
About Dataphysics

DataPhysics Instruments offers a wide range of measuring devices for the analysis of the chemical and physical properties of surfaces and interfaces. The product range comprises optical contact angle measuring and contour analysis systems, dynamic contact angle measuring devices and tensiometer, as well as spinning drop tensiometer and analysis systems for liquid dispersions. The measuring devices are complemented by an extensive array of accessories and extensions like for example a humidity generator. Hence a tailor-made combination of measuring device and accessories can easily be found to take on your individual surface and interfacial measuring challenges.


Showing all 6 results

  • DataPhysics – DCAT – Dynamic Contact Angle Measuring Devices and Tensiometer

    The dynamic contact angle measuring devices and tensiometer of the DCAT series are universal measuring devices for the force-based measurement of interfacial parameters and phenomena.

    Surface tension ac…

    The dynamic contact angle measuring devices and tensiometer of the DCAT series are universal measuring devices for the force-based measurement of interfacial parameters and phenomena.

    Surface tension acts to contract and minimise any liquid surface. If a surface is being enlarged by the formation of a liquid lamella, as a test body, such as a Wilhelmy plate or Du Noüy ring, is in contact with it, the surface tension exerts a tensile force that can be measured. Within a tensiometer this force is measured by a high precision weighing system and, hence, the surface tension of the liquid can be calculated.

    Using a tensiometer, also the interfacial tension between two liquids can be measured with the help of a test body. Since tensiometry is based on force measurements it is – in contrast to the optical analysis of pendant drops – not necessary that one of the liquids is transparent or that the refractive index differs between the two liquids. Therefore, tensiometry is in many cases a handy alternative to the optical measurement of surface and interfacial tensions.

  • DataPhysics – HGC – Humidity Generator and Controller

    With the humidity generators and controllers of the HGC series the relative humidity can be controlled inside of small measuring chambers. Hence, the influence of humidity on interfacial parameters can be investigated in combination with another m…

    With the humidity generators and controllers of the HGC series the relative humidity can be controlled inside of small measuring chambers. Hence, the influence of humidity on interfacial parameters can be investigated in combination with another measuring device from DataPhysics Instruments.

    Humidity is an important parameter for many different material analysis systems. Since the humidity generators and controllers of the HGC series can work stand-alone and are available as OEM products, they can be used for many laboratory applications and devices. For example Verpaalen et al. were able to investigate a bioinspired bilayer actuator that changes its bending angle depending on temperature and humidity using a HGC 30.

  • DataPhysics – MS – MultiScan Dispersion Stability Analysis System

    The MS MultiScan dispersion stability analysis system is a compact and versatile measuring device for the optical stability and aging analysis of a variety of multi-phase dispersions, in particular suspensions and emulsions.

    The MS MultiScan dispersion stability analysis system is a compact and versatile measuring device for the optical stability and aging analysis of a variety of multi-phase dispersions, in particular suspensions and emulsions.

  • DataPhysics – OCA – Optical Contact Angle Measuring and Contour Analysis Systems

    The optical contact angle measuring and contour analysis systems of the OCA series are high precision optical measuring devices for the measurement of interfacial parameters and phenomena.

    The optical a…

    The optical contact angle measuring and contour analysis systems of the OCA series are high precision optical measuring devices for the measurement of interfacial parameters and phenomena.

    The optical analysis of drops that hang from a dosing needle or are placed on a solid surface facilitates the determination of different surface and interfacial parameters. The contact angle that a liquid drop establishes on a solid surface characterises the solid’s wetting behaviour with said liquid.

    Having measured the contact angles of multiple test liquids the surface energy of the solid can be determined and the latter can be used to calculate the work of adhesion for different liquids.

    The reliable and experimentally robust measurement of the contact angle aids on the development of surface coatings, composite materials, paints and varnishes or cleaning agents. In short: the measurement of contact angle helps in all situations where solids and liquids meet and advantage is to be gained by the control of wetting and adhesion properties.

  • DataPhysics – SPA – Surface Profile Analyzer

    The Surface Profile Analyzer SPA 25 can measure surface topography and roughness parameters with exceptional speed and resolution.

    The Surface Profile Analyzer SPA 25 can measure surface topography and roughness parameters with exceptional speed and resolution.

  • DataPhysics – SVT – Spinning Drop Video Tensiometer

    The spinning drop video tensiometers of the SVT series are special-purpose optical instruments for measuring extremely low interfacial tensions and rheological properties. This measuring technique offers unrivalled possibilities for the analysis o…

    The spinning drop video tensiometers of the SVT series are special-purpose optical instruments for measuring extremely low interfacial tensions and rheological properties. This measuring technique offers unrivalled possibilities for the analysis of surfactant effectiveness in the development of emulsions or in the enhanced oil recovery.

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