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Showing all 7 results

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific – Fisher BioReagents Collection

    Product Portfolio Mix for: Molecular Biology, Protein Chemistry, Cell Biology, Core Bioreagent

    Broad Range of Applications: Protein and Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis, RNA and DNA Purification, Isolation, Microbial Cultures, Enzymatic reactio…

    Product Portfolio Mix for: Molecular Biology, Protein Chemistry, Cell Biology, Core Bioreagent

    Broad Range of Applications: Protein and Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis, RNA and DNA Purification, Isolation, Microbial Cultures, Enzymatic reactions

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific – Fisher Chemical – Analytical Solvents

    Fisher Chemical ensures rigorous quality assurance and testing procedures throughout the production process, guaranteeing the lot-to-lot consistency needed for reproducible results. Available in a variety of innovative packaging options designed t…

    Fisher Chemical ensures rigorous quality assurance and testing procedures throughout the production process, guaranteeing the lot-to-lot consistency needed for reproducible results. Available in a variety of innovative packaging options designed to prioritize safety, environmental protection, convenient handling and storage, and the preservation of product integrity. Additionally, high-volume solvent delivery systems, ranging from 10L to 1000L, provide environmentally friendly solutions that enhance safety and improve productivity within the lab.

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific – Fisher Chemical – High Purity Acids

    The highest purity of acids and bases for ultra-trace metal analysis. All products are certified below 100 parts per trillion (ppt or pg/g) with critical impurities specified at 1 ppt level. This range contains the fewest trace metallic impurities…

    The highest purity of acids and bases for ultra-trace metal analysis. All products are certified below 100 parts per trillion (ppt or pg/g) with critical impurities specified at 1 ppt level. This range contains the fewest trace metallic impurities of any other acid. Our Optima Acids are tested for up to 65 elements at ppt levels using the Thermo Scientific™ Element™ 2 High Resolution ICP-MS.

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific – Fisher Chemical – Histology Products

    Histology is the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues. Fisher Scientific offers a wide range of chemicals and reagents, including histology-grade solvents, designed specifically for medical laboratory profession…

    Histology is the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues. Fisher Scientific offers a wide range of chemicals and reagents, including histology-grade solvents, designed specifically for medical laboratory professionals.

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific – Fisher Chemical – Karl Fischer Titration – Aqualine

    Our Fisher Chemical™ Aqualine™ Karl Fischer reagents portfolio is designed to provide accurate water content determination using volumetric or coulometric titration with unique benefits.

    Our Fisher Chemical™ Aqualine™ Karl Fischer reagents portfolio is designed to provide accurate water content determination using volumetric or coulometric titration with unique benefits.

  • Thermo Scientific – Alfa Aesar Collection

    Leading supplier of fine chemicals for research

    With over 46,000 Alfa Aesar products in stock, we are the supplier of choice for chemicals, metals, and life science products for research and development.

    Leading supplier of fine chemicals for research

    With over 46,000 Alfa Aesar products in stock, we are the supplier of choice for chemicals, metals, and life science products for research and development.

  • Thermo Scientific – Acros Organics Collection

    Acros Organics offers over 33,000 products.

    Acros Organics offers over 33,000 products.

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