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Showing 1153–1176 of 1863 results

  • Malvern Panalytical – Particle Characterization – Spraytec

    Spray Particle and Spray Droplet Size Measurement

    Malvern Instrument’s Spraytec laser diffraction system allows measurement of spray particle and spray droplet size distributions in real-time for more efficient product development of spra…

    Spray Particle and Spray Droplet Size Measurement

    Malvern Instrument’s Spraytec laser diffraction system allows measurement of spray particle and spray droplet size distributions in real-time for more efficient product development of sprays and aerosols. It has been specifically designed to address the unique requirements for spray characterization and deliver robust, reproducible droplet size data.

  • Malvern Panalytical – Particle Characterization, Particle Shape – Morphologi Range

    Automated imaging for advanced particle characterization

    Morphological imaging is fast becoming an essential technology in the laboratory toolkit for particle characterization.

    Automated imaging for advanced particle characterization

    Morphological imaging is fast becoming an essential technology in the laboratory toolkit for particle characterization.

  • Malvern Panalytical – Spectroscopy – Axios Fast

    Do you need non-destructive analysis of chemical composition in seconds because of time-critical process control or running sample high-throughputs? With up to 28 elements measured simultaneously in concentration ranges from ppm to 100%, the PANal…

    Do you need non-destructive analysis of chemical composition in seconds because of time-critical process control or running sample high-throughputs? With up to 28 elements measured simultaneously in concentration ranges from ppm to 100%, the PANalytical Axios FAST simultaneous WDXRF spectrometer is the ideal solution. Accurate and robust analysis, ease of operation by less-experienced staff and high uptime go hand in hand with a low cost of ownership.  

  • Malvern Panalytical – Spectroscopy – Zetium

    X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is capable of elemental analysis of a wide range of materials, including solids, liquids and loose powders. Designed to meet the most demanding process control and R&D applications, the Zetium spectrometer…

    X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is capable of elemental analysis of a wide range of materials, including solids, liquids and loose powders. Designed to meet the most demanding process control and R&D applications, the Zetium spectrometer leads the market in high-quality design and innovative features for sub ppm to percentage analysis of Be to Am.

  • Malvern Panalytical – X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) – X’Pert³ Powder

    The next generation cost-effective, multipurpose X-ray diffraction platform

    X’Pert³ Powder is PANalytical’s newest X-ray diffraction system based on the fully renewed X’Pert platform. With new on-board control electronics, compli…

    The next generation cost-effective, multipurpose X-ray diffraction platform

    X’Pert³ Powder is PANalytical’s newest X-ray diffraction system based on the fully renewed X’Pert platform. With new on-board control electronics, compliance with the latest and most stringent X-ray and motion safety norms, advances in eco-friendliness and reliability the X’Pert³ Powder is ready for the future.

  • Malvern Panalytical – X-Ray Diffractometer, Empyrean (XRD)

    The Multipurpose Solution for Your Analytical Needs

    With the Empyrean, PANalytical has set the new standard for a multipurpose diffractometer. In developing the ultimate X-ray platform for the analysis of powders, thin films, nanomaterials …

    The Multipurpose Solution for Your Analytical Needs

    With the Empyrean, PANalytical has set the new standard for a multipurpose diffractometer. In developing the ultimate X-ray platform for the analysis of powders, thin films, nanomaterials and solid objects, the PANalytical R&D team has redesigned all key components of the X-ray diffractometer from the ground up.   

    It is PANalytical’s answer to the challenges of modern materials research, where the lifetime of a diffractometer is considerably longer than the horizon of any research project.

  • Malvern Panalytical – XRF – X’Pert³ Materials Research Diffractometers (MRD)

    The new generation of versatile materials research diffraction systems

    The long and successful history of PANalytical’s Materials Research Diffractometers (MRD) continues with a new generation – X’Pert³ MRD and X’Pert³ MRD XL….

    The new generation of versatile materials research diffraction systems

    The long and successful history of PANalytical’s Materials Research Diffractometers (MRD) continues with a new generation – X’Pert³ MRD and X’Pert³ MRD XL.Both systems handle the same wide range of applications with full wafer mapping up to 100 mm (X’Pert³ MRD) or 200 mm (X’Pert³ MRD XL).

    DKSH is the exclusive distributor in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Malvern Panalytical – XRF Spectrometer – Epsilon 4 Benchtop XRF Analyzer

    Increase your process efficiency and recovery rate X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) has an important and well-established analytical role within the mining and minerals industry. It is used extensively for exploration, grade control, process …

    Increase your process efficiency and recovery rate X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) has an important and well-established analytical role within the mining and minerals industry. It is used extensively for exploration, grade control, process monitoring and assuring that the composition of waste is within the limits of environmental norms and regulations.

  • Malvern Panalytical – Zetasizer Advance

    Zetasizer Advance is the successor to the highly successful and market-leading Zetasizer Nano.

    Each of the three models in the Zetasizer Advance Range offers particle size, particle charge (zeta potenti…

    Zetasizer Advance is the successor to the highly successful and market-leading Zetasizer Nano.

    Each of the three models in the Zetasizer Advance Range offers particle size, particle charge (zeta potential) and molecular weight analysis. In addition, each benefits from advances including Adaptive Correlation, M3-PALS zeta potential analysis, constant current zeta mode and our deep learning-based data quality advice system.

    All Zetasizer Advance systems offer on-site upgradeability with minimal downtime. Should your needs change, your Zetasizer can adapt to new challenges.

  • Malvern Panalytical – Benchtop XRF Spectrometer – Epsilon 1 for Small Spot Analysis

    Do you need elemental analysis of small objects or small inclusions in electronic appliances, toys, jewelry, rocks or finished products? Epsilon 1 for small spot analysis, a compact X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, is the ideal analytical solution…

    Do you need elemental analysis of small objects or small inclusions in electronic appliances, toys, jewelry, rocks or finished products? Epsilon 1 for small spot analysis, a compact X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, is the ideal analytical solution for a flexible and precise spot-on analysis.

    The measuring procedure is easy and straightforward: Place any shaped sample directly in the spectrometer without the need of sample preparation. Position the requested detail above the small measuring spot with the help of a color camera, initiate the measurement and receive your results.

    Due to the self-contained design and small footprint, Epsilon 1 can be placed close to the sample location, making the instrument an ideal solution for any elemental analysis in production facilities, exploration sites, at the shop counter or even at crime sites for forensic investigation.

  • Malvern Panalytical Consumables for Zetasizer Series

    We offer original Malvern Zetasizer range of consumables to maintain your instrument and operations. By supplying consumables obtained directly from Malvern, we ensure that your instruments continue to run at optimum performance by minimizing down…

    We offer original Malvern Zetasizer range of consumables to maintain your instrument and operations. By supplying consumables obtained directly from Malvern, we ensure that your instruments continue to run at optimum performance by minimizing downtime. We supply an array of consumables for the Zetasizer range such as Nano, µV, Helix, and APS.

  • Mantech – Biochemical Oxygen Demand Analysis System – BOD Mini™

    This small automated system is ideal for a laboratory that analyses a small number of samples per day. Get all the benefits of a PC-BOD™ system in a smaller size.

    This small automated system is ideal for a laboratory that analyses a small number of samples per day. Get all the benefits of a PC-BOD™ system in a smaller size.

  • Mantech – BOD Analysers – Automated BOD

    MANTECH’s PC-BOD™ system automates the BOD5 and BOD7 methods. Specifically designed for laboratories analysing a medium or large number of samples per day, this system is available with the standard 300mL bottles or 60mL bottles.

    MANTECH’s PC-BOD™ system automates the BOD5 and BOD7 methods. Specifically designed for laboratories analysing a medium or large number of samples per day, this system is available with the standard 300mL bottles or 60mL bottles.

  • Mantech – BOD Analysers – Manual BOD

    MANTECH has a variety of BOD systems to best suit the needs of your laboratory. Whether you need manual or automated, big or small, simple or complex, MANTECH can create the ideal BOD solution for your laboratory.

    MANTECH has a variety of BOD systems to best suit the needs of your laboratory. Whether you need manual or automated, big or small, simple or complex, MANTECH can create the ideal BOD solution for your laboratory.

  • Mantech – BOD Analysers – PC-BOD/Titrate Duo

    MANTECH has a variety of BOD systems to best suit the needs of your laboratory. Whether you need manual or automated, big or small, simple or complex, MANTECH can create the ideal BOD solution for your laboratory.

    MANTECH has a variety of BOD systems to best suit the needs of your laboratory. Whether you need manual or automated, big or small, simple or complex, MANTECH can create the ideal BOD solution for your laboratory.

  • Mantech – BOD Analysers – PC-BOD/Titrate Duo™

    Designed for laboratories that run BOD and other parameters, such as pH, alkalinity, turbidity, conductivity and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Users can easily switch between BOD and other parameters by simply changing the rack and the probe.

    Designed for laboratories that run BOD and other parameters, such as pH, alkalinity, turbidity, conductivity and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Users can easily switch between BOD and other parameters by simply changing the rack and the probe.

  • Mantech – Chemical Oxygen Demand Analysis System – PeCOD®

    MANTECH’s revolutionary PeCOD® COD Analyzer technology provides accurate chemical oxygen demand (COD) results in 15 minutes — without the use of harmful chemicals including dichromate and mercury. 

    MANTECH’s revolutionary PeCOD® COD Analyzer technology provides accurate chemical oxygen demand (COD) results in 15 minutes — without the use of harmful chemicals including dichromate and mercury. 

  • Mantech – Environmental Testing Equipment – TitraSip™ Systems AquaMulti™ Analyzers

    MANTECH’s TitraSip™ Systems allows for analysis of pH, alkalinity, conductivity, and more. Features include automated pipetting, auto-dilution capabilities for high concentration samples, and pH/conductivity/alkalinity analysis in 3 minutes or…

    MANTECH’s TitraSip™ Systems allows for analysis of pH, alkalinity, conductivity, and more. Features include automated pipetting, auto-dilution capabilities for high concentration samples, and pH/conductivity/alkalinity analysis in 3 minutes or less.

  • Mantech – Oxygen Demand Analyzer

    MANTECH’s revolutionary peCOD Analyzer technology measures the chemical reactivity and associated oxidative changes in Natural Organic Matter (NOM). As a result it is more sensitive than Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and UV254 to…

    MANTECH’s revolutionary peCOD Analyzer technology measures the chemical reactivity and associated oxidative changes in Natural Organic Matter (NOM). As a result it is more sensitive than Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and UV254 to changing NOM concentrations in source and treated drinking waters.

  • Mantech – Total Acid Number and Total Base Number Analyzer – PetroMulti™

    TAN / TBN is a required analysis for the petrochemical sector. MANTECH’s automation has made the analysis of these parameters quick and easy. Using multiple static rinse stations ensures that no contamination occurs between samples and that anal…

    TAN / TBN is a required analysis for the petrochemical sector. MANTECH’s automation has made the analysis of these parameters quick and easy. Using multiple static rinse stations ensures that no contamination occurs between samples and that analysis is performed correctly; first the probes are rinsed in toluene, then IPA and then finally in DI water.

  • Mareno – Modular Cooking – Star 70 Bratt Pans

    Tilting bratt pans are the most practical and advanced solution for preparing all sorts of dishes.

    Tilting bratt pans are the most practical and advanced solution for preparing all sorts of dishes.

  • Mareno – Modular Cooking – Star 90 Electric Cookers

    Simple and reliable, electric ranges are valuable allies in the kitchen. Thanks to the direct temperature control system, they allow more rational management of power.

    Simple and reliable, electric ranges are valuable allies in the kitchen. Thanks to the direct temperature control system, they allow more rational management of power.

  • Mareno – Modular Cooking – Star 90 Pasta Cookers

    The new Star 90 pasta cookers are designed to ensure greater output with easy use and maintenance.

    The new Star 90 pasta cookers are designed to ensure greater output with easy use and maintenance.

  • membraPure – TOC Analyzers – miniTOC

    The miniTOC instrument uses the classic flow-through concept for online TOC control. The efficient UV oxidation of organic compounds by the “direct surface” principle in combination with conductivity detection guarantees the…

    The miniTOC instrument uses the classic flow-through concept for online TOC control. The efficient UV oxidation of organic compounds by the “direct surface” principle in combination with conductivity detection guarantees the high precision of the measured values.

    The automated functions of SST and calibration facilitate a high standard of safety and minimised operating costs in controlling the water. The system is controlled on the basis of Windows 7 embedded software and through a TFT touchscreen. All data are encrypted and stored in a specific file for each day. The user has no opportunity to manipulate the raw data.

    This is an easy to use system which brings quality control to your lab at an affordable level. The miniTOC is a valuable accessory for all ultrapure water systems. miniTOC can also be ordered with interval measuring, enabling up to 3 measuring points or loops to be controlled online with just one system. The interval can be configured by the user. The minitoc can be upgraded with an offline module so grab sample can be measured.

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