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Showing 49–72 of 237 results

  • Bruker – FT-IR Spectrometer – LUMOS II

    The LUMOS II takes FTIR microscopy to the next level by making it faster, easier, more accurate and reliable. We accomplished this by tailoring its software and user interface specifically to the user. Beginners get perfect results in no time, whi…

    The LUMOS II takes FTIR microscopy to the next level by making it faster, easier, more accurate and reliable. We accomplished this by tailoring its software and user interface specifically to the user. Beginners get perfect results in no time, while experts are given almost unlimited possibilities. The LUMOS II offers exclusive FPA imaging technology, that naturally exceeds the speed and spatial resolution of line array and single-point measurements. Its applicability is enormous, the spectral data obtained always of the highest quality and the measurement times are very short.

  • Bruker – S2 POLAR – The EDXRF for the Petrochemical Industry

    The S2 POLAR masters all requirements for S analysis from diesel to crude oils. This also includes continuous process control of higher sulfur levels in refineries as well as norm-compliant Ultra-Low Sulfur (ULS) analysis of fin…

    The S2 POLAR masters all requirements for S analysis from diesel to crude oils. This also includes continuous process control of higher sulfur levels in refineries as well as norm-compliant Ultra-Low Sulfur (ULS) analysis of final products.

    The S2 POLAR complies with the international S norms such as ASTM D7220, D4294, and ISO 13032.

    With its capability to measure multiple elements simultaneously, including important elements in process control such as Ni, V, Fe and CI, the S2 POLAR is well suited for the analytical demands of refineries in one single instrument.

    The S2 POLAR is also well suited for the norm-compliant analysis of additives in lubricating oils according to ASTM D6481 and ASTM D7751 that includes the elements Mg, P, S, Cl, Ca, Zn, and Mo. Furthermore this also includes the analysis of elements in edible oils or palm oils.

  • Bruker – S2 PUMA Series 2 – High-End, Versatile Benchtop EDXRF

    Fast – Next generation SDD and 50 Watt Power

    A high-power (50 W), long-life-time X-ray tube combined with closely coupled optics and the new HighSense™ detectors is the basis for unrivalled EDXRF performance.

    Fast – Next generation SDD and 50 Watt Power

    A high-power (50 W), long-life-time X-ray tube combined with closely coupled optics and the new HighSense™ detectors is the basis for unrivalled EDXRF performance.

  • Bruker – X-ray Micro-CT – SKYSCAN 1272

    Exceptional Performance Beyond Researcher’s Imaginations
    The system can nondestructively visualize up to 209 Megapixel (14450×14450 pixels) virtual slices through objects, more than 2600 such slices after a single scan using newly developed 16Mp and 11Mp X-ray detectors in up to three offset positions. Due to phase-contrast enhancement, object details as small as 0.35um can be detected.

    The innovative flexible acquisition geometry of the SKYSCAN 1272 scanner is particularly advantageous over intermediate resolution levels, where scans are several times faster (to obtain the same or better image quality) compared to micro-CT systems with a fixed source-detector design.

  • Bruker – X-ray Micro-CT – SKYSCAN 1273

    High-Capacity 3D X-ray Microscopy

    The SKYSCAN 1273 is Bruker’s latest benchtop 3D X-ray microscope based on micro computed tomography (Micro-CT) technology. Samples with up to 500 mm length, 300 mm diameter, and a maximum…

    High-Capacity 3D X-ray Microscopy

    The SKYSCAN 1273 is Bruker’s latest benchtop 3D X-ray microscope based on micro computed tomography (Micro-CT) technology. Samples with up to 500 mm length, 300 mm diameter, and a maximum weight of 20 kg can be accommodated, a new standard for non-destructive testing (NDT) with benchtop instruments. Best-in-class components turn the SKYSCAN 1273 into a real power pack. The combination of a high-energy X-ray source running at high power and a large format flat-panel detector with ultimate sensitivity and speed provides excellent image quality in just a few seconds.

    The comprehensive software for straightforward data collection, advanced image analysis, and powerful visualization makes the SKYSCAN 1273 an easy to use 3D X-ray microscope.

    The SKYSCAN 1273 benchtop 3D X-ray microscope requires minimum lab space, is easy to start running, and virtually maintenance-free. Consequently, the SKYSCAN 1273 offers high system uptime with low cost of ownership.

  • Bruker – X-ray Micro-CT – SKYSCAN 1275

    Fast, Automated, Desk-top X-Ray Micro tomograph

    Fast, Easy to Use and with no Compromise on Image Quality – the New Bruker SkyScan 1275 delivers a Winning Combination for Research and Industrial Markets

    The SkyScan1275 is specially designed for fast scanning using new advances in the technology of X-ray sources and efficient flat-panel detectors. Shortening the distance between source and detector and very fast camera readout opens the possibility for reducing scan time down to a few minutes without compromising image quality. Current developments in fast reconstruction accelerated by graphics cards give an additional gain in performance and speed.

    Fast realistic visualization of results by volume rendering enables fabulous imaging of internal object’s microstructure with power to reveal all internal details by virtual cut or virtual flight around and inside the objects. Fast scanning with high quality results is crucial for scientific research and industrial applications such as quality control or production process monitoring. The SkyScan1275 provides a high level of automation. Simple push of a button on the front of the system starts an auto-sequence of a fast scan followed by reconstruction and volume rendering executed during scanning of the next sample.

  • Bruker – X-ray Micro-CT – SKYSCAN 2214

    The SKYSCAN 2214 is the latest nanotomograph by Bruker, the pioneer of microCT technology. The SKYSCAN 2214 offers X-ray microscopy at extreme resolutions with an unparalleled user experience. The latest technologies in each of the components make…

    The SKYSCAN 2214 is the latest nanotomograph by Bruker, the pioneer of microCT technology. The SKYSCAN 2214 offers X-ray microscopy at extreme resolutions with an unparalleled user experience. The latest technologies in each of the components make this the most complete and versatile system on the market today.

    The new Multiscale X-ray nanotomograph SKYSCAN 2214 covers the widest range of object sizes and spatial resolutions in one single instrument. It opens unique possibilities for 3D imaging and exact modeling of geological materials in oil and gas exploration, composite materials, Li batteries, fuel cells, electronic assemblies, as well as ex-vivo preclinical applications like in lung imaging or tumour vascularization.

    The instrument allows scanning and 3D non-destructive reconstruction of internal microstructure of objects as large as >300mm in diameter as well submicron resolution for small samples. The world’s fastest hierarchical 3D reconstruction software speeds-up imaging object’s internal microstructure 10-100 times compare to traditionally used algorithms or GPU-accelerated reconstruction.

    The system contains “open type” [pumped] X-Ray source with <0.5 microns spot size and diamond window. It can be equipped with one to four X-Ray detectors: flat-panel for large objects, 11Mp cooled CCD with wide field of view, 11Mp cooled CCD with medium field of view, 8Mp cooled CCD for highest spatial resolution. Automatically variable acquisition geometry and phase-contrast enhancement allow obtaining best possible quality in relatively short scanning time. The full range of Bruker-microCT software is supplied, including fast volumetric reconstruction, software for 2D/3D quantitative analysis and for realistic 3D visualization. Supplied software also includes volume rendering and easy creation of realistic movies with possibility for virtual flight around and inside the reconstructed object's microstructure. Reconstruction results can be sent to iPad, iPhone or Android devices. Special software for mobile platforms performs volume rendering and virtual cut of objects with touch screen gesture controls.

  • BUCHI – Chemistry Equipment – Encapsulator

    The Encapsulator B-390 and B-395 Pro use the same unique technology, which is based on the principle that a laminar flowing liquid jet breaks up into equally sized droplets by superimposed vibration. The selectable vibration frequency determines t…

    The Encapsulator B-390 and B-395 Pro use the same unique technology, which is based on the principle that a laminar flowing liquid jet breaks up into equally sized droplets by superimposed vibration. The selectable vibration frequency determines the quantity of droplets produced; for example, 1’000 droplets are generated per second at 1’000 Hz. The droplet chain is electrostatically charged causing the droplets to repel each other, thus eliminating coalescence. The droplets fall into a hardening solution where the beads are polymerized quickly or in a cooling chamber where the beads solidify.

  • BUCHI – Kjeldahl Distillation

    BUCHI’s versatile solutions for digestion and steam distillation cover a broad range of applications. Maximized productivity is thereby essential, whether it is classical protein determination according to Kjeldahl, reflux digestion with aqua re…

    BUCHI’s versatile solutions for digestion and steam distillation cover a broad range of applications. Maximized productivity is thereby essential, whether it is classical protein determination according to Kjeldahl, reflux digestion with aqua regia, or direct distillation of steam-volatile compounds.

    We provide solutions for both potentiometric and colorimetric titrations. The KjelMaster K-375 meets the highest demands in usability, automation, user administration and sophisticated data management.

  • BUCHI – Extraction Solutions – E-500 & E-800

    Applications includes Analyze encased and bound fat in foodstuff, Determine the crude fat content in feedstuff and processed food (with consistent composition), Determine ingredients in articles of daily use or packaging, Analyze traces of pestici…

    Applications includes Analyze encased and bound fat in foodstuff, Determine the crude fat content in feedstuff and processed food (with consistent composition), Determine ingredients in articles of daily use or packaging, Analyze traces of pesticides in cereals.

  • BUCHI Labortechnik AG – Chemistry Equipment – Evaporation Solutions

    The rotary evaporator principle is the most common used method, as it is an efficient, fast and gentle way of separating liquids. The rotating flask generates an effective heat transfer for fast evaporation and prevents a local overheating whilst …

    The rotary evaporator principle is the most common used method, as it is an efficient, fast and gentle way of separating liquids. The rotating flask generates an effective heat transfer for fast evaporation and prevents a local overheating whilst leading to a smooth mixing of the content.

  • BUCHI NIR – ProxiMate™ Optimized Analysis for the Food & Feed Industry

    Optimized Analysis for the Food and Feed Industry

    ProxiMate is a robust, compact and easy to use at-line NIR instrument for the food and feed industry. It reduces downtime in production…

    Optimized Analysis for the Food and Feed Industry

    ProxiMate is a robust, compact and easy to use at-line NIR instrument for the food and feed industry. It reduces downtime in production and provides fast quality control of batch samples. The intuitive user interface allows operation by everybody and a wide selection of precalibration packages make it suitable for all applications.

  • ColdBlock™ – Sample Digestion System – CB6L, CB12L, CB30S

    ColdBlock™ Sample Digestion System is the first sample digestion technology using focused short-wave infrared (IR) radiation and a ColdBlock, which delivers exceptional performance even in difficult matrices. 

    ColdBlock™ Sample Digestion System is the first sample digestion technology using focused short-wave infrared (IR) radiation and a ColdBlock, which delivers exceptional performance even in difficult matrices. 

  • Elementar – Inorganic Elemental Analysis

    The elemental composition of a material determines its properties. Elemental analysis is therefore essential for the characterization and quality control of materials that need to meet cer…

    The elemental composition of a material determines its properties. Elemental analysis is therefore essential for the characterization and quality control of materials that need to meet certain requirements.

    Elementar’s user-friendly inductar series using the high-temperature combustion method to determine elemental concentrations of carbon, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen is the ideal solution for R&D, routine, and high-throughput laboratories.

  • Elementar – N/Protein Analysis

    The determination of the total protein content is an essential tool for quality control and protein declaration according to international labeling laws in the food & feed industry and research facilities. Since the protein content can directl…

    The determination of the total protein content is an essential tool for quality control and protein declaration according to international labeling laws in the food & feed industry and research facilities. Since the protein content can directly correspond to product properties, highly precise, matrix-independent protein analyses are required in all application areas.

  • Elementar – Organic Elemental Analysis

    Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur are the basic elements of living nature. Their quantitative determination in the most versatile combinations of substances is the origin and essence of the Elementar product portfolio.

    Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur are the basic elements of living nature. Their quantitative determination in the most versatile combinations of substances is the origin and essence of the Elementar product portfolio.

  • Elementar – Stable Isotope Analysis

    Stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) is a useful technique with a broad range of applications. This relatively simple, yet amazingly powerful technology brings ever deeper understanding to areas from paleoclimate studies to police forensi…

    Stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) is a useful technique with a broad range of applications. This relatively simple, yet amazingly powerful technology brings ever deeper understanding to areas from paleoclimate studies to police forensics, archaeology to aquatic ecosystems, sports doping to soil science and many stops in-between. With such diverse applications areas, we support a complete portfolio of equipment to support you with your research, no matter which application you are focused on.

    Our customers pursue a diverse range of applications and so each customer has a unique set of requirements for their hardware. However, no matter what their application, all systems have a common structure which can be used to tailor your specific requirements.

  • Elementar-TOC & Water Analysis

    For over 30 years, Elementar has been the German pioneer in high temperature TOC analysis. Elementar’s high temperature combustion method to measure organic contaminations provides a multitude of advantages compared to other methods. It is optim…

    For over 30 years, Elementar has been the German pioneer in high temperature TOC analysis. Elementar’s high temperature combustion method to measure organic contaminations provides a multitude of advantages compared to other methods. It is optimized to deal with compounds hard to oxidize, such as humic acid or other rather persistent compounds. This always guarantees full recovery of every organic component and an outstanding precision and accuracy.

  • Eltra – Carbon/Hydrogen/Sulfur Analyzer – CHS-580

    An automatic sample loader allows for analysis of large numbers of samples without operator intervention. The sample loader is available in two versions to accommodate 36 or 130 crucibles. For reliable analysis of acidified samples (TOC analysis),…

    An automatic sample loader allows for analysis of large numbers of samples without operator intervention. The sample loader is available in two versions to accommodate 36 or 130 crucibles. For reliable analysis of acidified samples (TOC analysis), both versions are available in an acid-resistance configuration.

    The temperature can be set in steps of 1 °C to a maximum of 1,550 °C. Thanks to sample weights of up to 500 mg and more even inhomogeneous materials can be reliably analyzed. The analyzer can be equipped with up to four independent infrared cells for measuring carbon and sulfur concentrations, allowing for a great variety of applications.

  • Eltra – Carbon/Sulfur Analyzer – CS-580

    Thanks to sample weights of 500 mg and more, even inhomogeneous materials can be reliably analyzed. The temperature of the powerful horizontal resistance furnace with ceramic tube can be set in steps from 1 °C to a maximum of 1,550 °C. The analy…

    Thanks to sample weights of 500 mg and more, even inhomogeneous materials can be reliably analyzed. The temperature of the powerful horizontal resistance furnace with ceramic tube can be set in steps from 1 °C to a maximum of 1,550 °C. The analyzer can be equipped with up to four independent infrared cells according to the user‘s requirements, allowing for a great variety of applications.

  • Eltra – Carbon/Sulfur Analyzer – ELEMENTRAC CS-i

    The elemental analyzer ELEMENTRAC CS-i measures the carbon and sulfur concentration in predominantly inorganic samples through combustion in an induction furnace and the subsequent analysis of the gaseous combustion products carbon dioxide and su…

    The elemental analyzer ELEMENTRAC CS-i measures the carbon and sulfur concentration in predominantly inorganic samples through combustion in an induction furnace and the subsequent analysis of the gaseous combustion products carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

    The high temperature of more than 2000 °C ensures complete decomposition of the sample and thus reliable and accurate elemental analysis over a wide concentration range.

    The ELEMENTRAC CS-i meets and exceeds the requirements of all common standards for carbon and sulfur measurement, such as ASTM E1019, DIN EN ISO 15350.

  • Eltra – Hydrogen Analyzer – H-500

    Determination of hydrogen using the heat extraction method is a special requirement for the characterization of steel, steel alloys, copper and other metals. ELTRA’s H-500 is designed for the rapid and accurate determination of hydrogen in t…

    Determination of hydrogen using the heat extraction method is a special requirement for the characterization of steel, steel alloys, copper and other metals. ELTRA’s H-500 is designed for the rapid and accurate determination of hydrogen in these materials.

    The H-500 analyzer uses the heat extraction technique and is equipped with a resistance furnace with quartz tube. The temperature can be set up to 1000 °C in steps of 1 °C. The usual working range of the H-500 is about 900° to 1000° C. ELTRA’s H-500 can be customized to the requirements of the user. The analyzer carries up to two different sensitivities of the detectors to allow highest precision for a variety of applications.

  • Eltra – Thermogravimetric Analyzer – TGA Thermostep

    ELTRA’s TGA Thermostep is a thermogravimetric analyzer which determines various parameters such as moisture, volatiles and ash at user-defined temperatures and atmospheres in a single analysis. The thermogravimetrics analyzer TGA Thermostep simu…

    ELTRA’s TGA Thermostep is a thermogravimetric analyzer which determines various parameters such as moisture, volatiles and ash at user-defined temperatures and atmospheres in a single analysis. The thermogravimetrics analyzer TGA Thermostep simultaneously analyzes up to 19 samples with sample weights up to 5 g and can be operated at temperatures up to 1000 °C.

    A special feature of the TGA Thermostep is the management of crucible covers. The thermogravimetric analyzer can place and remove the covers of the crucibles during analysis. This feature allows for example the precise determination of volatile content in coal and coke.

  • Foss – Alphatec FNo

    Alphatec FNo gives grain receivers and flour millers a safe and modern way of performing the standard falling number test that is used to check sprouting damage in grain and enzyme activity in flour prior to baking, m…

    Alphatec FNo gives grain receivers and flour millers a safe and modern way of performing the standard falling number test that is used to check sprouting damage in grain and enzyme activity in flour prior to baking, malting, etc.

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