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Showing 1–24 of 53 results

  • Grabner Instruments – Distillation – MINIDIS ADXpert Automatic Mini-Distillation

    This true atmospheric distillation analyzer is extremely compact, portable and light weight and operates as a fully stand-alone unit. Designed for the quick and accurate quality control in laboratories and in the field, a distillation run on light…

    This true atmospheric distillation analyzer is extremely compact, portable and light weight and operates as a fully stand-alone unit. Designed for the quick and accurate quality control in laboratories and in the field, a distillation run on light products takes just 15 minutes and requires as little as 6 mL of sample. Because of its small size, the portable mini-distillation apparatus is the ultimate solution for places where limited or no lab-space is available.

  • Grabner Instruments – Fuel Analysis – MINISCAN IR Vision

    The MINISCAN IR VISION is a high speed, compact and robust FTIR fuel analyzer for the comprehensive and automatic measurement of gasoline, jet and diesel fuels.

    The MINISCAN IR VISION is a high speed, compact and robust FTIR fuel analyzer for the comprehensive and automatic measurement of gasoline, jet and diesel fuels.

  • Grabner Instruments – MINIFLASH Flash Point Tester

    The Miniflash Flash Point Testers are uniquely designed for the determination of flash points of liquids and solids, using the Grabner flash point detection method of measuring the instantaneous pressure increase inside the cont…

    The Miniflash Flash Point Testers are uniquely designed for the determination of flash points of liquids and solids, using the Grabner flash point detection method of measuring the instantaneous pressure increase inside the continuously closed chamber.

  • Grabner Instruments – MiniVap Vapour Pressure Tester

    MINIVAP is a highly versatile portable vapor pressure tester that features best-in-class precision and a pressure range of 0-2000 kPa.

    MINIVAP is a highly versatile portable vapor pressure tester that features best-in-class precision and a pressure range of 0-2000 kPa.

  • Koehler – Aquamax Total Acid Number (TAN) Titrator

    The Aquamax TAN titrator is easy to operate: simply calibrate, run a blank, select the correct preprogrammed TAN analysis, and the titrator performs the analysis. Intuitive function guide display walks you through operation. Results are displayed …

    The Aquamax TAN titrator is easy to operate: simply calibrate, run a blank, select the correct preprogrammed TAN analysis, and the titrator performs the analysis. Intuitive function guide display walks you through operation. Results are displayed on screen in units of KOH/g and are also stored via internal data logger. Flexible data management options allow for export of readings to a PC or printer.

  • Koehler – Benchtop EDXRF Elemental Analyzer

    The Koehler Benchtop EDXRF Elemental Analyzer can be used to determine the amount of sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products that are single-phase. This product may be used to determine the amount of lead in gasoline as well.

    The Koehler Benchtop EDXRF Elemental Analyzer can be used to determine the amount of sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products that are single-phase. This product may be used to determine the amount of lead in gasoline as well.

  • Koehler – Constant-Temperature Viscosity Bath

    Baths feature PID microprocessor controller to deliver precise temperature control, with ASTM specified tolerances throughout the operating temperature range. Dual digital displays show set point time and actual temperature.

    Baths feature PID microprocessor controller to deliver precise temperature control, with ASTM specified tolerances throughout the operating temperature range. Dual digital displays show set point time and actual temperature.

  • Koehler – Corrosion Tester – Accelerated Iron Corrosion Tester

    Accelerated Laboratory and Field Procedure for the determination of corrosion of iron, in the presence of water, on samples such as gasoline and gasoline blended with 10% ethanol, E10 (Specification D4814); gasolineblend components (except butane)…

    Accelerated Laboratory and Field Procedure for the determination of corrosion of iron, in the presence of water, on samples such as gasoline and gasoline blended with 10% ethanol, E10 (Specification D4814); gasolineblend components (except butane); diesel fuel and biodiesel B5, except Grade No. 4-D (Specification D975); biodiesel B6 to B20 (Specification D7467); diesel-blend component such as light cycle-oil; No.1 fuel oil, No.2 fuel oil (Specification D396); aviation turbine fuel (Specification D1655).

  • Koehler – Corrosion Tester – Copper Strip Corrosion Tester

    The Copper Strip Tarnish Test assesses the relative degree of corrosivity of petroleum products, including aviation fuels, automotive gasoline, natural gasoline, solvents, kerosene, diesel fuel, distillate fuel oil, lubricating oil and other produ…

    The Copper Strip Tarnish Test assesses the relative degree of corrosivity of petroleum products, including aviation fuels, automotive gasoline, natural gasoline, solvents, kerosene, diesel fuel, distillate fuel oil, lubricating oil and other products. A polished copper strip is immersed in 30mL of sample at elevated temperature. After the test period, the strip is examined for evidence of corrosion and a classification number from 1-4 is assigned based on a comparison with the ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standards. For aviation fuels and natural gasoline the sample tube is placed inside a stainless steel pressure vessel during testing.

  • Koehler – Corrosion Tester – Dual Corrosion Tester

    Consists of two heat-transfer corrosion cells with temperature and pressure controls for evaluating engine coolant samples in accordance with ASTM D4340. Maintains aluminum alloy specimens at constant temperature in the presence of 500 mL samples….

    Consists of two heat-transfer corrosion cells with temperature and pressure controls for evaluating engine coolant samples in accordance with ASTM D4340. Maintains aluminum alloy specimens at constant temperature in the presence of 500 mL samples. Each corrosion cell includes a borosilicate glass test cell, heat transfer bar, aluminum test specimen with thermocouple port, Type J thermocouple, 950W band heater, pressure gauge, pressure relief valve, stainless steel end plates with support rods, fill plug and o-rings, and acrylic safety shields. Digital temperature controllers maintain specimens at temperatures of up to 210 ± 1°C throughout the test period. Test cells are mounted on a finished steel base. Controls are housed in a separate finished steel cabinet.

  • Koehler – Corrosion Tester – Lead Corrosion Apparatus

    Constant temperature apparatus rotates copper and lead test panels in lubricant samples to determine corrosiveness to lead per FTM specifications. Panels are rotated at 600rpm in samples maintained at 163°C (325°F) and aerated at 0.94L/min. (2.0…

    Constant temperature apparatus rotates copper and lead test panels in lubricant samples to determine corrosiveness to lead per FTM specifications. Panels are rotated at 600rpm in samples maintained at 163°C (325°F) and aerated at 0.94L/min. (2.0 Cu. ft./hr.). Test panel shafts ride on ball bearing spindles driven by a 1⁄15hp motor.

  • Koehler – Corrosion Tester – Silver Corrosion Test Apparatus

    Fully insulated, thermostatically controlled water bath with constant water level device. Use together with K25370 Bath Conversion Kit to immerse six 350mL test tubes for silver strip corrosion tests. Stainless steel inner wall and powder coated s…

    Fully insulated, thermostatically controlled water bath with constant water level device. Use together with K25370 Bath Conversion Kit to immerse six 350mL test tubes for silver strip corrosion tests. Stainless steel inner wall and powder coated steel outer wall construction.

  • Koehler – Distillation System – Automatic Distillation Analyzer

    The sample is evaporated and condensed under controlled conditions, and observations are made of the temperatures at which various percentages are recovered and/or the percentages recovered at specific temperatures.

  • Koehler – Flash Point Tester – Automatic Pensky Martens Flash Point Analyzer

    Koehler Automated Flash Point Analyzers represent a perfect union of next-generation technology with traditional robust quality. The system software runs on an integrated processor PC running the latest Windows operating system.

    Koehler Automated Flash Point Analyzers represent a perfect union of next-generation technology with traditional robust quality. The system software runs on an integrated processor PC running the latest Windows operating system.

  • Koehler – Flash Point Tester – Automatic Tag Closed Cup Flash Point Tester

    The Automated Tag Closed Cup flash point tester ensures the accuracy and precision required according to the ASTM D56 and related test methods. The test sample is heated at a prescribed rate of temperature increase throughout the standard temperat…

    The Automated Tag Closed Cup flash point tester ensures the accuracy and precision required according to the ASTM D56 and related test methods. The test sample is heated at a prescribed rate of temperature increase throughout the standard temperature test range to 100°C. The flash point tests are simply conducted by mounting the flash cup filled with sample into the test position and selecting a pre-programmed test method or the search mode to determine an approximate flash point. The automation routines provide accurate test results. Ignition by gas flame or electrical ignitor is included, along with safety cut-off devices. The measurement range can be extended to –30°C by any appropriate external chiller. Supervision software is included.

  • Koehler – Flash Point Tester – Rapid Flash Point Tester

    Rapid Tester® provides rapid determinations of flash point or sustained burning qualities by using a small sample. A flash/no flash test result is achieved in one minute for flash points below 212°F (100°C) with a 2mL sample.

    Rapid Tester® provides rapid determinations of flash point or sustained burning qualities by using a small sample. A flash/no flash test result is achieved in one minute for flash points below 212°F (100°C) with a 2mL sample.

  • Koehler – Fluorescent Indicator Absorption Apparatus

    A complete system for conducting FIA analyses of a single or up to six samples simultaneously. Each system is complete with an upper multi-position air pressure manifold with independently-operated gauges, pressure regulators and ball O-ring joint…

    A complete system for conducting FIA analyses of a single or up to six samples simultaneously. Each system is complete with an upper multi-position air pressure manifold with independently-operated gauges, pressure regulators and ball O-ring joints allowing for individual pressure control at each column. Each pressure regulator may be set at any point from 0-15 psi and will maintain the set pressure regardless of changes in back pressure.

  • Koehler – Gas Chromatography System for Free and Total Glycerin

    This simple-to-use biodiesel GC system is ideal for the quantitative determination of free and total glycerin in B100 methyl esters by gas chromatography. The calibrated results are displayed directly, eliminating off-line calculations.

    This simple-to-use biodiesel GC system is ideal for the quantitative determination of free and total glycerin in B100 methyl esters by gas chromatography. The calibrated results are displayed directly, eliminating off-line calculations.

  • Koehler – General Lab Equipment – Automatic Heated Oil Test Centrifuge

    Fully automatic bench top centrifuge designed expressly for petroleum testing applications. Features a 4-1/2” LCD touch screen control panel. This integrated touch screen can be used to turn the heat on and off, set the duration of the test, set…

    Fully automatic bench top centrifuge designed expressly for petroleum testing applications. Features a 4-1/2” LCD touch screen control panel. This integrated touch screen can be used to turn the heat on and off, set the duration of the test, set the RCF/RPM values and choose the type of rotor assembly and corresponding glassware to be used during the test.

  • Koehler – Grease – Low Temperature Grease Flow Tester

    The Low Temperature Flow Tester, K95300, has been developed for testing lubricating greases in low temperature environments. The test is performed in accordance with DIN 51805 and can also be customized.

    The Low Temperature Flow Tester, K95300, has been developed for testing lubricating greases in low temperature environments. The test is performed in accordance with DIN 51805 and can also be customized.

  • Koehler – Grease – Tackiness Tester

    The Tackiness Tester, K95200, has been designed to provide an objective and qualitative test for tackiness. The tester quantifies the cohesive and adhesive tactile properties of greases by measuring the sample in Newton’s and replaces the ol…

    The Tackiness Tester, K95200, has been designed to provide an objective and qualitative test for tackiness. The tester quantifies the cohesive and adhesive tactile properties of greases by measuring the sample in Newton’s and replaces the old finger sticky test method with a numerical and graphical result.

  • Koehler – Lubricants – Automated Air Release Value Analyzer

    The Koehler Air Release Value Apparatus consists of a test vessel and air flow control equipment for delivering heated air at the specified flow rate to a lubricating oil sample maintained at constant temperature. 

    The Koehler Air Release Value Apparatus consists of a test vessel and air flow control equipment for delivering heated air at the specified flow rate to a lubricating oil sample maintained at constant temperature. 

  • Koehler – Manual Flash Point Tester

    Pensky-Martens closed-cup flash testers are used to determine the flash point of fuels, lubricating oils, liquids containing suspended solids, and liquids that tend to form a surface film during testing.

    Pensky-Martens closed-cup flash testers are used to determine the flash point of fuels, lubricating oils, liquids containing suspended solids, and liquids that tend to form a surface film during testing.

  • Koehler – Manual Vacuum Distillation System

    Test the range of boiling points for petroleum and biofuel products with this vacuum distillation system. The sample is distilled at a reduced pressure and the initial and final boiling points are measured. A distillation curve …

    Test the range of boiling points for petroleum and biofuel products with this vacuum distillation system. The sample is distilled at a reduced pressure and the initial and final boiling points are measured. A distillation curve can be generated relating volume percent distilled and the atmospheric equivalent boiling point temperature.

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