The Epsilon 1 is a fully integrated energy dispersive XRF analyzer consisting of a spectrometer, built-in computer, touch screen and analysis software. Powered by the latest advances in excitation and detection technology the Epsilon 1 is a star p…
The Epsilon 1 is a fully integrated energy dispersive XRF analyzer consisting of a spectrometer, built-in computer, touch screen and analysis software. Powered by the latest advances in excitation and detection technology the Epsilon 1 is a star performer in the low-cost benchtop instrument class. Epsilon 1 produces fast, cost-effective, precise and accurate data with minimal operator dependence and sample preparation. The total running cost is therefore much lower than other analytical techniques such as AAS, ICP and wet chemical methods that are costly and also require a dedicated skilled operator. Epsilon 1 is built for the characterization and analysis of any type of sample in many industry segments such as cement, cosmetics, environmental, food, forensics, metals and coatings, mining and minerals, nanomaterials, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and polymers.