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  • Dynamic Biosensors – Biosensor Analyzer – DRX Series

    The DRX analyzers combine liquid handling, chip management and data capture for switchSENSE® measurements. Bespoke electronics manage the electrical actuation of biomolecules on the biochip and measurement of molecular dynamics via time-correlate…

    The DRX analyzers combine liquid handling, chip management and data capture for switchSENSE® measurements. Bespoke electronics manage the electrical actuation of biomolecules on the biochip and measurement of molecular dynamics via time-correlated single photon counting.

  • Dynamic Biosensors – heliX®

    heliX® measures conformational changes in real-time by directly comparing the hydrodynamic friction (switching speed) of two molecules on two adjacent sensor spots.

    Conformational changes are expressed as %-friction-change, which works …

    heliX® measures conformational changes in real-time by directly comparing the hydrodynamic friction (switching speed) of two molecules on two adjacent sensor spots.

    Conformational changes are expressed as %-friction-change, which works for any protein or nucleic acid state in almost any environment. Hence, molecular conformations can be investigated early in the discovery process, without previous knowledge about a sample.

  • Dynamic Biosensors – proFIRE®

    proFIRE® is a unique system for protein-DNA conjugate preparation, delivering consistent and superior conjugate quality for your experiments.

    proFIRE® is a unique system for protein-DNA conjugate preparation, delivering consistent and superior conjugate quality for your experiments.

  • Dynamic Biosensors – Biosensor Analyzer – DRX2 Series

    The double color DRX2 analyzer offers the simultaneous measurement of two different species of probes on the same biochip electrode. Each sensor spot carries two nanolever sequences, one with a red tag, and one with a green. 

    The double color DRX2 analyzer offers the simultaneous measurement of two different species of probes on the same biochip electrode. Each sensor spot carries two nanolever sequences, one with a red tag, and one with a green. 

  • Malvern Panalytical – Microcal Range – Microcalorimeters

    Microcalorimeters for characterization of biomolecular stability and interactions

    MicroCal microcalorimeters are powerful, analytical tools used to study biological systems. These include interactions between molecules as well as changes i…

    Microcalorimeters for characterization of biomolecular stability and interactions

    MicroCal microcalorimeters are powerful, analytical tools used to study biological systems. These include interactions between molecules as well as changes in conformation such as protein unfolding. The technique is very convenient requiring only minimal assay development and NO labelling. The range includes both Differential Scanning and Isothermal Titration calorimetry.  

  • Malvern Panalytical – Particle Characterization – NanoSight Pro

    Characterizing Nano- and Biomaterials has never been so quick, easy, and accurate

    With the introduction of the NanoSight Pro, Malvern Panalytical provides the best in class, simple and rapid NTA solution for nano- and biomaterials character…

    Characterizing Nano- and Biomaterials has never been so quick, easy, and accurate

    With the introduction of the NanoSight Pro, Malvern Panalytical provides the best in class, simple and rapid NTA solution for nano- and biomaterials characterization.

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