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Showing 121–121 of 121 results

  • Thermo Scientific™ – Microbiology – MicroSEQ & RapidFinder STEC PCR Assays

    The MicroSEQ® ID microbial identification system, based on comparative rDNA sequencing of the 16S region (for bacteria) or the LSU D2 region (for fungi), is a proven method for rapid and accurate microbial identification. The …

    The MicroSEQ® ID microbial identification system, based on comparative rDNA sequencing of the 16S region (for bacteria) or the LSU D2 region (for fungi), is a proven method for rapid and accurate microbial identification. The optimized design, integrated workflow, and superior accuracy of the MicroSEQ® ID Rapid System enable top pharmaceutical companies, medical devices companies, public health laboratories, and government agencies worldwide to reliably perform a wide range of microbial identification tasks, including routine QC microbiology tests.


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