Leica – Digital Microscopes / 3D Display Microscopes
Digital microscopes are microscopes without eyepieces. A digital camera acts as a detector. Images are displayed on a screen or monitor, turning the microscopy workstation into an ergonomic digital workplace.
Inspection, documentation, and digital analysis without eyepieces
For inspection, documentation, and analyses such as measurement in 2D and 3D as well as 3D topographies in surface metrology, they have become increasingly popular in production, quality control and quality assurance, failure analysis, research and development as well as forensics. Digital microscopes even have their areas of application in the life sciences.
Key Features
- Easy Operation
- Smooth workflow
- Perfect images
- Comfortable posture
- Versatile imaging
- Peace of mind
Available Models

Digital Microscope Leica DVM6
If you work in quality control/assurance, failure analysis, research and development, or in forensics, searching for the detail can take up a lot of your time in microscopy.
The Leica DVM6 digital microscope is fast, reliable and easy to use for every user. It is the perfect solution that combines outstanding optics, intuitive operation and smart software to save you time.

Digital Microscope System Leica DMS300
The Leica DMS300 is a complete digital microscope system that utilizes a HDMI-monitor instead of eyepieces. Leica’s high quality 8:1 zoom optics are combined with a 2.5MP camera to provide a full high-definition live image with up to 30fps. The Leica DMS300 produces high-quality, full-color still images as well as Full-HD movies as a standalone system.
All primary functions of the DMS300 are controlled with a wireless remote control. Additionally, it can be connected to a computer offering full compatibility with Leica software LAS EZ. The dual live video stream allows for simultaneous output to a PC and a second imaging device with HDMI-interface such as a HD-monitors or HD-projector.

3D Optical Surface Metrology System Leica DCM8
Designed to help you maximize efficiency, Leica DCM8 unites the advantages of High Definition confocal microscopy with interferometry into one versatile, dual-core system. Ultra-fast analysis is ensured thanks to one-click mode selection, sophisticated software and HD confocal scanning without moving parts.

Low-to-Mid Range Magnification Digital Microscope Leica DMS1000
Digital microscope system for digital inspection, observation and measurement. From tiniest detail to an overview, the optics ensures magnification of up to 300x. The built-in HDMI microscope cameraprovides full high definition live images of up to 30fps and a resolution of 5Mpixels.
Take a fresh look at your samples on a monitor without the need of eyepieces. High-quality, full color still images as well as Full-HD movies are possible.
The Leica DMS1000 with coded zoom optics can be used as stand-alone or connected to a computer offering accurate 2D-measurements by using Leica Application Suite (LAS) software.
For special diagnostics requirements, there is the Leica DMS1000 B, a version certified for in-vitro-applications like in-vitro-fertilization (IVF).

Biological Laboratory Research Digital Microscope Leica DMS1000 B
A preconfigured digital microscope system that is ideal for working in laminar flow cabinets as required in demanding research applications like in vitro fertilization (IVF).
The Leica DMS1000 B includes a digital microscope that is combined with a camera, a transmitted light base (TL3000 ST and TL5000 Ergo, respectively) and all further accessories that make the DMS1000 B the out-of-the box solution for researchers and medical doctors. The high-quality optics provides a magnification of up to 300x to visualize even the tiniest details on your sample. The built-in HD camera provides a full HD live image with up to 30fps and a capture resolution of 5 Mpixels.
The Leica DMS1000 B can be used as a stand-alone unit without the need for a computer.
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