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Showing 25–27 of 27 results

  • Haas – CNC Vertical – Gantry/Router

    The Haas GR Series gantry-style routers have a powerful 40-taper milling head, and they’re available in four different sizes. Each GR has a 8100-rpm, 11,2 kW vector drive spindle that provides the power to cut aluminum and other metals, and the …

    The Haas GR Series gantry-style routers have a powerful 40-taper milling head, and they’re available in four different sizes. Each GR has a 8100-rpm, 11,2 kW vector drive spindle that provides the power to cut aluminum and other metals, and the speed to cut various plastics and other light materials.

  • Haas – CNC Vertical – Toolroom Mill

    The affordable Haas TM Series machines combine the precision control of the Haas CNC system with the convenience of a manual machine. They use standard 40-taper tooling, and are very easy to learn and operate even without knowledge of G-code.

    The affordable Haas TM Series machines combine the precision control of the Haas CNC system with the convenience of a manual machine. They use standard 40-taper tooling, and are very easy to learn and operate even without knowledge of G-code.

  • Haas-CNC – Vertical – Super Speed

    The Haas high-performance Super-Speed vertical machining centers provide the high spindle speeds, fast rapids and quick tool changes necessary for high-volume production and reduced cycle times. Each SS machine features a 12 000-rpm, inline direct…

    The Haas high-performance Super-Speed vertical machining centers provide the high spindle speeds, fast rapids and quick tool changes necessary for high-volume production and reduced cycle times. Each SS machine features a 12 000-rpm, inline direct-drive spindle, an ultra-fast side-mount tool changer and high-speed rapids on all axes.

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