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  • Hielscher Ultrasonics – Laboratory Ultrasonic Devices

    Hielscher ultrasonic laboratory devices are compact, easy-to-use and extremely versatile. They can be used for the processing of a variety of organic and inorganic materials in a wide range of volumes. Typical applications of ultrasonic homogenize…

    Hielscher ultrasonic laboratory devices are compact, easy-to-use and extremely versatile. They can be used for the processing of a variety of organic and inorganic materials in a wide range of volumes. Typical applications of ultrasonic homogenizers include sample preparation, disintegrating and cell lysis, homogenizing, dispersing and disaggregation, particle size reduction and the acceleration of chemical reactions (sonochemistry). Hielscher offers a wide range of ultrasonic homogenizers to be used for these applications in a wide range of volumes from approx. 50µL to 2000mL. The selection of the ultrasonic processor depends on the sample volume to be sonicated. The table below, lists all laboratory devices and the recommended volume respectively.

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