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Showing 25–29 of 29 results

  • Armfield – Miniature-Scale Research & Development Technology – FT94LT HTST/UHT Mini Pilot System

    Due to the increased demands from marketing departments, food and beverage manufacturers’ R&D teams are required to prepare increasingly larger volumes of sample product. As a result, Armfield have developed the new FT94LT Mini Pilot Sys…

    Due to the increased demands from marketing departments, food and beverage manufacturers’ R&D teams are required to prepare increasingly larger volumes of sample product. As a result, Armfield have developed the new FT94LT Mini Pilot System complete with Tubular Heat Exchanger. The new FT94LT is a cost-effective HTST/UHT processing system, based on a tubular heat exchanger only, with a range of options including data logging, to tailor the product to your requirements. The FT94LT comprises a three-stage heat exchanger complete with the services, controls and instrumentation required to operate the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is mounted on top of a stainless steel table with the feed pump, heating and cooling services and the electrical cabinet mounted below it.

  • Armfield – Miniature-Scale Research & Development Technology – FT94X HTST/UHT Mini Pilot System

    The Armfield FT94X HTST/UHT Mini Pilot system extends the range of continuous operation scaled-down units offered by Armfield to 200 l/hr (30-100 l/hr standard format). The unit combines full flexibility – plate and tubular heat exchanger option…

    The Armfield FT94X HTST/UHT Mini Pilot system extends the range of continuous operation scaled-down units offered by Armfield to 200 l/hr (30-100 l/hr standard format). The unit combines full flexibility – plate and tubular heat exchanger options – with comprehensive instrumentation demanded of research and development equipment. The FT94X is designed for operation as both a standalone unit and also for seamless integration into a full processing system with the capability of aseptic packaging of processed product.

  • Armfield – Process Control Technology – PCT 50 Series Essentials of Process Control

    The Essentials of Process Control (EPC) range of products takes students through the fundamentals of principles of process control, and progresses to give them a thorough grounding in the control of physical processes. Four independent process uni…

    The Essentials of Process Control (EPC) range of products takes students through the fundamentals of principles of process control, and progresses to give them a thorough grounding in the control of physical processes. Four independent process units demonstrate level, flow, temperature and pressure as the controlled variable. The concepts of closed loop control, including on/off control, proportional control, proportional/integral and proportional/integral/derivative (PID) control can be explored and demonstrated. Some units also cover both time proportioning and analogue control of the same parameter. To demonstrate industrial control systems, two further controlling devices are available, a full function industrial PID controller with autotune, and a programmable logic controller (PLC).

  • Armfield – Process Control Technology – PCT40 Multifunction Process Control Teaching System

    This provides a cost-effective way of teaching a wide range of process control techniques, including temperature measurement and flow control. More sophisticated aspects of process control can be addressed by adding optional extras to the basic sy…

    This provides a cost-effective way of teaching a wide range of process control techniques, including temperature measurement and flow control. More sophisticated aspects of process control can be addressed by adding optional extras to the basic system.

  • Armfield – Unit Operations – UOP Series

    Armfield through their CE and UOP range of products offer the most comprehensive, diverse and technically current group of products of any manufacturer, bringing both basic principles and complete unit operations to the modern educational laborato…

    Armfield through their CE and UOP range of products offer the most comprehensive, diverse and technically current group of products of any manufacturer, bringing both basic principles and complete unit operations to the modern educational laboratory.

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