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  • Mantech – Biochemical Oxygen Demand Analysis System – BOD Mini™

    This small automated system is ideal for a laboratory that analyses a small number of samples per day. Get all the benefits of a PC-BOD™ system in a smaller size.

    This small automated system is ideal for a laboratory that analyses a small number of samples per day. Get all the benefits of a PC-BOD™ system in a smaller size.

  • Mantech – BOD Analysers – Automated BOD

    MANTECH’s PC-BOD™ system automates the BOD5 and BOD7 methods. Specifically designed for laboratories analysing a medium or large number of samples per day, this system is available with the standard 300mL bottles or 60mL bottles.

    MANTECH’s PC-BOD™ system automates the BOD5 and BOD7 methods. Specifically designed for laboratories analysing a medium or large number of samples per day, this system is available with the standard 300mL bottles or 60mL bottles.

  • Mantech – BOD Analysers – Manual BOD

    MANTECH has a variety of BOD systems to best suit the needs of your laboratory. Whether you need manual or automated, big or small, simple or complex, MANTECH can create the ideal BOD solution for your laboratory.

    MANTECH has a variety of BOD systems to best suit the needs of your laboratory. Whether you need manual or automated, big or small, simple or complex, MANTECH can create the ideal BOD solution for your laboratory.

  • Mantech – BOD Analysers – PC-BOD/Titrate Duo

    MANTECH has a variety of BOD systems to best suit the needs of your laboratory. Whether you need manual or automated, big or small, simple or complex, MANTECH can create the ideal BOD solution for your laboratory.

    MANTECH has a variety of BOD systems to best suit the needs of your laboratory. Whether you need manual or automated, big or small, simple or complex, MANTECH can create the ideal BOD solution for your laboratory.

  • Mantech – BOD Analysers – PC-BOD/Titrate Duo™

    Designed for laboratories that run BOD and other parameters, such as pH, alkalinity, turbidity, conductivity and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Users can easily switch between BOD and other parameters by simply changing the rack and the probe.

    Designed for laboratories that run BOD and other parameters, such as pH, alkalinity, turbidity, conductivity and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Users can easily switch between BOD and other parameters by simply changing the rack and the probe.

  • Mantech – Chemical Oxygen Demand Analysis System – PeCOD®

    MANTECH’s revolutionary PeCOD® COD Analyzer technology provides accurate chemical oxygen demand (COD) results in 15 minutes — without the use of harmful chemicals including dichromate and mercury. 

    MANTECH’s revolutionary PeCOD® COD Analyzer technology provides accurate chemical oxygen demand (COD) results in 15 minutes — without the use of harmful chemicals including dichromate and mercury. 

  • Mantech – Environmental Testing Equipment – TitraSip™ Systems AquaMulti™ Analyzers

    MANTECH’s TitraSip™ Systems allows for analysis of pH, alkalinity, conductivity, and more. Features include automated pipetting, auto-dilution capabilities for high concentration samples, and pH/conductivity/alkalinity analysis in 3 minutes or…

    MANTECH’s TitraSip™ Systems allows for analysis of pH, alkalinity, conductivity, and more. Features include automated pipetting, auto-dilution capabilities for high concentration samples, and pH/conductivity/alkalinity analysis in 3 minutes or less.

  • Mantech – Oxygen Demand Analyzer

    MANTECH’s revolutionary peCOD Analyzer technology measures the chemical reactivity and associated oxidative changes in Natural Organic Matter (NOM). As a result it is more sensitive than Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and UV254 to…

    MANTECH’s revolutionary peCOD Analyzer technology measures the chemical reactivity and associated oxidative changes in Natural Organic Matter (NOM). As a result it is more sensitive than Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and UV254 to changing NOM concentrations in source and treated drinking waters.

  • Mantech – Total Acid Number and Total Base Number Analyzer – PetroMulti™

    TAN / TBN is a required analysis for the petrochemical sector. MANTECH’s automation has made the analysis of these parameters quick and easy. Using multiple static rinse stations ensures that no contamination occurs between samples and that anal…

    TAN / TBN is a required analysis for the petrochemical sector. MANTECH’s automation has made the analysis of these parameters quick and easy. Using multiple static rinse stations ensures that no contamination occurs between samples and that analysis is performed correctly; first the probes are rinsed in toluene, then IPA and then finally in DI water.

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