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Showing 1225–1229 of 1229 results

  • Waters – Sample Preparation

    Waters sample preparation solutions for quantitative analysis make it easy to deliver a sample that is reproducible, yields high recovery and is free of interferences. Based on a simple, logical workflow that provides clean samples through selecti…

    Waters sample preparation solutions for quantitative analysis make it easy to deliver a sample that is reproducible, yields high recovery and is free of interferences. Based on a simple, logical workflow that provides clean samples through selective separations, Waters sample preparation products maximize sensitivity, increase throughput and spur the development of robust methods.

  • Waters – Vials, Plates, and Certified Containers

    A leading producer of analytical instruments and chemical consumables, Waters understands both the demanding chemical requirements due to sensitive detection limits of the instruments you use and the dependable results you require. Sources of cont…

    A leading producer of analytical instruments and chemical consumables, Waters understands both the demanding chemical requirements due to sensitive detection limits of the instruments you use and the dependable results you require. Sources of contamination in your workflow take valuable time to track down. Waters Certified Containers are uniquely processed, treated, and certified in the same unique manner as our highly regarded low TOC vials. Ultra-clean containers can be used on any LC system, including UPLC®, LC/UV, and LC/MS, among others. Manufactured to stringent standards, they prevent extraneous peaks and baseline noise stemming from high TOC. To help assist with contamination prevention and facilitate recommended care and use, each container carries the Waters certified mark for easy differentiation in operational use. You’ll save time and energy knowing that random variables stemming from potentially contaminated reservoir containers have been greatly reduced and your results are solid.

  • Wine Analyzer – CDR WineLab®

    CDR WineLab®: Your wine analyses, in total autonomy.

    CDR WineLab® is a reliable, complete and fast system of wine analyses. It enables you to carry out analyses for the control of the winemaking process both in the laboratory and in the w…

    CDR WineLab®: Your wine analyses, in total autonomy.

    CDR WineLab® is a reliable, complete and fast system of wine analyses. It enables you to carry out analyses for the control of the winemaking process both in the laboratory and in the wine cellar without the need for specialised personnel.

  • YSI – Biochemistry Analyzer – YSI2500

    YSI has earned a reputation as the Gold Standard in bio-analytical instruments with highly accurate sensors and rapid results.

    YSI has earned a reputation as the Gold Standard in bio-analytical instruments with highly accurate sensors and rapid results.

  • YSI – Biochemistry Analyzer – YSI2900 & 2950

    The key to generating analyte-specific results in 60 seconds or less is YSI’s innovative biosensor technology. Using the inherent specificity of enzymes for a single target analyte, YSI’s proprietary immobilized enzyme elect…

    The key to generating analyte-specific results in 60 seconds or less is YSI’s innovative biosensor technology. Using the inherent specificity of enzymes for a single target analyte, YSI’s proprietary immobilized enzyme electrodes allow a rapid, accurate, and largely interferencefree measurement to be made in about a minute.

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