Agilent – GC/MS Instruments

Agilent’s portfolio of GC/MS instruments provides comprehensive capabilities, allowing users to achieve sensitive, robust, and reliable GC/MS analysis of any sample in a routine setting.

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The Agilent 5977B single quadrupole GC/MSD offers users a versatile, cost effective solution including the Agilent High Efficiency Source (HES) for the most challenging detection limit samples. The Agilent 7000D and 7010B GC/TQ systems give the ultimate in GC/MS/MS robustness, performance, and sensitivity for targeted analysis. While the 7250 GC/Q-TOF offers users unprecedented flexibility from untargeted screening through to routine quantitation with Low Energy EI ionization capabilities coupled with high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) and MS/MS capabilities.

Available Models

The NEW 5977B High Efficiency Source (HES) GC/MSD builds on a tradition of providing the most trusted single-quadrupole GC/MS system. The ultra-efficient EI source maximizes the number of ions that are created and transferred out of the source body and into the quadrupole analyzer. This novel design revolutionizes single quadrupole mass spectrometry performance.

Key Features

  • The High Efficiency Ion Source (HES) self-cleaning ion source, you can greatly reduce or even eliminate the need for manual source cleaning.
  • Improved sensitivity (10x greater) and detection limits as low as 1.5 fg IDL – performance that brings yesterday’s triple-quadrupole limits of detection into today’s single quadrupole laboratory.
  • Reduce time spent on sample prep and maintenance, while meeting your current sensitivity requirements, with just 1/10 the sample volume (10x less sample required). 
  • Minimize operating and shipping costs by storing, prepping and disposing of 10x less material.
  • Eco-friendly features, such as Sleep/Wake modes, conserve electricity and other resources like carrier gas.
  • With our Inert Flow Path solutions, maintain sample integrity, while reducing analyte loss and decomposition – from carrier gas introduction through detector. 
  • Agilent 7890B GC is a dynamic partner for the 5977B MSD, with its efficient protocols and fully synchronized MS operation.
  • MassHunter Software puts you in control – and makes your GC/MSD analysis routine. Simplify method development,  from instrument settings to data analysis and reporting.
  • The Agilent CrossLab portfolio of services, supplies and software is designed with innovations to drive insight and help your lab maximum uptime.
  • The IDP-3 Dry Scroll Pump is an affordable, high performance, oil-free pump option for near silent operation.
  • Agilent JetClean self-cleaning ion source, you can greatly reduce or even eliminate the need for manual source cleaning.

The NEW 7000D Triple Quadrupole GC/MS is the latest version of the most successful GC/MS/MS in history. The 7000D is now even easier to use and more efficient than ever, due to its new Dynamic MRM (dMRM) mode of acquisition. If your lab includes Agilent 5975 or 5977 GC/MSD systems, you’ll be able to load your GC/MSD SIM and scan methods on the 7000D to balance your workload across all available instruments. Coupled with the 7890B GC, the 7000D MS works in perfect harmony to enhance productivity, save resources and alert operators about pending maintenance.

Key Features

  • Maximize your lab’s capabilities by creating and editing acquisition methods easier than ever before with the NEW dMRM Acquisition Mode
  • Increase your lab’s capacity with the NEW Single Quad Method Compatibility – Load and execute GC/MSD methods, increasing your lab’s capacity to handle samples requiring SIM or scan acquisition.
  • High sensitivity EI Extractor Ion Source delivers confident trace analysis even in complex matrices with an IDL less than 4fg OFN.
  • MassHunter Software delivers complete control from tune to report generation while streamlining your workflow.
  • Enhance mass spec performance by reducing common contaminants, neutral noise and cool down time with Heated Gold Quadrupoles, Triple-Axis HED-EM Detector and Fast Venting.
  • Maximize uptime and planned maintenance with Integrated GC/MS system features and Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) that align and monitor GC/MS operations.
  • Agilent JetClean self-cleaning ion source, you can greatly reduce or even eliminate the need for manual source cleaning
  • High performance chromatography with the Agilent 7890B GC – that provides a complete array of performance enhancing, time saving, and resource conservation features.
  • Advanced GC Technologies including Inert Flow Path, Capillary Flow Technology, and the Programmable Helium Conservation Module help optimize your GC/MS system.
  • Transfer methods anywhere- Retention Time Locking software reproduces retention times from one Agilent GC to another to help transfer methods anywhere, worldwide.
  • Reduce energy costs with the Sleep/Wake Mode-  In sleep mode, you can reduce your energy costs and the system scheduler will wake the GC/MS and ready it for your next work day. 

The NEW 7010B Triple Quadrupole GC/MS is the latest version of the first compact benchtop Triple quad (MS/MS) system to provide attogram detection limits in Electron Ionization (EI) mode. The 7010B is now even easier to use and more efficient than ever, due to its new Dynamic MRM (dMRM) mode of acquisition. If your lab includes Agilent 5975 or 5977 GC/MSD systems, you’ll be able to load your GC/MSD SIM and scan methods on the 7010B to balance your workload across all available instruments. Its high-efficiency EI source produces at least 20 times as many ions as the previous generation, improving your efficiency.

Key Features

  • Maximize your lab’s capabilities by creating and editing acquisition methods easier than ever before with the NEW dMRM Acquisition Mode
  • Increase your lab’s capacity with the NEW Single Quad Method Compatibility – Load and execute GC/MSD methods, allowing you to handle more samples requiring SIM or scan acquisition.
  • Improved sensitivity with the High-Efficiency EI Ion Source – This unique EI source delivers astonishingly low detection limits. Demonstrated installation specification, with 2 fg OFN injected: IDL ≤ 0.5fg.  
  • MassHunter Software delivers complete control from tune to report generation while streamlining your workflow.
  • Save time and money – with significant streamlining of sample prep procedures and reduction of sample injection volume for reduced routine maintenance requirements.
  • Enhance mass spec performance by reducing common contaminants, neutral noise and cool down time with Heated Gold Quadrupoles, Triple-Axis HED-EM Detector and Fast Venting.
  • Maximize uptime and planned maintenance with Integrated GC/MS system features and Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) that align and monitor GC/MS operations.
  • Agilent JetClean self-cleaning ion source, you can greatly reduce or even eliminate the need for manual source cleaning
  • High performance chromatography with the Agilent 7890B GC – that provides a complete array of performance enhancing, time saving, and resource conservation features.
  • Advanced GC Technologies including Inert Flow Path, Capillary Flow Technology, and the Programmable Helium Conservation Module help optimize your GC/MS system.
  • Transfer methods anywhere – Retention Time Locking software reproduces retention times from one Agilent GC to another to help transfer methods anywhere, worldwide.
  • Reduce energy costs with the Sleep/Wake Mode – In sleep mode, you can reduce your energy costs and the system scheduler will wake the GC/MS and ready it for your next work day.

The Agilent 7250 Quadrupole Time-of-Flight GC/MS system delivers full-spectrum, high-resolution, accurate-mass data with a wide dynamic range for identifying, quantifying and investigating GC-amenable compounds. The electron ionization source offers low energy EI capability.

Key Features

  • Identifies compounds through high-resolution, accurate-mass data and sensitive detection.
  • Quantifies analytes accurately across a wide dynamic range without compromising spectral quality.
  • Simplifies ambiguous data with Low Energy EI for softer ionization and greater preservation of molecular ions (application specific).
  • Increases confidence in compound detection with highly efficient ionization and MassHunter’s SureMass algorithm for highly accurate and sensitive extraction of library-quality compound spectra for high match scores.
  • Decreases unknowns with spectral fidelity for trustworthy library matching and isotopic fidelity for generating verifiable chemical formulas.
  • Detects trace-level target compounds in the presence of more abundant matrix compounds with a wide in-spectrum dynamic range.
  • Elucidates chemical structures with MS/MS capabilities and Molecular Structure Correlator (MSC) software that reveals greater detail.
  • Ensures excellent data quality even for narrow chromatographic peaks in high-throughput workflows with data acquisition rates up to 50 spectra per second.
  • Performs screening, profiling, discovery workflows and more, using comprehensive MassHunter software.
  • Supports powerful, thermally-modulated comprehensive GCxGC for the highest known chromatographic resolution through partnership with ZOEX Corporation.

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