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  • Tecan – Microplate Reader – Infinite 200 Pro

    The Infinite 200 PRO is an easy-to-use multimode plate reader family that offers affordable, high performance detection solutions, referenced in more than 1800 peer reviewed publications.

    The Infinite 200 PRO is an easy-to-use multimode plate reader family that offers affordable, high performance detection solutions, referenced in more than 1800 peer reviewed publications.

  • Tecan – Microplate Reader and Cell counting – Spark™

    Spark has a simple and cost-effective cell imaging module built directly into the reader, enabling automated cell counting and viability analysis in slides, as well as bright field imaging and automated confluence assessment in microplates.

    Spark has a simple and cost-effective cell imaging module built directly into the reader, enabling automated cell counting and viability analysis in slides, as well as bright field imaging and automated confluence assessment in microplates.

  • Tecan – Microplate Washer – HydroFlex™

    The HydroFlex Plus microplate washer is a truly flexible and upgradeable platform for automated microplate strip washing, magnetic bead washing and vacuum filtration in 96-well plate formats. It is an ideal solution for a wide range of cell-, bead…

    The HydroFlex Plus microplate washer is a truly flexible and upgradeable platform for automated microplate strip washing, magnetic bead washing and vacuum filtration in 96-well plate formats. It is an ideal solution for a wide range of cell-, bead- and ELISA-based applications, reflecting over 30 years of Tecan expertise in advanced liquid handling.

  • Tecan – Microplate Washer – HydroSpeed™

    The HydroSpeed is Tecan’s advanced plate washer, designed for quick, parallel washing of entire 96- and 384-well plates. This avoids time differences between the wells for uniform results. In addition, the HydroSpeed provides full control of was…

    The HydroSpeed is Tecan’s advanced plate washer, designed for quick, parallel washing of entire 96- and 384-well plates. This avoids time differences between the wells for uniform results. In addition, the HydroSpeed provides full control of wash power for optimized washing of cells, beads and ELISAs.

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