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Showing 97–99 of 99 results

  • Thermo Scientific™ – Microbiology – SureTect PCR Food Pathogen Testing

    SureTect System is designed to quickly and accurately detect foodborne pathogens in a broad range of foods and associated samples. Take advantage of simple and streamlined workflows that utilize a single same-day or overnight en…

    SureTect System is designed to quickly and accurately detect foodborne pathogens in a broad range of foods and associated samples. Take advantage of simple and streamlined workflows that utilize a single same-day or overnight enrichment step, direct lysis protocol for DNA release, and universal cycling parameters.


    Key Features

    • Efficient: process several hundred samples a day – over 700 tests in an 8h shift
    • Simple: ‘plug and play’ ready to use out of the box
    • Flexible: an open platform suitable for running our full range of PCR solutions for food safety, authenticity, and quality testing, as well as various applications including agribusiness and research use.
    • Cloud-enabled: offering data sharing, analysis and trending
  • Thermo Scientific™ – Microbiology – The RapidFinder STEC Detection Workflow

    The RapidFinder™ STEC Detection Workflow is a complete, validated screening and confirmation system for E. coli O157:H7 and the six non-O157 STEC (Shiga toxigenic E. coli).

    The RapidFinder™ STEC Detection Workflow is a complete, validated screening and confirmation system for E. coli O157:H7 and the six non-O157 STEC (Shiga toxigenic E. coli).

  • Ubiquitome – Liberty16 mobile real time PCR system

    The Liberty16 is your personal qPCR machine. Run your samples without waiting, using a beautiful device that sits neatly on your bench.

    It even has a robust, stylish aluminum casing which makes it standout wherever you a…

    The Liberty16 is your personal qPCR machine. Run your samples without waiting, using a beautiful device that sits neatly on your bench.

    It even has a robust, stylish aluminum casing which makes it standout wherever you are.

    It doesn’t even need a laptop to run. Download the powerful Ubiquitome iPhone app from the App Store. It allows you to set up your run, view the run in progress, call Cq’s dynamically and even upload your data to share in the cloud.

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