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Showing all 5 results

  • Belligham + Stanley – Bench Refractometer – RFM300+ Series

    RFM300-M Series refractometers can measure non-homogenous samples such as fruit juice with pulp, opaque chemical compounds and emulsions that are normally difficult to read with optical refractometers or refractometers that do not address the need…

    RFM300-M Series refractometers can measure non-homogenous samples such as fruit juice with pulp, opaque chemical compounds and emulsions that are normally difficult to read with optical refractometers or refractometers that do not address the need to measure “difficult samples.

  • Belligham + Stanley – Digital Polarimeter – ADP600 Series

    Bellingham + Stanley’s ADP600 Series digital polarimeters are high accuracy instruments that measure optical rotation and are available as single, dual and multiple wavelength derivatives that cover the visible spectrum as well as up to four dec…

    Bellingham + Stanley’s ADP600 Series digital polarimeters are high accuracy instruments that measure optical rotation and are available as single, dual and multiple wavelength derivatives that cover the visible spectrum as well as up to four decimal places in the highly sensitive ultra-violet region. This capability of measuring across the broad spectrum makes the instrument ideal for use by scientists wishing to measure chiral compounds and other optically active substances in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food sectors as well as for those in academic research.

  • LUM GmbH – LUMiFlector

    The LUMiFlector® is a powerful measuring instrument for product parameter determination & monitoring. The innovative patented MRS-Technology® is the core of the instrument. It quantifies parameters of manifold products…

    The LUMiFlector® is a powerful measuring instrument for product parameter determination & monitoring. The innovative patented MRS-Technology® is the core of the instrument. It quantifies parameters of manifold products – no sample preparation, no chemicals.

  • LUM GmbH – LUMiFrac

    The LUMiFrac is an innovative adhesion analyser, which employs centrifugal forces to determine temperature-controlled tensile as well as shear strength.

    It employs centrifugal forces to stress multiple …

    The LUMiFrac is an innovative adhesion analyser, which employs centrifugal forces to determine temperature-controlled tensile as well as shear strength.

    It employs centrifugal forces to stress multiple samples at once. It provides adhesive and tensile strength as well as shear strength as an absolute physical quantity in N/mm² (MPa).

  • LUM GmbH – LUMiSizer

    The LUMiSizer is an evolutionary development based on the LUMiFuge platform with some significant additional capabilities that instantaneously measures the extinction (space- and time-resolved) of the transmitted light across the entire length of …

    The LUMiSizer is an evolutionary development based on the LUMiFuge platform with some significant additional capabilities that instantaneously measures the extinction (space- and time-resolved) of the transmitted light across the entire length of your sample using the STEP-Technology.

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