Leco Corporation

About Leco Corporation

Since the introduction of the first rapid carbon determinator in 1936, industries around the world have trusted LECO Corporation to deliver technologically advanced products and solutions for organic and inorganic analysis. Today LECO is recognized globally as a leader in the development of high-quality analytical instrumentation, next generation mass spectrometers and chromatographs, metallography equipment, and consumables.


Showing all 3 results

  • Leco – Elemental Analysis

    Being the authority in elemental determination by combustion/fusion in organic and inorganic materials, LECO offers a diversified range of technologically advanced analytical instruments.

    Being the authority in elemental determination by combustion/fusion in organic and inorganic materials, LECO offers a diversified range of technologically advanced analytical instruments.

  • Leco – Mass Spectrometry

    LECO Separation Science products are world recognized as leading advanced technologies in Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and Comprehensive Chromatography.

    Multi-residue methods and screening all at once – food contamination, authenticit…

    LECO Separation Science products are world recognized as leading advanced technologies in Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and Comprehensive Chromatography.

    Multi-residue methods and screening all at once – food contamination, authenticity, or traceability. LECO solutions provide unrivalled performance, sensitivity, speed, and robustness.

    As the established leader in GCMS metabolomics, LECO products deliver the accuracy, resolving power, deconvolution, and speed needed to characterize the most complex biological systems. Our instrumentation has been validated by the industry’s most prevalent metabolomics researchers.

  • Leco – Thermal Analysis

    LECO instruments offer piece of mind for energy companies validating for quality and compliance by measuring for moisture, ash, volatile content, and loss-on-ignition as well as determination of gross calorific value of various organic fuel materi…

    LECO instruments offer piece of mind for energy companies validating for quality and compliance by measuring for moisture, ash, volatile content, and loss-on-ignition as well as determination of gross calorific value of various organic fuel materials such as coal.

    LECO instruments for thermal gravimetric analysis help observe environmental impact by monitoring composition of arable soils, crops and organic fertilizers.

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