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Showing 25–29 of 29 results

  • N-Biotek – Vertical Autoclave

    It is a high-pressure autoclave which is suitable for general lab. With the highest work efficiency and safety features, it provides the cost-effective sterilization system. Fully automatic autoclave heat-up, exhaust, sterilize,…

    It is a high-pressure autoclave which is suitable for general lab. With the highest work efficiency and safety features, it provides the cost-effective sterilization system. Fully automatic autoclave heat-up, exhaust, sterilize, and pressure.

  • N-Biotek – Platform Shakers – Shaker Series With LCD Touch Screen

    N-BIOTEK offers benchtop shakers which are available in two sizes with various options such as orbital, reciprocating, combination shaking motions.

    N-BIOTEK offers benchtop shakers which are available in two sizes with various options such as orbital, reciprocating, combination shaking motions.

  • Sigma – Centrifuge – 3-18KHS

    The Sigma 3‑18KHS makes work processes in laboratory operation more efficient, safer and more convenient. The benchtop centrifuge has an extraordinary capacity with a maximum of 4 x 400 ml. The Sigma 3‑18KHS is nicely complemented by a large s…

    The Sigma 3‑18KHS makes work processes in laboratory operation more efficient, safer and more convenient. The benchtop centrifuge has an extraordinary capacity with a maximum of 4 x 400 ml. The Sigma 3‑18KHS is nicely complemented by a large selection of fixed-angle and swing-out rotors, buckets and adapters, including many biosafe configurations. Particularly thanks to the ability to use fixed-angle rotors with high RCF, the centrifuge covers a distinctly broader spectrum of applications compared to competitive units.

  • YSI – Biochemistry Analyzer – YSI2500

    YSI has earned a reputation as the Gold Standard in bio-analytical instruments with highly accurate sensors and rapid results.

    YSI has earned a reputation as the Gold Standard in bio-analytical instruments with highly accurate sensors and rapid results.

  • YSI – Biochemistry Analyzer – YSI2900 & 2950

    The key to generating analyte-specific results in 60 seconds or less is YSI’s innovative biosensor technology. Using the inherent specificity of enzymes for a single target analyte, YSI’s proprietary immobilized enzyme elect…

    The key to generating analyte-specific results in 60 seconds or less is YSI’s innovative biosensor technology. Using the inherent specificity of enzymes for a single target analyte, YSI’s proprietary immobilized enzyme electrodes allow a rapid, accurate, and largely interferencefree measurement to be made in about a minute.

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