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  • Systech Illinois – O2 Analyzer – OxySense 325i

    This base oxygen analyzer is used in conjunction with a computer interface and will perform most of the functions of the 5250i including non-invasive headspace analysis for packages, bottles and blister packs using the O2xyDot Sensor; package mate…

    This base oxygen analyzer is used in conjunction with a computer interface and will perform most of the functions of the 5250i including non-invasive headspace analysis for packages, bottles and blister packs using the O2xyDot Sensor; package material and design evaluation; closure design and evaluation; MAP production start up monitoring; research and development; QC and assurance, as well as product oxidation studies.

  • Systech Illinois – O2 Analyzer – OxySense 5250i

    The OxySense 5250i is the o2 analyzers instrument of choice for laboratories and individuals who need to test or evaluate packaging materials through a variety of studies. These studies include: non-invasive headspace analysis for packages, bottle…

    The OxySense 5250i is the o2 analyzers instrument of choice for laboratories and individuals who need to test or evaluate packaging materials through a variety of studies. These studies include: non-invasive headspace analysis for packages, bottles and blister packs using the O2xyDot Sensor; package material and design evaluation; closure design and evaluation; MAP production start up monitoring; research and development; QC and assurance, as well as product oxidation studies.

  • Systech Illinois – O2 CO2 Tester, the Headspace Gas Analyzer – Gaspace Advance

    This carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) headspace analyzer provides consistently reliable results and simplicity in operation allowing you to maximise your production efficiency. Its large buttons and clear display ensures testing is simple, err…

    This carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) headspace analyzer provides consistently reliable results and simplicity in operation allowing you to maximise your production efficiency. Its large buttons and clear display ensures testing is simple, errors are eliminated and no special operator training is required.

    Numerous packs can be tested quickly with just one button press, saving time and making Quality Assurance more efficient. These MAP analyzers can test all pack sizes and very low volumes.

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