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Showing 97–120 of 670 results

  • Biokar – Microbiology – Kits

    Biokar Diagnostics is the microbiology division of the Solabia group, dedicated to the development, production and selling of culture media, supplements and detection kits for microbiology laboratories.

    Biokar Diagnostics is the microbiology division of the Solabia group, dedicated to the development, production and selling of culture media, supplements and detection kits for microbiology laboratories.

  • Biokar – Microbiology – Ready-to-use Culture Media

    Biokar Diagnostics is the microbiology division of the Solabia group, dedicated to the development, production and selling of culture media, supplements and detection kits for microbiology laboratories.

    Biokar Diagnostics is the microbiology division of the Solabia group, dedicated to the development, production and selling of culture media, supplements and detection kits for microbiology laboratories.

  • Biokar – Microbiology – Reagents, Supplements and Additives

    Biokar Diagnostics is the microbiology division of the Solabia group, dedicated to the development, production and selling of culture media, supplements and detection kits for microbiology laboratories.

    Biokar Diagnostics is the microbiology division of the Solabia group, dedicated to the development, production and selling of culture media, supplements and detection kits for microbiology laboratories.

  • Biolin – Attension Theta Optical Tensiometers

    Attension® offers leading contact angle and surface tension solutions for industrial quality control and R&D as well as for academic research. The core of Attension solutions is a combination of easy-to-use, smart instrume…

    Attension® offers leading contact angle and surface tension solutions for industrial quality control and R&D as well as for academic research. The core of Attension solutions is a combination of easy-to-use, smart instrumentation with broad surface science capabilities.

  • Biolin – Deposition & Characterization of Thin Films

    KSV NIMA provides instruments and measurement solutions for the fabrication and characterization of advanced organized thin films with controlled packing density.

    KSV NIMA provides instruments and measurement solutions for the fabrication and characterization of advanced organized thin films with controlled packing density.

  • Biolin – Force Tensiometers

    State of the art force tensiometers with outstanding versatility and high level of automation. Fully automated critical micelle concentration (CMC) determination with high accuracy. A standalone force tensiometer with automated sample stage for pr…

    State of the art force tensiometers with outstanding versatility and high level of automation. Fully automated critical micelle concentration (CMC) determination with high accuracy. A standalone force tensiometer with automated sample stage for precise measurements. Easy to operate.

  • Biolin – Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs (L&LB)

    Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs Premium systems to create thin film coatings with controlled packing density.

    Langmuir & Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs Premium systems to create thin film coatings with controlled packing density.

  • Biolin – Optical Tensiometers – New Attension Theta Premium Range

    Attension® tensiometers inspire new discoveries and more confident decisions towards seamless production and higher quality products. With its intuitive user interface, slick design and all-inclusive software, it is easy to operate wit…

    Attension® tensiometers inspire new discoveries and more confident decisions towards seamless production and higher quality products. With its intuitive user interface, slick design and all-inclusive software, it is easy to operate with high flexibility and unrivaled automation options. 

  • Biolin – QCM-D Instruments

    QSense® is the world-leading, premium QCM-D solution for nanoscale tracking of interactions at surfaces and interfaces. It can provide you with unique, reproducible, in-depth data with high productivity and ease of use along the way.


    QSense® is the world-leading, premium QCM-D solution for nanoscale tracking of interactions at surfaces and interfaces. It can provide you with unique, reproducible, in-depth data with high productivity and ease of use along the way.

    This enables a fundamental understanding of processes, an early indication of real-life outcome and the ability to optimize products and processes for authentic conditions. By investing in a QSense instrument you put yourself and your team at the forefront of scientific progress and technological innovation.

  • Biolin – QSense Omni

    QSense Omni is the new, cutting-edge instrument from the pioneers of QCM-D. Based on established technology, which has supported a deeper understanding of surface and interface interactions for decades, QSense Omni gives you sharper QCM-D data and…

    QSense Omni is the new, cutting-edge instrument from the pioneers of QCM-D. Based on established technology, which has supported a deeper understanding of surface and interface interactions for decades, QSense Omni gives you sharper QCM-D data and a smooth journey in the lab. Unfold unique insights quicker and base your decisions on reliable results from highly controlled measurements.  

  • Biolin – QSense Superior Accuracy in Surface Interaction Analysis

    QSense is a line of instrumentation for real-time analysis of surface-molecule interactions.

    QSense is a line of instrumentation for real-time analysis of surface-molecule interactions.

  • Bruker – Confocal Raman Microscope – SENTERRA II

    Raman imaging is an incredibly effective tool to create detailed chemical images based on a sample’s Raman spectra. In these images, every pixel is composed of a complete Raman spectrum. By interpretation of this spectral data, a false color ima…

    Raman imaging is an incredibly effective tool to create detailed chemical images based on a sample’s Raman spectra. In these images, every pixel is composed of a complete Raman spectrum. By interpretation of this spectral data, a false color image can be rendered to emphasize and characterize the sample’s properties like chemical structure or composition.

  • Bruker – FT-IR Spectrometer – LUMOS II

    The LUMOS II takes FTIR microscopy to the next level by making it faster, easier, more accurate and reliable. We accomplished this by tailoring its software and user interface specifically to the user. Beginners get perfect results in no time, whi…

    The LUMOS II takes FTIR microscopy to the next level by making it faster, easier, more accurate and reliable. We accomplished this by tailoring its software and user interface specifically to the user. Beginners get perfect results in no time, while experts are given almost unlimited possibilities. The LUMOS II offers exclusive FPA imaging technology, that naturally exceeds the speed and spatial resolution of line array and single-point measurements. Its applicability is enormous, the spectral data obtained always of the highest quality and the measurement times are very short.

  • BTX – Electrofusion Systems

    View details of the full range of BTX Electrofusion systems

    View details of the full range of BTX Electrofusion systems

  • BTX – Electroporation Systems

    View details of the full range of BTX Electroporation systems

    View details of the full range of BTX Electroporation systems

  • Claind – Hydrogen Generator – HyGen

    The Claind Hydrogen Generator is engineered to provide high-purity hydrogen gas at a flow rate of 200 ml/min, catering specifically to gas chromatography applications. This generator is suitable for supplying both carrier gas and flame support gas…

    The Claind Hydrogen Generator is engineered to provide high-purity hydrogen gas at a flow rate of 200 ml/min, catering specifically to gas chromatography applications. This generator is suitable for supplying both carrier gas and flame support gas, ensuring optimal performance in analytical procedures.

  • Claind – Nitrogen Generator – NiGen

    Our range of nitrogen generators consists of 11 different types of devices with varying purity levels up to 99.9995%. These generators are designed to meet industrial and analytical needs, where the production of ultra-pure nitrogen is often requi…

    Our range of nitrogen generators consists of 11 different types of devices with varying purity levels up to 99.9995%. These generators are designed to meet industrial and analytical needs, where the production of ultra-pure nitrogen is often required. 

  • Claind – Nitrogen Generator – NiGen LCMS

    NiGen is a nitrogen generator designed to supply high-purity nitrogen for gas chromatography (GC) applications. Utilizing Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology, it delivers nitrogen with a purity exceeding 99.9995%, ensuring reliable performa…

    NiGen is a nitrogen generator designed to supply high-purity nitrogen for gas chromatography (GC) applications. Utilizing Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology, it delivers nitrogen with a purity exceeding 99.9995%, ensuring reliable performance for various GC detectors.


  • Claind – UHP Air Generator – AirGen GC

    The AirGen GC delivers ultra-high purity zero air to ensure optimal gas chromatography performance, making it suitable for various GC detectors.

    The AirGen GC delivers ultra-high purity zero air to ensure optimal gas chromatography performance, making it suitable for various GC detectors.

  • Claisse – Sample Preparation – LeNeo

    LeNeo fusion instrument is automatic and it has one fusion position. It is ready to use right out of the box since it is small, compact and easy to install. Its safety door is locked during the entire fusion process. It protects against heat and t…

    LeNeo fusion instrument is automatic and it has one fusion position. It is ready to use right out of the box since it is small, compact and easy to install. Its safety door is locked during the entire fusion process. It protects against heat and the automated pouring avoids the manipulation of hot vessels, thus enhancing the operator’s safety. With LeNeo instrument, optimum uptime and quick return on investment (ROI) is guaranteed.

    The fact that this fusion instrument allows the easy loading of crucibles, molds and beakers, that it has over ten preset fusion programs and that is ready to use right of the box without any training makes it really easy to use. LeNeo fusion instrument is also known to enhance security for the operator since its safety door automatically locks to protect him against heat. The fully automated pouring avoids the manipulation of hot vessels.

    LeNeo fusion instrument helps obtaining superior analytical performances as well as accurate and precise results. Its programmable fusion parameters ensure high fusion success rate.

    DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Claisse – Sample Preparation – M4™ Fusion Instrument

    The M4 fusion instrument is fully automatic and it can process three samples at a time. This instrument prepares up to 12 glass disks or 24 borate solutions per hour. It leads to superior analytical results since all of its fusion parameters can b…

    The M4 fusion instrument is fully automatic and it can process three samples at a time. This instrument prepares up to 12 glass disks or 24 borate solutions per hour. It leads to superior analytical results since all of its fusion parameters can be modified and because it guarantees high reproducibility. Other benefits of using the M4 instrument include its low maintenance cost, its automatic spark ignition and the fact that it requires no calibration, compressed air or oxygen to operate.  

    DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Claisse – Sample Preparation – TheOx Advanced Fusion Instrument

    TheOx Advanced fusion instrument is highly productive. It has six fusion positions and it can prepare from 24 to 30 fusions per hour. It delivers fast fusion temperature ramp ups for shorter fusion cycles and an increased sample throughput. This a…

    TheOx Advanced fusion instrument is highly productive. It has six fusion positions and it can prepare from 24 to 30 fusions per hour. It delivers fast fusion temperature ramp ups for shorter fusion cycles and an increased sample throughput. This automatic instrument is equipped with long-lasting components that allow it to withstand heavy workloads and harsh work environments.

    DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Claisse – XRF – Eagon 2

    The Eagon 2 instrument is completely automatic. It has two independent fusion positions that can work synchronously or asynchronously to increase productivity. This fusion instrument guarantees the operator’s safety and cold-to-cold operation. T…

    The Eagon 2 instrument is completely automatic. It has two independent fusion positions that can work synchronously or asynchronously to increase productivity. This fusion instrument guarantees the operator’s safety and cold-to-cold operation. The interlocked doors protect the operator against hot materials and surfaces during the entire fusion process. With its wide choice of predefined fusion methods and its one-touch operation feature, the Eagon 2 instrument is easy to use.

    DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Claisse – Sample Preparation – rFusion® Modular System

    The rFusion station is an automated modular system that doses, mixes and fuses samples to prepare them for XRF analysis. It is divided into two parts: a weighing station including TheAnt™ automatic doser and a fusion station equipped with two M4…

    The rFusion station is an automated modular system that doses, mixes and fuses samples to prepare them for XRF analysis. It is divided into two parts: a weighing station including TheAnt™ automatic doser and a fusion station equipped with two M4™ fusion instruments. This automated station provides our customers with a great ROI by maximizing productivity, by improving analytical results and by having a fast commissioning time.


    DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

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