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Showing 49–50 of 50 results

  • Spectro Scientific – MiniLab Series Analyzer

    MiniLab EL Series is for high performance engine development and maintenance.

    Engine oil analysis is a reliable and mature non-destructive testing (NDT) technique used to monitor the c…

    MiniLab EL Series is for high performance engine development and maintenance.

    Engine oil analysis is a reliable and mature non-destructive testing (NDT) technique used to monitor the condition of the engine in development, on the production line and for in-service maintenance. High performance reciprocating engines and jet turbines are complicated mechanical systems with many high speed moving parts.

    With five simple tests, the MiniLab EL delivers comprehensive on-site oil analysis, providing immediate actionable results, saving time and reducing costs. Highlights of this system include:

    • One product, delivering lab-quality analysis outside of the lab
    • Simplified workflow for the non-expert user, no chemist required
    • Simplified data handling and report interpretation
  • Spectro Scientific – Oil in Water/Soil Analyzers – InfraCal 2 Series

    The InfraCal Model ATR-SP is recommended for measuring oil in water, TPH in soil or FOG in wastewater concentration levels when using hexane, pentane or Vertrel MCA as the extracting solvent. Measurement data obtained with this …

    The InfraCal Model ATR-SP is recommended for measuring oil in water, TPH in soil or FOG in wastewater concentration levels when using hexane, pentane or Vertrel MCA as the extracting solvent. Measurement data obtained with this analyzer will correlate to EPA Method 1664 as both procedures are based on evaporation techniques and measuring the residual oil and grease. The analyzer is equipped with a built-in cubic zirconia horizontal attenuated total reflection (HATR) stainless steel sample stage. The InfraCal 2 ATR-SP is a direct replacement for the original InfraCal HATR-T2 used worldwide for the determination of TOG/TPH in water and soil.

    • Minimum Detection Limit Water: 0.3 ppm
    • Minimum Detection Limit Soil: 3 ppm
    • Method Compares: EPA 1164 & ISO 9377-2
    • Solvents: Hexane, pentane, cyclohexane & Vertrel MCA

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