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Showing 25–27 of 27 results

  • Metrohm – TacticID GP Plus

    The TacticID-GP Plus is a field-ready handheld Raman instrument designed for rapid, nondestructive chemical identification to reduce operational uncertainty and response time. Featuring an intuitive workflow and touchscreen, samples can be nondest…

    The TacticID-GP Plus is a field-ready handheld Raman instrument designed for rapid, nondestructive chemical identification to reduce operational uncertainty and response time. Featuring an intuitive workflow and touchscreen, samples can be nondestructively analyzed through opaque and transparent packaging, with sample threat level displayed prominently for first responders, safety personnel, law enforcement, bomb squads, customs and border patrol, and hazmat teams to act quickly with minimal sample contact.

  • Metrohm – TacticID N Plus

    The TacticID®–N Plus is a field-ready handheld instrument specifically designed for non-contact forensic analysis of narcotics, pharmaceutical drugs, cutting agents and precursors by law enforcement personnel. Featuring an intuitive workflow an…

    The TacticID®–N Plus is a field-ready handheld instrument specifically designed for non-contact forensic analysis of narcotics, pharmaceutical drugs, cutting agents and precursors by law enforcement personnel. Featuring an intuitive workflow and touchscreen, samples can be nondestructively analyzed through opaque and transparent packaging, with sample threat level displayed prominently for first responders, safety personnel, law enforcement, bomb squads, customs and border patrol, and hazmat team to act quickly with minimal sample contact.

  • Metrohm – TacticID1064

    The TacticID®-1064 is a field-ready handheld spectral analysis instrument designed for non-contact forensic analysis by safety personnel and first responders, including law enforcement personnel, bomb squads, customs and border patrol, hazmat tec…

    The TacticID®-1064 is a field-ready handheld spectral analysis instrument designed for non-contact forensic analysis by safety personnel and first responders, including law enforcement personnel, bomb squads, customs and border patrol, hazmat technicians, and more. 

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