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Showing 25–28 of 28 results

  • Malvern Panalytical – Zetasizer Advance

    Zetasizer Advance is the successor to the highly successful and market-leading Zetasizer Nano.

    Each of the three models in the Zetasizer Advance Range offers particle size, particle charge (zeta potenti…

    Zetasizer Advance is the successor to the highly successful and market-leading Zetasizer Nano.

    Each of the three models in the Zetasizer Advance Range offers particle size, particle charge (zeta potential) and molecular weight analysis. In addition, each benefits from advances including Adaptive Correlation, M3-PALS zeta potential analysis, constant current zeta mode and our deep learning-based data quality advice system.

    All Zetasizer Advance systems offer on-site upgradeability with minimal downtime. Should your needs change, your Zetasizer can adapt to new challenges.

  • Sopat – Microscope Probe – MM-Probe

    The SOPAT MM-Probe is a microscope probe with high magnification. It is characterized by its high resolution and is especially suited to characterizing biological systems (Yeast cells, bacteria, algae, water purification, etc.) …

    The SOPAT MM-Probe is a microscope probe with high magnification. It is characterized by its high resolution and is especially suited to characterizing biological systems (Yeast cells, bacteria, algae, water purification, etc.) as well as fine emulsions with drop sizes of 1 µm and larger.

  • Sopat – Probe – Macroscopic Probes

    The protection tube that comes into contact with the medium is variably adjustable in terms of length, as well as temperature and pressure durability. This flexibility allows the fabrication of a SOPAT particle measurement system optimally tuned t…

    The protection tube that comes into contact with the medium is variably adjustable in terms of length, as well as temperature and pressure durability. This flexibility allows the fabrication of a SOPAT particle measurement system optimally tuned to your production process. With the help of the SOPAT probes, inline measurement of particle sizes is possible between 0,5 and 9.300 µm. The SOPAT InView allows atline measurements to the size of 50.000 µm. SOPAT relies on the technical know-how of the company, innovative developments of the system, and high-quality materials in production.

  • Sopat – Probe – Mesoscopic Probes

    Ideal for the range of 1.5 to 2,600 µm. They are autoclavable and therefore suited for CIP (cleaning in place) and SIP (sterilization in place).

    Ideal for the range of 1.5 to 2,600 µm. They are autoclavable and therefore suited for CIP (cleaning in place) and SIP (sterilization in place).

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