow Microprocessor – PID, with RTD sensor
DisplayDigital dual LED, 0.1°C steps readability & setabilityDigital dual LED, 0.1°C steps readability & setability
Water consumption / specificationMax. 12L per day / 3 gal per day; demineralised water, resistance: 0.5 – 1 MΩ cmMax. 12L per day / 3 gal per day; demineralised water, resistance: 0.5 – 1 MΩ cm
Relative humidity rangeAbove ambient to 95% @ 37°C (98.6°F) ±5.0% RHAbove ambient to 95% @ 37°C (98.6°F) ±5.0% RH
Voltage230V, 50/60Hz, 15.0 Amps230V, 50/60Hz, 15.0 Amps
PlugNEMA 14-20PNEMA 14-20P

The stability chambers meet International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines for drug substance and product storage testing. The units are ideal for drug stability studies, shelf-life testing for packaged products, and insect and other large-scale biological research.

  • Chambers feature 0°C to 60°C (32°F to 140°F) temperature range that can be set in 0.1°C increments
  • Directed Airflow System distributes airflow uniformly throughout the chamber
  • Various options available to address specific needs for shelving, door, water system, documentation and more 

Technical Specifications

Large Stability Chamber
Size29 cu. ft.
Physical properties821L Reach-In Incubated Chamber with heating only
Exterior (W x H x D)965 x 2032 x 833mm 38.00 x 80.00 x 33.00 in.
Interior (W x H x D)787 x 1524 x 686mm 31.00 x 60.00 x 27.00 in.
Net weight227kg / 500 lbs
Shipping weight300kg / 660 lbs
Temperature range5°C above ambient to 60°C
Controller, sensorEnviron-Scan – PID, with RTD sensor
DisplayDigital dual LED, 0.1°C steps readability & setability
Voltage230V, 50/60Hz, 5.0 Amps
Plug230V: CEE 7/7
Power switch2-Pole
Interior convenience receptacles230W max., for standard EU CEE7/7

Reach-In Incubator for Elevated Temperature Applications

Reach-In Refrigerated incubator broad temperature range covers incubation, testing and storage applications that require temperature control.

  • Reliable temperature control
  • Adjustable high and low temperature alarm prevents operator of deviations
  • Large chamber to accommodate large sample amounts 

Reach-In Chambers for Elevated Application Temperatures

Choose from various door options:

  • Exterior glass door for best view on samples is standard
  • Exterior solid door for light sensitive applications
  • Exterior solid door with interior glass door for incubation applications

Optional Cell Roll System

An optional cell roll system allows extensive production of monolayer cell cultures in standard roller culture vessels. This helps improved oxygenation and exposure of the cells to the media growth area. Combined uniform temperature control and continuous, gentile rotation provided by the cell roll system create the ideal conditions to help increase culture yields.

  • Cell roller up to 7 decks high with 5 positions per deck for a maximum total of 35 positions, or bottles.
  • Maximum capacity includes a Three-Tier Cell Roller Base (15 positions), four add-on tiers (20 positions), and a reinforced floor/ramp.
  • All position drive is standard. Adjustable speed contro lwith speeds of 0.125 to 6.25 RPM with ±1.0% accuracy, based on 110 mm bottles.

Technical Specifications

Vertical Light Large Stability ChamberVertical Light Small Stability Chamber
Light Option
Set Light and Temperature – No Humidity Control
Max. # of light modules32
Temp. range with light switched on25°C to 50°C (68°F to 122°F)10°C to 50°C (50°F to 122°F)
DisplayDigital dual LED, 0.1°C steps readability & setabilityDigital dual LED, 0.1°C steps readability & setability
Set Light and Temperature – Humidity
Max # of light modules22
Relative humidity rangeAbove ambient to 75% @ 50°C (122°F)Above ambient to 75% @ 50°C (122°F)
Humidity stability≤ ±5% RH≤ ±5% RH
Temperature range15°C to 50°C (59°F to 122°F)10°C to 50°C (50°F to 122°F)

Vertical Light Chambers address a variety of applications that require sample exposure with light, along with temperature control and humidity.

  • Flexible set up addresses requirements for sample distance to light and sample volume
  • ICH light module for optimal light exposure according to guideline Q1B. Order desired number of modules separately
  • Specific light modules for plant growth and animal hatching also available
  • Solid door ensures there is no “light pollution” in the light exposure to samples

Address applications under optimal conditions with light choices. Wide light distribution is achieved with 7 fluorescent light bulbs. 

The Thermo Scientific Directed Airflow System

The Thermo Scientific Directed Airflow System versus a top-to-bottom, undirected airflow design. The directed airflow minimizes the risk of product desiccation and loss, and wasted time and money due to poor temperature uniformity and recovery. The horizontal airflow of Thermo ensures great temperature uniformity and stability values – even with many samples on the shelves.

Temperature / Humidity Performance Chart

The chart illustrates the maximum and minimum attainable humidity within the cabinet at a given set temperature under the following nominal conditions: refrigeration on, defrost off, no wet bulb recorder, no air exchange, set for 22.2°C (72°F) and 50% RH ambient. Optional heatless dryer is available for lower humidity levels.

Key Features

Stability Chambers

Stability Chambers provide a controlled temperature and humidity environment. They are perfect for stability tests, e.g. in Pharma or packaging. Other applications include environmental testing or controlled storage.

Reach-In Chambers

Reach-in Chambers are heat only and provide a controlled temperature environment above the ambient temperature. Typical applications are microbiological incubation, or controlled storage. High volumes of samples can be incubated, tested or stored.

Vertical Light Chambers

Vertical Light Chambers are perfect for light stability testing, plant growth or animal hatching. The samples are exposed to the light from above, temperature + humidity can be controlled. Choose from various different light modules to address the specific application.

Key Industries

  • Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Automotive
  • Biopharmaceutical and Biotechnology
  • Chemical
  • Construction
  • Cosmetics & Personal Care
  • Defense
  • Die & Mould
  • Education & Academics
  • Electronics
  • Energy
  • Environmental
  • Food & Beverage
  • Luxury
  • Machinery & Manufacturing
  • Medical
  • Mining & Minerals
  • Oil & Gas
  • Optical
  • Paper & Wood
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Polymers, Plastics and Rubbers
  • Powders & Pigments / Coating
  • Railway
  • Semiconductor, Solar & Electronics
  • Service
  • Shipbuilding
  • Textile
  • Wholesale & Retail

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