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  • Merck – Inorganics & Solvents – Chemicals

    Life science is a vast field. It can mean anything from complex analysis to routine lab work or production. Each poses unique demands, requires distinct solutions, and is governed by different regulations. When looking for produ…

    Life science is a vast field. It can mean anything from complex analysis to routine lab work or production. Each poses unique demands, requires distinct solutions, and is governed by different regulations. When looking for products, you have to consider your application, your target and, of course, your budget.

    To simplify your search, our extensive portfolio of Inorganics and Solvents is divided into three grades: EMSURE®, EMPARTA® and EMPLURA®. Each quality grade is offered in a variety of volumes, packaging materials, and with different documentation packages. Now, you won’t have to search for the right solution for your application. All you have to do is choose.

  • Merck – Microbiology

    The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany brings together the world-class products and services, innovative capabilities and exceptional talent of EMD Millipore and Sigma-Aldrich to create a global leader in the life science indu…

    The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany brings together the world-class products and services, innovative capabilities and exceptional talent of EMD Millipore and Sigma-Aldrich to create a global leader in the life science industry.

  • Merck – Water Purification System

    Our Lab Water purification system portfolio offers a broad range of pure and ultrapure water purification systems and services designed for scientists working in pharmaceutical, clinical, academic, industrial, research, and government laboratories…

    Our Lab Water purification system portfolio offers a broad range of pure and ultrapure water purification systems and services designed for scientists working in pharmaceutical, clinical, academic, industrial, research, and government laboratories — in both validated and non-validated environments.

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