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  • Agilent – Apparatus – 708-DS Dissolution Apparatus

    The 708-DS Dissolution Apparatus is designed for reproducibility and ease of qualification, and is the ideal platform for standardizing dissolution testing. The rugged, yet versatile, instrument minimizes external variable influences and conforms …

    The 708-DS Dissolution Apparatus is designed for reproducibility and ease of qualification, and is the ideal platform for standardizing dissolution testing. The rugged, yet versatile, instrument minimizes external variable influences and conforms to the USP Performance Verification Test (PVT) and enhanced Mechanical Qualification (MQ) standard recommended by the ASTM and FDA. The 708-DS can be configured for use with baskets (Apparatus 1), paddles (Apparatus 2), paddle over disk assemblies (Apparatus 5) and rotating cylinders (Apparatus 6), and can accommodate vessel sizes from 100 mL to 2L.

  • Agilent – Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) and CE/MS Systems – 7100 CE System

    Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) offers fast separations with exceptional efficiency and resolution for analytical challenges that often can only be met with difficulty by LC. Used in standalone mode, as the separations component of a CE/MS, or as a…

    Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) offers fast separations with exceptional efficiency and resolution for analytical challenges that often can only be met with difficulty by LC. Used in standalone mode, as the separations component of a CE/MS, or as a complementary, orthogonal technology to LC, the new Agilent 7100 CE system brings unprecedented HPLC-like sensitivity to a wide range of analytical challenges. In addition, CE offers the advantage that several separation modes can be run on a single instrument. This makes CE a very versatile technique for a broad range of applications and separation challenges.

  • Agilent – Gas Chromatography (GC) System

    Agilent’s Gas Chromatography (GC) systems provide proven reliability, high sample throughput, and high performance for separation and analysis of compounds. These benchtop, on-line, and portable GC systems provide laboratories with increasin…

    Agilent’s Gas Chromatography (GC) systems provide proven reliability, high sample throughput, and high performance for separation and analysis of compounds. These benchtop, on-line, and portable GC systems provide laboratories with increasing analytical performance, reduced cost of ownership, and decreased capital expenditure investing. From flexible, research-grade GC instruments to robust, routine GC analyzers, Agilent offers a GC solution to meet your demands.

  • Agilent – GC/MS Instruments

    Agilent’s portfolio of GC/MS instruments provides comprehensive capabilities, allowing users to achieve sensitive, robust, and reliable GC/MS analysis of any sample in a routine setting.

    Agilent’s portfolio of GC/MS instruments provides comprehensive capabilities, allowing users to achieve sensitive, robust, and reliable GC/MS analysis of any sample in a routine setting.

  • Agilent – InfinityLab Analytical LC Solutions – 1220, 1260, 1290

    Agilent InfinityLab solutions for analytical LC include highly efficient HPLC and UHPLC systems that feature latest technology while maintaining full compatibility with legacy LC instrumentation. The 1220 Infinity II LC delivers…

    Agilent InfinityLab solutions for analytical LC include highly efficient HPLC and UHPLC systems that feature latest technology while maintaining full compatibility with legacy LC instrumentation. The 1220 Infinity II LC delivers high-quality results for an affordable price. The 1260 Infinity II LC is the flexible instrument choice for operational efficiency with the 1260 Infinity II Prime LC bringing more operational convenience. The 1290 Infinity II LC embodies the next generation of liquid chromatography with ultrahigh performance for superior outcomes.

  • Agilent – LC/MS Instruments

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Agilent – Quadrupole Time of Flight (Q-TOF) LC/MS – 6545, 6545XT, 6560, 6500 Series, 6530, 6550

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Agilent – Single Quadrupole LC/MS – LC/MSD, LC/MSD XT

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Agilent – Time of Flight (TOF) LC/MS – 6200 Series, 6230B

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

  • Elementar – Stable Isotope Analysis

    Stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) is a useful technique with a broad range of applications. This relatively simple, yet amazingly powerful technology brings ever deeper understanding to areas from paleoclimate studies to police forensi…

    Stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) is a useful technique with a broad range of applications. This relatively simple, yet amazingly powerful technology brings ever deeper understanding to areas from paleoclimate studies to police forensics, archaeology to aquatic ecosystems, sports doping to soil science and many stops in-between. With such diverse applications areas, we support a complete portfolio of equipment to support you with your research, no matter which application you are focused on.

    Our customers pursue a diverse range of applications and so each customer has a unique set of requirements for their hardware. However, no matter what their application, all systems have a common structure which can be used to tailor your specific requirements.

  • Malvern Panalytical – Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry – OMNISEC

    The world’s most advanced multi-detector GPC / SEC system

    The world’s most advanced multi-detector GPC / SEC system

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